Commit dd2e2083 authored by Xenofon Foukas's avatar Xenofon Foukas

Added protocol support for agent policy reconfiguration

parent 9c9d3f45
......@@ -38,5 +38,6 @@ enum prp_type {
// Control delegation messages
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ message progran_message {
prp_dl_mac_config dl_mac_config_msg = 14;
prp_ue_state_change ue_state_change_msg = 15;
prp_control_delegation control_delegation_msg = 16;
prp_agent_reconfiguration agent_reconfiguration_msg = 17;
......@@ -180,7 +181,16 @@ message prp_control_delegation {
optional prp_header header = 1;
optional uint32 delegation_type = 2; // Bitmap of PRCDT_* flags
optional bytes payload = 3; // Byte array of shared lib containing the delegated functions
repeated string name = 4; // The delegated functions names ordered based on bitmap flags
optional string name = 4; // The delegated functions names ordered based on bitmap flags
// Agent reconfiguration message
message prp_agent_reconfiguration {
optional prp_header header = 1;
optional string policy = 2; // The policy changes using YAML syntax in string format
// Extensions of the echo request and reply
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