Commit e57ecfb7 authored by Younes's avatar Younes

modifications for RU synch

parent b68e7d76
......@@ -327,8 +327,7 @@ static int trx_usrp_start(openair0_device *device) {
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "CTRL", 0x7f,0x7f);
//set ATR register
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "ATR_RX", 1<<4, 0x7f);
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "ATR_RX", 1<<6, 0x7f);
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "ATR_RX", (1<<4)|(1<<6), 0x7f);
// init recv and send streaming
uhd::stream_cmd_t cmd(uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS);
......@@ -1177,6 +1177,7 @@ void do_ru_synch(RU_t *ru) {
int32_t dummy_rx[ru->nb_rx][fp->samples_per_tti] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
int rxs;
int ic;
RRU_CONFIG_msg_t rru_config_msg;
// initialize the synchronization buffer to the common_vars.rxdata
for (int i=0;i<ru->nb_rx;i++)
......@@ -1237,6 +1238,14 @@ void do_ru_synch(RU_t *ru) {
ru->state = RU_RUN;
// Send RRU_sync_ok
rru_config_msg.type = RRU_sync_ok;
rru_config_msg.len = sizeof(RRU_CONFIG_msg_t); // TODO: set to correct msg len
LOG_I(PHY,"Sending RRU_sync_ok to RAU\n", ru->idx);
AssertFatal((ru->ifdevice.trx_ctlsend_func(&ru->ifdevice,&rru_config_msg,rru_config_msg.len)!=-1),"Failed to send msg to RAU %d\n",ru->idx);
LOG_I(PHY,"Exiting synch routine\n");
......@@ -1858,9 +1867,9 @@ static void* ru_thread( void* param ) {
old_time = time_rf.tv_nsec;
if ((time_rf.tv_nsec > old_time + 1200000) || (time_rf.tv_nsec < old_time + 500000))
LOG_I(PHY,"RU thread %d, frame %d (%p), subframe %d : RF time difference : %lu\n",
ru->idx, frame,&frame,subframe,time_rf.tv_nsec - old_time);
//if ((time_rf.tv_nsec > old_time + 1200000) || (time_rf.tv_nsec < old_time + 500000))
// LOG_I(PHY,"RU thread %d, frame %d (%p), subframe %d : RF time difference : %lu\n",
// ru->idx, frame,&frame,subframe,time_rf.tv_nsec - old_time);
if (ru->fh_south_in && ru->state == RU_RUN ) ru->fh_south_in(ru,&frame,&subframe);
else AssertFatal(1==0, "No fronthaul interface at south port");
......@@ -1924,7 +1933,6 @@ void *ru_thread_synch(void *arg) {
uint32_t sync_corr[307200] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
static int ru_thread_synch_status=0;
int cnt=0;
RRU_CONFIG_msg_t rru_config_msg;
......@@ -1985,13 +1993,6 @@ void *ru_thread_synch(void *arg) {
ru->in_synch = 1;
ru->state = RU_RUN;
// Send RRU_sync_ok
rru_config_msg.type = RRU_sync_ok;
rru_config_msg.len = sizeof(RRU_CONFIG_msg_t); // TODO: set to correct msg len
LOG_I(PHY,"Sending RRU_sync_ok to RAU\n", ru->idx);
AssertFatal((ru->ifdevice.trx_ctlsend_func(&ru->ifdevice,&rru_config_msg,rru_config_msg.len)!=-1),"Failed to send msg to RAU %d\n",ru->idx);
} // symc_pos > 0
else {
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