Commit c1ba760b authored by Navid Nikaein's avatar Navid Nikaein

intermediate commit

parent b767470a
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ int x2ap_eNB_generate_x2_setup_failure(x2ap_eNB_instance_t *instance_p,
void x2ap_eNB_handle_sctp_data_ind(sctp_data_ind_t *sctp_data_ind) {
void x2ap_eNB_handle_sctp_data_ind(instance_t instance, sctp_data_ind_t *sctp_data_ind) {
int result;
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ void x2ap_eNB_handle_sctp_association_resp(instance_t instance, sctp_new_associa
//x2ap_handle_x2_setup_message(x2ap_enb_data_p, sctp_new_association_resp->sctp_state == SCTP_STATE_SHUTDOWN);
x2ap_handle_x2_setup_message(x2ap_enb_data_p, sctp_new_association_resp->sctp_state == SCTP_STATE_SHUTDOWN);
......@@ -279,7 +279,8 @@ void *x2ap_task(void *arg)
......@@ -129,3 +129,90 @@ int x2ap_eNB_generate_x2_setup_request(x2ap_eNB_instance_t *instance_p,
return ret;
int x2ap_eNB_generate_x2_setup_failure ( uint32_t assoc_id,
X2ap_Cause_PR cause_type,
long cause_value,
long time_to_waitx){
uint8_t *buffer_p;
uint32_t length;
x2ap_message message;
X2SetupFailure_IEs_t *x2_setup_failure_p;
memset (&message, 0, sizeof (x2ap_message));
x2_setup_failure_p = &message.msg.x2SetupFailure_IEs;
message.procedureCode = X2ap_ProcedureCode_id_X2Setup;
message.direction = X2AP_PDU_PR_unsuccessfulOutcome;
x2ap_eNB_set_cause (&x2_setup_failure_p->cause, cause_type, cause_value);
if (time_to_wait > -1) {
x2_setup_failure_p->presenceMask |= X2SETUPFAILURE_IES_TIMETOWAIT_PRESENT;
x2_setup_failure_p->timeToWait = time_to_wait;
if (x2ap_eNB_encode_pdu (&message, &buffer_p, &length) < 0) {
X2AP_ERROR ("Failed to encode x2 setup failure\n");
return -1;
"0 X2Setup/unsuccessfulOutcome assoc_id %u cause %u value %u",
assoc_id, cause_type, cause_value);
return x2ap_eNB_itti_send_sctp_request (buffer_p, length, assoc_id, 0);
int x2ap_eB_set_cause (S1ap_Cause_t * cause_p,
S1ap_Cause_PR cause_type,
long cause_value)
DevAssert (cause_p != NULL);
cause_p->present = cause_type;
switch (cause_type) {
case X2ap_Cause_PR_radioNetwork:
cause_p->choice.misc = cause_value;
case X2ap_Cause_PR_transport:
cause_p->choice.transport = cause_value;
case X2ap_Cause_PR_protocol:
cause_p->choice.protocol = cause_value;
case X2ap_Cause_PR_misc:
cause_p->choice.misc = cause_value;
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ void x2ap_handle_x2_setup_message(x2ap_enb_data_t *enb_desc_p, int sctp_shutdown
enb_desc_p->x2ap_eNB_instance->x2ap_enb_associated_nb --;
/* If there are no more associated MME, inform eNB app */
/* If there are no more associated eNB, inform eNB app */
if (enb_desc_p->x2ap_eNB_instance->x2ap_enb_associated_nb == 0) {
MessageDef *message_p;
......@@ -195,10 +195,11 @@ void x2ap_handle_x2_setup_message(x2ap_enb_data_t *enb_desc_p, int sctp_shutdown
x2ap_eNB_handle_x2_setup_request (uint32_t assoc_id,
uint32_t stream,
struct s1ap_message_s *message)
struct x2ap_message_s *message)
X2SetupRequestIEs_t *x2SetupRequest_p;
X2SetupRequest_IEs_t *x2SetupRequest_p;
eNB_description_t *eNB_association;
uint32_t eNB_id = 0;
char *eNB_name = NULL;
......@@ -211,131 +212,113 @@ x2ap_eNB_handle_x2_setup_request (uint32_t assoc_id,
* We received a new valid X2 Setup Request on a stream != 0.
* * * * This should not happen -> reject eNB s1 setup request.
MSC_LOG_RX_MESSAGE (MSC_X2AP_TARGET_ENB, MSC_X2AP_SRC_ENB, NULL, 0, "0 X2Setup/%s assoc_id %u stream %u", x2ap_direction2String[message->direction], assoc_id, stream);
if (stream != 0) {
X2AP_ERROR ("Received new x2 setup request on stream != 0\n");
"0 X2Setup/%s assoc_id %u stream %u",
assoc_id, stream);
if (stream != 0) {
X2AP_ERROR ("Received new x2 setup request on stream != 0\n");
* Send a x2 setup failure with protocol cause unspecified
return x2ap_eNB_generate_x2_setup_failure (assoc_id,
X2AP_DEBUG ("Received a new X2 setup request\n");
if (x2SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.present == X2ap_ENB_ID_PR_homeENB_ID) {
// Home eNB ID = 28 bits
uint8_t *eNB_id_buf = x2SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.choice.homeENB_ID.buf;
if (x2SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.choice.macroENB_ID.size != 28) {
//TODO: handle case were size != 28 -> notify ? reject ?
eNB_id = (eNB_id_buf[0] << 20) + (eNB_id_buf[1] << 12) + (eNB_id_buf[2] << 4) + ((eNB_id_buf[3] & 0xf0) >> 4);
X2AP_DEBUG ("eNB id: %07x\n", eNB_id);
} else {
// Macro eNB = 20 bits
uint8_t *eNB_id_buf = s1SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.choice.macroENB_ID.buf;
if (s1SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.choice.macroENB_ID.size != 20) {
//TODO: handle case were size != 20 -> notify ? reject ?
eNB_id = (eNB_id_buf[0] << 12) + (eNB_id_buf[1] << 4) + ((eNB_id_buf[2] & 0xf0) >> 4);
S1AP_DEBUG ("macro eNB id: %05x\n", eNB_id);
config_read_lock (&mme_config);
max_enb_connected = mme_config.max_eNBs;
config_unlock (&mme_config);
if (nb_eNB_associated == max_enb_connected) {
S1AP_ERROR ("There is too much eNB connected to MME, rejecting the association\n");
S1AP_DEBUG ("Connected = %d, maximum allowed = %d\n", nb_eNB_associated, max_enb_connected);
* Send an overload cause...
return s1ap_mme_generate_s1_setup_failure (assoc_id, S1ap_Cause_PR_misc, S1ap_CauseMisc_control_processing_overload, S1ap_TimeToWait_v20s);
return x2ap_eNB_generate_x2_setup_failure (assoc_id,
X2AP_DEBUG ("Received a new X2 setup request\n");
if (x2SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.present == X2ap_ENB_ID_PR_homeENB_ID) {
// Home eNB ID = 28 bits
uint8_t *eNB_id_buf = x2SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.choice.homeENB_ID.buf;
if (x2SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.choice.macroENB_ID.size != 28) {
//TODO: handle case were size != 28 -> notify ? reject ?
* If none of the provided PLMNs/TAC match the one configured in MME,
* * * * the s1 setup should be rejected with a cause set to Unknown PLMN.
ta_ret = s1ap_mme_compare_ta_lists (&s1SetupRequest_p->supportedTAs);
* eNB and MME have no common PLMN
if (ta_ret != TA_LIST_RET_OK) {
S1AP_ERROR ("No Common PLMN with eNB, generate_s1_setup_failure\n");
return s1ap_mme_generate_s1_setup_failure (assoc_id, S1ap_Cause_PR_misc, S1ap_CauseMisc_unknown_PLMN, S1ap_TimeToWait_v20s);
eNB_id = (eNB_id_buf[0] << 20) + (eNB_id_buf[1] << 12) + (eNB_id_buf[2] << 4) + ((eNB_id_buf[3] & 0xf0) >> 4);
X2AP_DEBUG ("Home eNB id: %07x\n", eNB_id);
} else {
// Macro eNB = 20 bits
uint8_t *eNB_id_buf = x2SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.choice.macroENB_ID.buf;
if (x2SetupRequest_p->global_ENB_ID.eNB_ID.choice.macroENB_ID.size != 20) {
//TODO: handle case were size != 20 -> notify ? reject ?
S1AP_DEBUG ("Adding eNB to the list of served eNBs\n");
if ((eNB_association = s1ap_is_eNB_id_in_list (eNB_id)) == NULL) {
eNB_id = (eNB_id_buf[0] << 12) + (eNB_id_buf[1] << 4) + ((eNB_id_buf[2] & 0xf0) >> 4);
X2AP_DEBUG ("macro eNB id: %05x\n", eNB_id);
* If none of the provided PLMNs/TAC match the one configured in MME,
* * * * the s1 setup should be rejected with a cause set to Unknown PLMN.
// ta_ret = x2ap_eNB_compare_ta_lists (&x2SetupRequest_p->supportedTAs);
* Source and Target eNBs have no common PLMN
if (ta_ret != TA_LIST_RET_OK) {
X2AP_ERROR ("No Common PLMN with the target eNB, generate_x2_setup_failure\n");
return x2ap_eNB_generate_x2_setup_failure (assoc_id,
X2AP_DEBUG ("Adding eNB to the list of associated eNBs\n");
if ((eNB_association = x2ap_is_eNB_id_in_list (eNB_id)) == NULL) {
* eNB has not been fount in list of associated eNB,
* * * * Add it to the tail of list and initialize data
if ((eNB_association = s1ap_is_eNB_assoc_id_in_list (assoc_id)) == NULL) {
* ??
return -1;
} else {
eNB_association->s1_state = S1AP_RESETING;
eNB_association->eNB_id = eNB_id;
eNB_association->default_paging_drx = s1SetupRequest_p->defaultPagingDRX;
if (eNB_name != NULL) {
memcpy (eNB_association->eNB_name, s1SetupRequest_p->eNBname.buf, s1SetupRequest_p->eNBname.size);
eNB_association->eNB_name[s1SetupRequest_p->eNBname.size] = '\0';
} else {
eNB_association->s1_state = S1AP_RESETING;
if ((eNB_association = s1ap_is_eNB_assoc_id_in_list (assoc_id)) == NULL) {
* eNB has been fount in list, consider the s1 setup request as a reset connection,
* * * * reseting any previous UE state if sctp association is != than the previous one
* ??
if (eNB_association->sctp_assoc_id != assoc_id) {
S1ap_S1SetupFailureIEs_t s1SetupFailure;
memset (&s1SetupFailure, 0, sizeof (s1SetupFailure));
* Send an overload cause...
s1SetupFailure.cause.present = S1ap_Cause_PR_misc; //TODO: send the right cause
s1SetupFailure.cause.choice.misc = S1ap_CauseMisc_control_processing_overload;
S1AP_ERROR ("Rejeting s1 setup request as eNB id %d is already associated to an active sctp association" "Previous known: %d, new one: %d\n", eNB_id, eNB_association->sctp_assoc_id, assoc_id);
// s1ap_mme_encode_s1setupfailure(&s1SetupFailure,
// receivedMessage->msg.s1ap_sctp_new_msg_ind.assocId);
return -1;
return -1;
} else {
eNB_association->x2_state = X2AP_RESETING;
eNB_association->eNB_id = eNB_id;
} else {
eNB_association->s1_state = X2AP_RESETING;
* eNB has been fount in list, consider the s1 setup request as a reset connection,
* * * * reseting any previous UE state if sctp association is != than the previous one
if (eNB_association->sctp_assoc_id != assoc_id) {
X2SetupFailureIEs_t x2SetupFailure;
memset (&x2SetupFailure, 0, sizeof (x2SetupFailure));
* TODO: call the reset procedure
* Send an overload cause...
s1SetupFailure.cause.present = X2ap_Cause_PR_misc; //TODO: send the right cause
s1SetupFailure.cause.choice.misc = X2ap_CauseMisc_control_processing_overload;
X2AP_ERROR ("Rejeting x2 setup request as eNB id %d is already associated to an active sctp association" "Previous known: %d, new one: %d\n", eNB_id, eNB_association->sctp_assoc_id, assoc_id);
// x2ap_enb_encode_x2setupfailure(&x2SetupFailure,
// receivedMessage->msg.s1ap_sctp_new_msg_ind.assocId);
return -1;
s1ap_dump_eNB (eNB_association);
return s1ap_generate_s1_setup_response (eNB_association);
} else {
* Can not process the request, MME is not connected to HSS
* TODO: call the reset procedure
S1AP_ERROR ("Rejecting s1 setup request Can not process the request, MME is not connected to HSS\n");
return s1ap_mme_generate_s1_setup_failure (assoc_id, S1ap_Cause_PR_misc, S1ap_CauseMisc_unspecified, -1);
return x2ap_generate_x2_setup_response (eNB_association);
int x2ap_eNB_handle_x2_setup_failure(uint32_t assoc_id,
uint32_t stream,
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