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# #################################################################
# Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Offloading in Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing Networks
# This file contains a demo evaluating the performance of DROO with laternating-weight WDs. It loads the training samples with default WDs' weights from ./data/data_10.mat and with alternated weights from ./data/data_10_WeightsAlternated.mat. The channel gains in both files are the same. However, the optimal offloading mode, resource allocation, and the maximum computation rate in 'data_10_WeightsAlternated.mat' are recalculated since WDs' weights are alternated.
# References:
# [1] 1. Liang Huang, Suzhi Bi, and Ying-jun Angela Zhang, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Offloading in Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing Networks”, on arxiv:1808.01977
# version 1.0 -- April 2019. Written by Liang Huang (lianghuang AT
# #################################################################
import as sio # import for .mat file I/
import numpy as np # import numpy
from memory import MemoryDNN
from optimization import bisection
from main import plot_rate, save_to_txt
import time
def alternate_weights(case_id=0):
Alternate the weights of all WDs. Note that, the maximum computation rate need be recomputed by solving (P2) once any WD's weight is changed.
Input: case_id = 0 for default weights; case_id = 1 for alternated weights.
Output: The alternated weights and the corresponding rate.
# set alternated weights
# load the corresponding maximum computation rate
if case_id == 0:
# by defaulst, case_id = 0
rate = sio.loadmat('./data/data_10')['output_obj']
# alternate weights for all WDs, case_id = 1
rate = sio.loadmat('./data/data_10_WeightsAlternated')['output_obj']
return weights[case_id], rate
if __name__ == "__main__":
This demo evaluate DROO with laternating-weight WDs. We evaluate an extreme case by alternating the weights of all WDs between 1 and 1.5 at the same time, specifically, at time frame 6,000 and 8,000.
N = 10 # number of users
n = 10000 # number of time frames, <= 10,000
K = N # initialize K = N
decoder_mode = 'OP' # the quantization mode could be 'OP' (Order-preserving) or 'KNN'
Memory = 1024 # capacity of memory structure
Delta = 32 # Update interval for adaptive K
print('#user = %d, #channel=%d, K=%d, decoder = %s, Memory = %d, Delta = %d'%(N,n,K,decoder_mode, Memory, Delta))
# Load data
channel = sio.loadmat('./data/data_%d' %N)['input_h']
rate = sio.loadmat('./data/data_%d' %N)['output_obj']
# increase h to close to 1 for better training; it is a trick widely adopted in deep learning
channel = channel * 1000000
# generate the train and test data sample index
# data are splitted as 80:20
# training data are randomly sampled with duplication if n > total data size
split_idx = int(.8* len(channel))
num_test = min(len(channel) - split_idx, n - int(.8* n)) # training data size
mem = MemoryDNN(net = [N, 120, 80, N],
learning_rate = 0.01,
rate_his = []
rate_his_ratio = []
mode_his = []
k_idx_his = []
K_his = []
h = channel[0,:]
# initilize the weights by setting case_id = 0.
weight, rate = alternate_weights(0)
print("WD weights at time frame %d:"%(0), weight)
for i in range(n):
# for dynamic number of WDs
if i ==0.6*n:
weight, rate = alternate_weights(1)
print("WD weights at time frame %d:"%(i), weight)
if i ==0.8*n:
weight, rate = alternate_weights(0)
print("WD weights at time frame %d:"%(i), weight)
if i % (n//10) == 0:
if i> 0 and i % Delta == 0:
# index counts from 0
if Delta > 1:
max_k = max(k_idx_his[-Delta:-1]) +1;
max_k = k_idx_his[-1] +1;
K = min(max_k +1, N)
i_idx = i
h = channel[i_idx,:]
# the action selection must be either 'OP' or 'KNN'
m_list = mem.decode(h, K, decoder_mode)
r_list = []
for m in m_list:
# only acitve users are used to compute the rate
r_list.append(bisection(h/1000000, m, weight)[0])
# memorize the largest reward
rate_his_ratio.append(rate_his[-1] / rate[i_idx][0])
# record the index of largest reward
# record K in case of adaptive K
# save the mode with largest reward
# if i <0.6*n:
# encode the mode with largest reward
mem.encode(h, m_list[np.argmax(r_list)])
print("Averaged normalized computation rate:", sum(rate_his_ratio[-num_test: -1])/num_test)
print('Total time consumed:%s'%total_time)
print('Average time per channel:%s'%(total_time/n))
# save data into txt
save_to_txt(k_idx_his, "k_idx_his.txt")
save_to_txt(K_his, "K_his.txt")
save_to_txt(mem.cost_his, "cost_his.txt")
save_to_txt(rate_his_ratio, "rate_his_ratio.txt")
save_to_txt(mode_his, "mode_his.txt")
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