The OpenAirInterface (OAI) software is composed of the following parts:
openair2: 3GPP LTE Rel-9 RLC/MAC/PDCP/RRC implementations, eNB application, X2AP. Note that for RLC, the following versions are userL UM_v9.3.0, TM_v9.3.0, and AM_v9.3.0. For PDCP, PDCP_v10.1.0 is used. For RRC, only LITE is used.
├── cmake_targets: build utilities to compile (simulation, emulation and real-time platforms), and generated build files
openair3: 3GPP LTE Rel9 and 10 MME/NAS, S+P-GW, HSS, S1AP (ENB and MME).
├── common : some common OAI utilities, other tools can be found at openair2/UTILS
common: some common OAI utilities, other tools can be found at openair2/UTILS
├── maketags : script to generate emacs tags
├── openair1 : 3GPP LTE Rel-10 PHY layer + PHY RF simulation and a subset of Rel 12 Features.
targets: scripts to compile and lauch different system targets (simulation, emulation and real-time platforms, user-space tools for these platforms (tbd))
├── LAYER2/RLC/ with the following subdirectories: UM_v9.3.0, TM_v9.3.0, and AM_v9.3.0.
see README files in these subdirectories for more information
├── LAYER2/PDCP/PDCP_v10.1.0.
see also
├── X2AP
├── openair3: 3GPP LTE Rel10 for S1AP, NAS GTPV1-U for both ENB and UE.
├── GTPV1-U
├── NAS
├── S1AP
├── SCTP
├── SECU
├── UDP
└── targets: top level wrapper for unitary simulation for PHY channels, system-level emulation (eNB-UE with and without S1), and realtime eNB and UE and RRH GW.