epc_sfr_mme0.conf 3.77 KB
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MME : 

    REALM                          = "eur";
    # Define the limits of the system in terms of served eNB and served UE.
    # When the limits will be reached, overload procedure will take place.
    MAXENB                         = 10;
    MAXUE                          = 100;
    RELATIVE_CAPACITY              = 10;
    # Display statistics about whole system (expressed in seconds)
    MME_STATISTIC_TIMER            = 10;
    # VERBOSITY: none, info, annoying
    VERBOSITY                      = "none";

    IP_CAPABILITY                  = "IPV4V6";

        # max queue size per task
        ITTI_QUEUE_SIZE            = 2000000;

    S6A :
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27 28
        MME_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S6A          = "vboxnet1";
        MME_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S6A            = "";
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29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
        S6A_CONF                            = "./UTILS/CONF/s6a.conf";

    # ------- SCTP definitions
    SCTP :
        # Number of streams to use in input/output
        SCTP_INSTREAMS = 32;
        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 32;

    # ------- S1AP definitions
    S1AP : 
        # outcome drop timer value (seconds)
        S1AP_OUTCOME_TIMER = 10;

    # ------- MME served GUMMEI
    GUMMEI :
        # MME code DEFAULT = 0
        # size = 8 bits
        # maximum of 256 values, comma separated
        MME_CODE = [ 30 , 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 56 , 1 , 8 ];

        # MME GROUP ID DEFAULT = 0
        # size = 16 bits
        # maximum of 65535 values, comma separated
        MME_GID = [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 30 , 8 , 9 , 50021 ];

        # TA (mcc.mnc:tracking area code) DEFAULT = 208.34:0
        # max values = 999.999:65535
        # maximum of 32 values, comma separated
        PLMN = ( 
             {MCC="208" ; MNC="10";  TAC = "1"; },
             {MCC="209" ; MNC="130"; TAC = "4"; },
             {MCC="209" ; MNC="012"; TAC = "2"; },
             {MCC="208" ; MNC="35";  TAC = "8"; }
71 72 73 74 75 76 77
    NAS :
        # 3GPP TS 33.401 section Procedures for NAS algorithm selection
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78 79
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80 81
        MME_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME         = "vboxnet0";
        MME_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME           = "";
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Lionel Gauthier committed

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83 84
        MME_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S11_MME        = "none";
        MME_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11_MME          = "";
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85 86 87 88 89 90 91

S-GW : 
Lionel Gauthier's avatar
Lionel Gauthier committed
92 93
        SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S11              = "none";
        SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11                = "";
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Lionel Gauthier committed

Lionel Gauthier's avatar
Lionel Gauthier committed
95 96
        SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP    = "vboxnet0";
        SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP      = "";
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97 98

        SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8_UP         = "none";
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Lionel Gauthier committed
        SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8_UP           = "";
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100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107

P-GW = 
        PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8          = "none";
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Lionel Gauthier committed
        PGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8            = "";
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Lionel Gauthier committed

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Lionel Gauthier committed
        PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_SGI            = "eth1";
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Lionel Gauthier committed
        PGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_SGI              = "";
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112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
        IPV4_LIST = (
        IPV6_LIST = (
    APN :

HSS = 
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Lionel Gauthier committed
136 137
        HSS_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S6A          = "none";
        HSS_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S6A            = "";
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Lionel Gauthier committed
138 139 140 141