AssertFatal(fp->frame_type==FDD,"TDD is not yet supported for MPDCCH\n");
AssertFatal(fp->Ncp==NORMAL,"Extended Prefix not yet supported for MPDCCH\n");
AssertFatal(mdci->L<=24,"L is %d\n",mdci->L);
AssertFatal(fp->N_RB_DL==50||fp->N_RB_DL==100,"Only N_RB_DL=50,100 for MPDCCH\n");
// Force MPDDCH format 5
AssertFatal(mdci->number_of_prb_pairs==6,"2 or 4 PRB pairs not support yet for MPDCCH\n");
// 9 REs/EREG * 4 EREG/ECCE => 36 REs/ECCE => 72 bits/ECCE, so same as regular PDCCH channel encoding
// Note: We only have to run this every Nacc subframes during repetitions, data and scrambling are constant, but we do it for now to simplify during testing