Commit 468371a0 authored by Elena Lukashova's avatar Elena Lukashova

Description for whitening filter.

parent 965ed29e
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ data storage. */
#include <lapacke_utils.h>
#include <lapacke.h>
void transpose (int N, float complex *A, float complex *Result)
......@@ -241,16 +241,16 @@ void mutl_scal_matrix_matrix_col_based(float *M0, float complex *M1, float alpha
float complex beta = 0.0;
int i;
// Convert float M0 into complex float D_0_complex required by cblas_cgemm
float complex *D_0_complex = calloc(rows_M0*col_M0, sizeof(float complex));
for(i = 0; i < rows_M0*col_M0; ++i){
for(i = 0; i < rows_M0*col_M0; ++i)
D_0_complex[i] = M0[i] + I*0.00001;
printf("mutl_scal_matrix_matrix_col_based: D_0_complex[%d] = (%f, %f)\n", i , creal(D_0_complex[i]), cimag(D_0_complex[i]));
printf("mutl_scal_matrix_matrix_col_based: alpha = %f\n", alpha);
......@@ -268,6 +268,8 @@ void mutl_scal_matrix_matrix_col_based(float *M0, float complex *M1, float alpha
for(i = 0; i < rows_M0*col_M1; ++i)
printf("mutl_scal_matrix_matrix_col_based: result[%d] = (%f + i%f)\n", i , creal(Result[i]), cimag(Result[i]));
......@@ -333,6 +335,11 @@ void compute_white_filter(float complex* H0_re,
float *D_0_re_inv_sqrt = calloc(n_rx*n_tx, sizeof(float));
float *D_1_re_inv_sqrt = calloc(n_rx*n_tx, sizeof(float));
// Whitening filter can be computed using the following algorithm:
// 1. Compute covariance of the colored noise: R = HH' + sigma2I.
// 2. Compute eigen value decomposition of R = UDU'.
// 3. W_wh = sigma sqrt(inv(D))U'.
// 4. This function computes W_wh for both branches.
printf("compute_white_filter: sigma2 = %f\n", sigma2);
......@@ -342,6 +349,8 @@ void compute_white_filter(float complex* H0_re,
// 1. Compute covariance of the colored noise: R = HH' + sigma2I.
HH_herm_plus_sigma2I(n_rx, n_tx/2, H1_re, sigma2, R_corr_col_n_0_re);
HH_herm_plus_sigma2I(n_rx, n_tx/2, H0_re, sigma2, R_corr_col_n_1_re);
......@@ -352,22 +361,24 @@ void compute_white_filter(float complex* H0_re,
// 2. Compute eigen value decomposition of R = UDU'.
eigen_vectors_values(n_rx, R_corr_col_n_0_re, U_0_re, D_0_re);
eigen_vectors_values(n_rx, R_corr_col_n_1_re, U_1_re, D_1_re);
printf("compute_white_filter: U_0_re[%d] = (%f + i%f)\n", i , creal(U_0_re[i]), cimag(U_0_re[i]));
printf("compute_white_filter: D_0_re[%d] = (%f + i%f)\n", i , creal(D_0_re[i]), cimag(D_0_re[i]));
// 3. Compute eigen value decomposition of R = UDU'.
conjugate_transpose(n_rx, n_tx, U_0_re, U_0_herm_re);
conjugate_transpose(n_rx, n_tx, U_1_re, U_1_herm_re);
for(i = 0;i < n_rx*n_tx; i++){
printf("compute_white_filter: U_0_herm_re[%d] = (%f + i%f)\n", i , creal(U_0_herm_re[i]), cimag(U_0_herm_re[i]));
......@@ -375,22 +386,20 @@ void compute_white_filter(float complex* H0_re,
sigma = (float)(sqrt((double)(sigma2)));
if (sigma <= 0.00001){
sigma = 0.00001;
if (sigma <= 0.0001){
sigma = 0.0001;
//The inverse of a diagonal matrix is obtained by replacing each element in the diagonal with //its reciprocal.
//A square root of a diagonal matrix is given by the diagonal matrix, whose diagonal entries are //just the square
//roots of the original matrix.
//printf ("This linear preprocessing is line %d.\n", __LINE__);
//The inverse of a diagonal matrix is obtained by replacing each element in the diagonal with //its reciprocal. A square root of a diagonal matrix is given by the diagonal matrix, whose //diagonal entries are just the square roots of the original matrix. However, if SNR is high,
//the diagonal elements of D are very small, and inverse is not always possible. We thus appy a threshold to avoid too low values.
for (i = 0; i < n_rx*n_tx; i += (n_rx + 1)){
if (D_0_re[i] <= 0.00001){
D_0_re[i] = 0.00001;
if (D_0_re[i] <= 0.0001){
D_0_re[i] = 0.0001;
if (D_1_re[i] <= 0.00001){
D_1_re[i] = 0.00001;
if (D_1_re[i] <= 0.0001){
D_1_re[i] = 0.0001;
D_0_re_inv_sqrt[i] = sqrt_float(1/D_0_re[i]);
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