Commit 62722be2 authored by Sensing's avatar Sensing


parent bccaf866
from read_BF_file import *
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import numpy.fft as fft
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
import statsmodels.api as sm
def rid_nan(ret):
for fi in range(30):
aa = ret[fi, :]
for i in range(len(aa)):
if np.isnan(aa[i]) or np.isinf(aa[i]):
aa[i] = aa[i - 1]
ret[fi, :] = aa
return ret
def csi_radio(radio):
an1 = radio[0, :, :]
an2 = radio[1, :, :]
an3 = radio[2, :, :]
ret1 = rid_nan(np.divide(an1, an2))
ret2 = rid_nan(np.divide(an2, an3))
radio = np.array([ret1, ret2])
# print('csi_radio中CSI商:', radio.shape)
return radio
def savgol(SCret, wid=255):
# x = savgol_filter(np.real(SCret), wid, 3)
# y = savgol_filter(np.imag(SCret), wid, 3)
phase = savgol_filter(np.angle(SCret), wid, 3)
ampitude = savgol_filter(np.abs(SCret), wid, 3)
SCret = ampitude * np.exp(1j * phase)
x = np.real(SCret)
y = np.imag(SCret)
except (ValueError, np.linalg.LinAlgError):
x = np.real(SCret)
y = np.imag(SCret)
return x, y
def binRemove(BNR, sequence, k=1):
:param sequence: np.array (a,)
:return: sequence: np.array (≤a,) index ((left < ta) & (ta < right))
percentile = np.percentile(sequence, (25, 50, 75), interpolation='midpoint')
Q1 = percentile[0] # 上四分位数
Q3 = percentile[2] # 下四分位数
IQR = Q3 - Q1 # 四分位距
rt = Q3 + k * IQR # 上限 非异常范围内的最大值
lt = Q1 - k * IQR # 下限 非异常范围内的最小值
idx = (lt < sequence) & (sequence < rt)
idxx = (lt > sequence) & (sequence > rt)
BNR[idxx] = 0
return BNR, idx
def getBNR(oz, fs):
lo = len(oz) # 采样点数
N = 8192 # FFT点数
S = np.pad(oz, (0, N - lo)) # 零填充
complex_array = fft.fft(S)
# 得到分解波的频率序列
freqs = fft.fftfreq(N, 1 / fs)
# 复数的模为信号的振幅(能量大小)
pows = np.abs(complex_array)
# 仅保留正的部分
pows = pows[freqs >= 0]
freqs = freqs[freqs >= 0]
idx = (freqs > 11 / 60) & (freqs < 37 / 60)
# 人类正常呼吸范围(17bpm到37bpm)对应频率17/60~37/60Hz占总能量的比
pow = np.sum(pows)
rpow = np.sum(pows[idx])
BNR = rpow / pow
return BNR
def PCAozandBNR(a, b, fs=100):
# a、b分别表示CSI_ret序列的实部和虚部,fs为发包速率100
# 利用PCA获得投影
l = np.array([a, b]).T
pca = PCA(n_components='mle')
oz = pca.transform(l)
oz = savgol_filter(list(map(float, oz)), 225, 3)
# 利用FFT bin获得BNR
BNR = getBNR(oz, fs)
return oz, BNR
def autoCo(data):
# , ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6
本函数计算ACF和第一峰值对应的CSI序列的周期 data.shape = (F,T)
输入CSI商的投影矩阵F*T,输出F*1的序列周期 peak1.shape = (30,)
F = data.shape[0]
# print('子载波数:', F)
peak1 = np.zeros(F)
for i in range(F):
ACF_temp = sm.tsa.acf(data[i, :], nlags=1000)
peaks, _ = find_peaks(ACF_temp)
if len(peaks):
peak1[i] = int(peaks[0])
return peak1
def MRC_period(BNR, period):
nBNR = BNR / np.sum(BNR)
return np.sum(np.multiply(nBNR, period))
def mergeoc(Bnr, aOz):
Bnr.shape A * F'
aOz.shape A * F' * T
if Bnr.shape[0] == aOz.shape[0]:
A = Bnr.shape[0]
print('mergeoc error: dimension A is not consistent!')
if Bnr.shape[1] == aOz.shape[1]:
F = Bnr.shape[1]
print('mergeoc error: dimension F is not consistent!')
aoz = np.zeros([A, aOz.shape[2]])
for ai in range(A):
nBNR = Bnr[ai, :] / np.sum(Bnr[ai, :], axis=0)
aoz[ai, :] =, aOz[ai, :, :])
return aoz
def detect_breath(raw_CSI, fw=100):
breath_radio = csi_radio(raw_CSI)
A = breath_radio.shape[0]
F = breath_radio.shape[1]
T = breath_radio.shape[2] # 1200
tw = T - fw * 2
Bnr = np.zeros((A, F))
aOz = np.zeros((A, F, tw))
# print('aOz.shape', aOz.shape)
for a in range(A): # 遍历所有天线上的所有子载波上的数据
for f in range(F):
# try:
SCr = breath_radio[a, f, :]
# print('SCr.shape', SCr.shape)
SC_real, SC_imag = savgol(SCr, 225)
SC_real = SC_real[fw:-fw] # 真实每次用于估算呼吸率的数据是tw个
SC_imag = SC_imag[fw:-fw]
# print(SCr)
oz, BNR = PCAozandBNR(SC_real, SC_imag, fs=100)
# print('oz:', oz, BNR)
# print('oz.shape:', oz.shape)
Bnr[a, f] = BNR
aOz[a, f, :] = oz
# print('第{}ret第{}子载波的BNR:{}'.format(a, f, BNR))
# except ValueError:
# print(ValueError)
Breath_rate = np.zeros(A)
for ai in range(A): # aOz 是 A * F * tw
# 获得各个子载波上的rpm
data = aOz[ai, :, :] # F * tw
peak1 = autoCo(data) # F
rpm = 60 / (peak1 / 100) # F
# print('rpm', rpm)
# print('Bnr over {}:'.format(ai), Bnr[ai, :])
# 剔除了rpm异常的子载波
BNR, idx1 = binRemove(Bnr[ai, :], rpm, 0)
# print('idx1:', idx1)
# print('Bnr over {}:'.format(ai), BNR)
# 根据BNR最大值剔除BNR不合格的子载波
mBNR = np.max(Bnr)
idx2 = BNR > 0.7 * mBNR
idx = idx1 & idx2
# print('index:',idx)
BNR = BNR[idx]
rpm = rpm[idx]
Breath_rate[ai] = MRC_period(BNR, rpm)
br = np.mean(Breath_rate)
aoz = mergeoc(Bnr, aOz)
return aoz, br
def extract(raw_CSI, his, an=0):
:param raw_CSI: 输入raw_CSI,进行呼吸波形和呼吸率提取
:return: data (packet number,)
aoz, rpm = detect_breath(raw_CSI)
if np.max(aoz) - np.min(aoz) < 0.1:
rpm = 0
oc = np.random.randn(500) / 10000
oc = (oc - (oc[0] - his))
wave = [list(oc), rpm]
if rpm < 11 or rpm > 37: # 实验验证,存在抖腿,挠痒等持续时间较长的小动作时,会破坏周期性导致rpm异常
print('big_motion or breath stop{}'.format(rpm))
oc = np.random.randn(500) / 10000
oc = (oc - (oc[0] - his))
wave = [list(oc), rpm]
x = 100
oc = aoz[an, -x - 500:-x] - np.mean(aoz[an, -x - 500:-x]) # 拼接
oc = (oc - (oc[0] - his))
wave = [list(oc), rpm]
print('breath_detect at {}rpm'.format(rpm))
# print('len(wave)', len(wave[0])) :len(wave) 500
print('rpm', wave[1])
return wave
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