Commit 4f3d1212 authored by masayuki.harada's avatar masayuki.harada

Fix merge miss.

parent cf3e73b7
......@@ -159,25 +159,6 @@ void *gNB_app_task(void *args_p)
LOG_I(PHY, "%s() Task ready initialize structures\n", __FUNCTION__);
LOG_I(PHY, "%s() RC.nb_nr_L1_inst:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, RC.nb_nr_L1_inst);
if (RC.nb_nr_L1_inst>0) AssertFatal(l1_north_init_gNB()==0,"could not initialize L1 north interface\n");
AssertFatal (gnb_nb <= RC.nb_nr_inst,
"Number of gNB is greater than gNB defined in configuration file (%d/%d)!",
gnb_nb, RC.nb_nr_inst);
LOG_I(GNB_APP,"Allocating gNB_RRC_INST for %d instances\n",RC.nb_nr_inst);
for (gnb_id = gnb_id_start; (gnb_id < gnb_id_end) ; gnb_id++) {
RC.nrrrc[gnb_id] = (gNB_RRC_INST*)malloc(sizeof(gNB_RRC_INST));
LOG_I(PHY, "%s() Creating RRC instance RC.nrrrc[%d]:%p (%d of %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, gnb_id, RC.nrrrc[gnb_id], gnb_id+1, gnb_id_end);
memset((void *)RC.nrrrc[gnb_id],0,sizeof(gNB_RRC_INST));
if (is_x2ap_enabled() ) { //&& !NODE_IS_DU(RC.rrc[0]->node_type)
LOG_I(X2AP, "X2AP enabled \n");
__attribute__((unused)) uint32_t x2_register_gnb_pending = gNB_app_register_x2 (gnb_id_start, gnb_id_end);
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