Commit dfd42867 authored by Melissa's avatar Melissa

Merge branch 'episys/mel/sa_development_init' into 'episys/master-nsa'

CBRA Procedure Working for SA Mode

See merge request aburger/openairinterface5g!81
parents e8f965d0 83f8d712
......@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ log_config = {
rrc_log_verbosity ="full";
uicc0 = {
imsi = "2089900007487";
key = "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f";
opc= "C42449363BBAD02B66D16BC975D77CC1";
dnn= "oai";
L1s = (
......@@ -177,7 +177,10 @@ static void L1_nsa_prach_procedures(frame_t frame, int slot, fapi_nr_ul_config_p
rach_ind->pdu_list[pdu_index].num_preamble = 1;
const int num_p = rach_ind->pdu_list[pdu_index].num_preamble;
rach_ind->pdu_list[pdu_index].preamble_list = calloc(num_p, sizeof(nfapi_nr_prach_indication_preamble_t));
rach_ind->pdu_list[pdu_index].preamble_list[0].preamble_index = mac->ra.rach_ConfigDedicated->cfra->resources.choice.ssb->ssb_ResourceList.list.array[0]->ra_PreambleIndex;
uint8_t preamble_index = get_softmodem_params()->nsa ?
mac->ra.rach_ConfigDedicated->cfra->resources.choice.ssb->ssb_ResourceList.list.array[0]->ra_PreambleIndex :
rach_ind->pdu_list[pdu_index].preamble_list[0].preamble_index = preamble_index;
rach_ind->pdu_list[pdu_index].preamble_list[0].timing_advance = 0;
rach_ind->pdu_list[pdu_index].preamble_list[0].preamble_pwr = 0xffffffff;
......@@ -266,12 +269,12 @@ static void process_queued_nr_nfapi_msgs(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, int sfn_slot)
nfapi_nr_ul_dci_request_t *ul_dci_request = get_queue(&nr_ul_dci_req_queue);
LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Try to get a ul_tti_req for sfn/slot %d %d from queue with %lu items\n",
NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(mac->active_harq_sfn_slot),NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(mac->active_harq_sfn_slot), nr_ul_tti_req_queue.num_items);
nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *ul_tti_request = unqueue_matching(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &mac->active_harq_sfn_slot);
NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot),NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot), nr_ul_tti_req_queue.num_items);
nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *ul_tti_request = unqueue_matching(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot);
if (!ul_tti_request)
LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Try to get a ul_tti_req from seprate queue because dl_tti_req was late\n");
ul_tti_request = unqueue_matching(&nr_wait_ul_tti_req_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &mac->active_harq_sfn_slot);
ul_tti_request = unqueue_matching(&nr_wait_ul_tti_req_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot);
if (rach_ind && rach_ind->number_of_pdus > 0)
......@@ -314,12 +317,14 @@ static void process_queued_nr_nfapi_msgs(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, int sfn_slot)
LOG_E(NR_MAC, "[%d %d] No corresponding tx_data_request for given dl_tti_request sfn/slot\n",
NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(dl_tti_sfn_slot), NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(dl_tti_sfn_slot));
if (get_softmodem_params()->nsa)
dl_tti_request = NULL;
else if (dl_tti_request->dl_tti_request_body.nPDUs > 0 && tx_data_request->Number_of_PDUs > 0)
if (get_softmodem_params()->nsa)
check_and_process_dci(dl_tti_request, tx_data_request, NULL, NULL);
......@@ -352,7 +357,15 @@ static void check_nr_prach(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, nr_uplink_indication_t *ul_inf
AssertFatal(ul_config->number_pdus < sizeof(ul_config->ul_config_list) / sizeof(ul_config->ul_config_list[0]),
"Number of PDUS in ul_config = %d > ul_config_list num elements", ul_config->number_pdus);
fapi_nr_ul_config_prach_pdu *prach_pdu = &ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].prach_config_pdu;
uint8_t nr_prach = nr_ue_get_rach_nsa(prach_resources,
uint8_t nr_prach = get_softmodem_params()->nsa ?
ul_info->slot_tx) :
......@@ -432,9 +445,15 @@ static void *NRUE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
module_id_t mod_id = 0;
NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(mod_id);
if (mac->scc == NULL)
if (get_softmodem_params()->sa && mac->mib == NULL)
LOG_D(NR_MAC, "We haven't gotten MIB. Lets see if we received it\n");
nr_ue_dl_indication(&mac->dl_info, &ul_time_alignment);
process_queued_nr_nfapi_msgs(mac, sfn_slot);
if (mac->scc == NULL && mac->scc_SIB == NULL)
LOG_D(MAC, "mac->scc == NULL!\n");
LOG_D(MAC, "[NSA] mac->scc == NULL and [SA] mac->scc_SIB == NULL!\n");
......@@ -465,14 +484,20 @@ static void *NRUE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
mac->dl_info.dci_ind = NULL;
mac->dl_info.rx_ind = NULL;
if (is_nr_DL_slot(mac->scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon, ul_info.slot_rx))
if (is_nr_DL_slot(get_softmodem_params()->nsa ?
mac->scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon :
nr_ue_dl_indication(&mac->dl_info, &ul_time_alignment);
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mac->mutex_dl_info)) abort();
if (is_nr_UL_slot(mac->scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon, ul_info.slot_tx, mac->frame_type))
if (is_nr_UL_slot(get_softmodem_params()->nsa ?
mac->scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon :
ul_info.slot_tx, mac->frame_type))
LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Slot %d. calling nr_ue_ul_ind() from %s\n", ul_info.slot_tx, __FUNCTION__);
......@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
PHY_vars_UE_g = malloc(sizeof(PHY_VARS_NR_UE **));
PHY_vars_UE_g[0] = malloc(sizeof(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *)*MAX_NUM_CCs);
if(get_softmodem_params()->nsa) {
if (get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1) {
......@@ -490,7 +490,10 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
if (get_softmodem_params()->sa)
AssertFatal(get_softmodem_params()->phy_test == 0,"Standalone mode and phy_test are mutually exclusive\n");
if (!get_softmodem_params()->nsa) {
if (!get_softmodem_params()->nsa && get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1)
if (!get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1) {
for (int CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) {
PHY_vars_UE_g[0][CC_id] = (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *)malloc(sizeof(PHY_VARS_NR_UE));
UE[CC_id] = PHY_vars_UE_g[0][CC_id];
......@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ extern void init_NR_UE(int, char*);
extern void init_NR_UE_threads(int);
extern void reset_opp_meas(void);
extern void print_opp_meas(void);
extern void start_oai_nrue_threads(void);
void *UE_thread(void *arg);
void init_nr_ue_vars(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, uint8_t UE_id, uint8_t abstraction_flag);
void init_nrUE_standalone_thread(int ue_idx);
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ extern "C"
#define CONFIG_HLP_DISABLNBIOT "disable nb-iot, even if defined in config\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_USRP_THREAD "having extra thead for usrp tx\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NFAPI "Change the nFAPI mode for NR\n"
#define CONFIG_L1_EMULATOR "Run in L1 emulated mode (disable PHY layer)\n"
/* command line parameters common to eNodeB and UE */
......@@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ extern "C"
#define NSA softmodem_params.nsa
#define NODE_NUMBER softmodem_params.node_number
#define NON_STOP softmodem_params.non_stop
#define EMULATE_L1 softmodem_params.emulate_l1
#define DEFAULT_RFCONFIG_FILE "/usr/local/etc/syriq/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.NR40.dat";
......@@ -163,6 +165,7 @@ extern int usrp_tx_thread;
{"do-prb-interpolation", CONFIG_HLP_PRBINTER, PARAMFLAG_BOOL, iptr:&PRB_INTERPOLATION, defintval:0, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{"nfapi", CONFIG_HLP_NFAPI, 0, u8ptr:&nfapi_mode, defintval:0, TYPE_UINT8, 0}, \
{"non-stop", CONFIG_HLP_NONSTOP, PARAMFLAG_BOOL, iptr:&NON_STOP, defintval:0, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{"emulate-l1", CONFIG_L1_EMULATOR, PARAMFLAG_BOOL, iptr:&EMULATE_L1, defintval:0, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
#define CONFIG_HLP_NSA "Enable NSA mode \n"
......@@ -258,6 +261,7 @@ typedef struct {
int nsa;
uint16_t node_number;
int non_stop;
int emulate_l1;
} softmodem_params_t;
extern uint64_t get_softmodem_optmask(void);
......@@ -264,6 +264,16 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t nbits;
} dci_field_t;
typedef struct {
bool expected_sib;
bool index_has_sib[16];
bool expected_rar;
bool index_has_rar[16];
bool expected_dci;
bool index_has_dci[16];
int active_harq_sfn_slot;
} nr_emulated_l1_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t format_indicator; //1 bit
......@@ -662,6 +662,7 @@ int nr_rrc_mac_config_req_ue(
mac->ul_config_request = (fapi_nr_ul_config_request_t *)calloc(num_slots_ul, sizeof(fapi_nr_ul_config_request_t));
// Setup the SSB to Rach Occasions mapping according to the config
build_ssb_to_ro_map(mac);//->scc, mac->phy_config.config_req.cell_config.frame_duplex_type);
if (!get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1)
mac->common_configuration_complete = 1;
......@@ -433,9 +433,8 @@ typedef struct {
// Defined for abstracted mode
nr_downlink_indication_t dl_info;
NR_UE_HARQ_STATUS_t dl_harq_info[16];
bool expected_dci;
bool index_has_dci[16];
int active_harq_sfn_slot;
nr_emulated_l1_t nr_ue_emul_l1;
pthread_mutex_t mutex_dl_info;
......@@ -595,7 +595,9 @@ void nr_get_prach_resources(module_id_t mod_id,
LOG_D(MAC, "In %s: selected RA preamble index %d for contention-free random access procedure for SSB with Id %d\n", __FUNCTION__, prach_resources->ra_PreambleIndex, cfra_ssb_resource_idx);
} else {
int16_t dl_pathloss = get_nr_PL(mod_id, CC_id, gNB_id);
/* TODO: This controls the tx_power of UE and the ramping procedure of RA of UE. Later we
can abstract this, perhaps in the proxy. But for the time being lets leave it as below. */
int16_t dl_pathloss = !get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1 ? get_nr_PL(mod_id, CC_id, gNB_id) : 0;
ssb_rach_config(ra, prach_resources, nr_rach_ConfigCommon, prach_pdu);
ra_preambles_config(prach_resources, mac, dl_pathloss);
LOG_D(MAC, "[RAPROC] - Selected RA preamble index %d for contention-based random access procedure... \n", prach_resources->ra_PreambleIndex);
......@@ -599,12 +599,6 @@ int nr_ue_process_dci_indication_pdu(module_id_t module_id,int cc_id, int gNB_in
NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(module_id);
dci_pdu_rel15_t *def_dci_pdu_rel15 = &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[dci->dci_format];
if ((dci->rnti != mac->crnti) && (dci->rnti != mac->ra.ra_rnti)) {
LOG_D(MAC,"We skip for the received dci indication rnti %4x != mac->crnti %4x frame slot %4d.%2d RA state %d\n",
dci->rnti, mac->crnti, frame, slot, mac->ra.ra_state);
return 0;
LOG_D(MAC,"Received dci indication (rnti %x,dci format %d,n_CCE %d,payloadSize %d,payload %llx)\n",
dci->rnti,dci->dci_format,dci->n_CCE,dci->payloadSize,*(unsigned long long*)dci->payloadBits);
int8_t ret = nr_extract_dci_info(mac, dci->dci_format, dci->payloadSize, dci->rnti, (uint64_t *)dci->payloadBits, def_dci_pdu_rel15);
......@@ -1331,7 +1325,7 @@ void set_harq_status(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
// FIXME k0 != 0 currently not taken into consideration
current_harq->dl_frame = frame;
current_harq->dl_slot = slot;
mac->active_harq_sfn_slot = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2HEX(frame, (slot + data_toul_fb));
mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2HEX(frame, (slot + data_toul_fb));
LOG_D(NR_PHY,"Setting harq_status for harq_id %d, dl %d.%d, sched ul %d.%d\n",
harq_id, frame, slot, frame, (slot + data_toul_fb));
......@@ -3801,11 +3795,6 @@ int nr_ue_process_rar(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, NR_UL_TIME_ALIGNMENT_t
LOG_D(NR_MAC, "In %s:[%d.%d]: [UE %d][RAPROC] invoking MAC for received RAR (current preamble %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, frame, slot, mod_id, preamble_index);
if( mac->crnti == ra->t_crnti )
LOG_D(MAC, "Discarding the received RAR.\n");
return -1;
while (1) {
if (rarh->T == 1) {
......@@ -516,17 +516,6 @@ void nr_initiate_ra_proc(module_id_t module_idP,
total_RApreambles = total_RApreambles/num_ssb_per_RO ;
for (int i = 0; i < NR_NB_RA_PROC_MAX; i++) {
NR_RA_t *ra = &cc->ra[i];
"[gNB %d][RAPROC] CC_id %d Frame %d, Slot %d Checking all rnti : preamble index %d, rnti %x\n",
for (int i = 0; i < NR_NB_RA_PROC_MAX; i++) {
NR_RA_t *ra = &cc->ra[i];
pr_found = 0;
......@@ -537,7 +526,9 @@ void nr_initiate_ra_proc(module_id_t module_idP,
if (ra->state == RA_IDLE) {
for(int j = 0; j < ra->preambles.num_preambles; j++) {
//check if the preamble received correspond to one of the listed or configured preambles
if (preamble_index == ra->preambles.preamble_list[j] && ra->rnti != 0) {
if (preamble_index == ra->preambles.preamble_list[j]) {
if (ra->rnti == 0 && get_softmodem_params()->nsa)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -199,8 +199,6 @@ extern rlc_op_status_t nr_rrc_rlc_config_asn1_req (const protocol_ctxt_t * con
const LTE_PMCH_InfoList_r9_t * const pmch_InfoList_r9_pP,
struct NR_CellGroupConfig__rlc_BearerToAddModList *rlc_bearer2add_list);
static void start_oai_nrue_threads(void);
// from LTE-RRC DL-DCCH RRCConnectionReconfiguration nr-secondary-cell-group-config (encoded)
int8_t nr_rrc_ue_decode_secondary_cellgroup_config(const module_id_t module_id,
const uint8_t *buffer,
......@@ -1208,8 +1206,8 @@ int8_t nr_rrc_ue_decode_NR_BCCH_DL_SCH_Message(module_id_t module_id,
check_requested_SI_List(module_id, NR_UE_rrc_inst[module_id].requested_SI_List, *sib1);
if( nr_rrc_get_state(module_id) <= RRC_STATE_IDLE_NR ) {
NR_UE_rrc_inst[module_id].ra_trigger = INITIAL_ACCESS_FROM_RRC_IDLE;
LOG_D(PHY,"Setting state to NR_RRC_SI_RECEIVED\n");
nr_rrc_set_state (module_id, NR_RRC_SI_RECEIVED);
LOG_D(PHY,"Setting state to RRC_STATE_IDLE_NR\n");
nr_rrc_set_state (module_id, RRC_STATE_IDLE_NR);
// take ServingCellConfigCommon and configure L1/L2
NR_UE_rrc_inst[module_id].servingCellConfigCommonSIB = sib1->servingCellConfigCommon;
......@@ -2793,7 +2791,8 @@ void *recv_msgs_from_lte_ue(void *args_p)
return NULL;
static void start_oai_nrue_threads()
void start_oai_nrue_threads()
......@@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ void init_connections_with_lte_ue(void);
void nsa_sendmsg_to_lte_ue(const void *message, size_t msg_len, MessagesIds msg_type);
void start_oai_nrue_threads(void);
/**\brief RRC UE generate RRCSetupRequest message.
\param module_id module id
\param gNB_index gNB index */
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