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      <b><font size = "5">OpenShift Build and Usage Procedures</font></b>

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**CAUTION: this is experimental. Still a lot to be done.**


# 1. Build pre-requisites #

To build our RAN images, we SHALL use the `codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms` repository with all the proper development libraries.

This repository is not directly accessible from the UBI RHEL8 image (``).

So we need to copy from a register RHEL8 machine certificates and subsccription manager configuration files.

SO on a `RHEL8` physical machine (or a virtual machine) connected to the OpenShift Cluster, recover the entitlement and the RH subscription manager configs:

oc create configmap rhsm-conf --from-file /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf
oc create configmap rhsm-ca --from-file /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem

oc create secret generic etc-pki-entitlement --from-file /etc/pki/entitlement/{NUMBER_ON_YOUR_COMPUTER}.pem --from-file /etc/pki/entitlement/{NUMBER_ON_YOUR_COMPUTER}-key.pem

These configmaps and secret will be shared by all the build configs in your OC project. No need to do it each time.

**CAUTION: these files expire every month or so. If you have done a build on your OC project and try again a few weeks later, you may need to re-copy them**.

oc delete secret etc-pki-entitlement
oc delete cm rhsm-conf
oc delete cm rhsm-ca

**LAST POINT: your OC project SHALL be `oai`.**

# 2. Build the Builder shared image #

In our Eurecom/OSA environment we need to pass a GIT proxy.

2 things are impacted by this situation:

*  In `openshift/oai-ran-rh8-build-config.yml` file
   * `httpProxy:` 
   * `httpsProxy:`
*  Add a environment variable to the build config

oc apply -f openshift/oai-ran-rh8-image-stream.yml
oc apply -f openshift/oai-ran-rh8-build-config.yml
oc set env bc/oai-ran-rhel8-build-config NEEDED_GIT_PROXY=
oc start-build oai-ran-rhel8-build-config --follow

In case you do NOT require a GIT proxy: **you SHALL remove the 2 lines in `openshift/oai-ran-rh8-build-config.yml` file.**

And no need to add a `NEEDED_GIT_PROXY` variable to the build config.

oc apply -f openshift/oai-ran-rh8-image-stream.yml
oc apply -f openshift/modified-oai-ran-rh8-build-config.yml
oc start-build oai-ran-rhel8-build-config --follow

After a while it should be successful.

# 3. Build an OAI target image #

For the example the eNB:

oc apply -f openshift/oai-enb-rh8-image-stream.yml
oc apply -f openshift/oai-enb-rh8-build-config.yml
oc start-build oai-enb-rh8-build-config --follow

**CAUTION: if you are pushing modifications to the branch you are using, it won't be taken into account besides the Dockerfile.**

**Because the source files are copied during the shared image creation.**

**Only way to regenerate images w/ modified source code is to re-start from step #2.**

# 4. Deployment using HELM charts #

**CAUTION: even more experimental.**

Helm charts are located in another repository:

git clone
cd openair-k8s
git checkout helm-deployment-S6a-S1C-S1U-in-network-18-with-enb
helm install mme /path-to-your-cloned/openair-k8s/charts/oai-mme/