Commit b0bc472f authored by Fang-WANG's avatar Fang-WANG

3rd commit

parent 8bbbd082
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
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"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "(gdb) Launch",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "enter program name, for example ${workspaceFolder}/a.exe",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "/path/to/gdb",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
# * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
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# */
# Author: laurent THOMAS, Lionel GAUTHIER
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0)
......@@ -34,24 +34,6 @@ def printDebug(string):
def outputHeaderToFile(f, filename):
now =
* Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
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* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
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This tuto for 5G gNB NAS design
{: .text-center}
# source files
executables/ocp-gnb.c: a main loop to create a debuggable gNB, see document
openair2/RRC/NR/nr_ngap_gNB.c: skeleton for interface with NGAP
openair3/NAS/COMMON/milenage.h: a simple milenage implementation, depend only on crypto library
openair3/NAS/COMMON/NR_NAS_defs.h: messages defined for NAS implemented in C: C struct, C enums and automatic conversion to labels for debug messages
openair3/NAS/COMMON/nr_common.c: 5G NAS common code between gNB and UE
openair3/UICC/usim_interface.c: UICC simulation for USIM messages
openair3/NAS/NR_UE/ue_process_nas.c: NAS code for UE
openair3/NAS/gNB/network_process_nas.c: NAS code for gNB running without 5GC
openair3/TEST/test5Gnas.c: unitary testing of NAS messages: encodes+decode a standard network entry, mixing code from UE and 5GC (or gNB in noCore)
# USIM simulation
A new USIM simulation, that parameters are in regular OAI config files
## To open the USIM
init_uicc() takes a parameter: the name of the block in the config file
In case we run several UEs in one process, the variable section name allows to make several UEs configurations in one config file.
The NAS implementation uses this possibility.
# UE side
UEprocessNAS() is the entry for all messages.
It decodes the message type and call the specific function for each messgae
## Identityrequest + IdentityResponse
When the UE receives the request, it stores the 5GC request parameters in the UE context ( UE->uicc pointer)
It calls "scheduleNAS", that would trigger a answer (seeing general archtecture, it will probly be a itti message to future RRC or NGAP thread).
When the scheduler wants to encode the answer, it calls identityResponse()
The UE search for a section in the config file called "uicc"
it encodes the NAS answer with the IMSI, as a 4G compatible authentication.
A future release would encode 5G SUPI as native 5G UICC.
## Authenticationrequest + authenticationResponse
When the UE receives the request, it stores the 5GC request parameters in the UE context ( UE->uicc pointer)
It calls "scheduleNAS", that would trigger a answer (seeing general archtecture, it will probly be a itti message to future RRC or NGAP thread).
When the scheduler wants to encode the answer, it calls authenticationResponse()
The UE search for a section in the config file called "uicc"
It uses the Milenage parameters of this section to encode a milenage response
A future release would encode 5G new authentication cyphering functions.
## SecurityModeCommand + securityModeComplete
When the UE receives the request it will:
Selected NAS security algorithms: store it for future encoding
Replayed UE security capabilities: check if it is equal to UE capabilities it sent to the 5GC
IMEISV request: to implement
ngKSI: Key set Indicator, similator to 4G to select a ciphering keys set
When the scheduler wants to encode the answer, it calls registrationComplete()
## registrationComplete
To be defined in UE, this NAS message is done after RRC sequence completes
# gNB side
gNB NGAP thread receives the NAS message from PHY layers
In normal mode, it send it to the core network with no decoding.
Here after, the gNB mode "noCore" processing in gNB: NGAP calls the entry function: processNAS() instead of forwarding the packet to the 5GC
## RRCModeComplete + Identityrequest
When the gNB completes RRC attach, it sends a first message to NGAP thread.
Normal processing sends NGAP initial UE message, in noCore mode, it should call: identityRequest() that encode the NAS identity request inside the gNB.
The gNB NGAP thread then should call the piece of code that forward the message to the UE as when it receives a NAS message from 5GC.
## All NAS coming from UE
When NGAP thread receives a NAS message from lower layers, it encapsulates it to forward it to the 5GC. In "noCore" mode it calls processNAS().
This function stores in the gNB the NAS data, then it should encode the next message (identity, authentication, security mode) or do nothing (registration complete).
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<b><font size = "5">Running L3 ITTI simulator</font></b>
This page is valid on the following branches:
- `develop` starting from tag `2020.w48`
# 1. Building the ITTI simulator.
The ITTI simulator is available directly from the standard build.
$ source oaienv
$ cd cmake_targets
$ sudo ./build_oai -x -w None -c -ittiSIM
# 2. Running the ITTI simulator.
The ITTI simulator establishes ITTI-threaded communication between the gNB RRC task and the UE RRC task.
This allows to test the sequence of NGAP/RRC/NAS messages.
The main limitations are:
- NAS is a simple stub that just sends and receives messages
- only initial Attach sequence
## 2.1. Starting the ITTI simulator
The ITTI simulator is able to run with a connected 5GC or without any.
The develop branch tag `2020.w48` only works RRC without 5GC connection.
$ sudo -E ./ran_build/build/nr-ittisim -O gnb.conf
Scenario 1 : Off-network UE2UE link
SynchREF UE (UE1)
UE1(eth0 - -
Here's an example of /etc/network/interfaces configuration for UE1
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Prepare the environment:
- git clone #branch: master
This branch contains all the current development for DDPS
- UE MAC<-> UE MAC for Scenario 1
- eNB MAC<->UE MAC (NFAPI Transport)
- RRC Extensions for “on-network” cases
NFAPI configuration (required even for Scenario 1 target)
- git clone
- cd open-nfapi
- patch -p1 --dry-run < $OPENAIR_HOME/open-nfapi.oai.patch
Validate that there are no errors
- patch -p1 < $OPENAIR_HOME/open-nfapi.oai.patch
OAI build/execute
- export NFAPI_DIR=XXX (place where NFAPI was installed)
- cd cmake_targets
- ./build_oai --UE
(if necessary, use ./build_oai -I --UE to install required packages)
- cd ran_build/build/
- cp ../../../targets/bin/.ue* .
- cp ../../../targets/bin/.usim* .
- sudo insmod ../../../targets/bin/ue_ip.ko
- sudo ifconfig oip0
- sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -o oip0 -d -j MARK --set-mark 3
- (if necessary) sudo route add default gw eth0
- sudo ifconfig oip0
- sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -o oip0 -d -j MARK --set-mark 3
- (if necessary) sudo route add default gw eno1
UE1 and UE2: Get and build vencore_app from d2d-l3-stub (branch: l3_stub)
- gcc -I . vencore_app.c -o vencore_app -lpthread
Run UE1 then UE2, for example:
UE1: sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul-iface eth0
UE2: sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul-iface eno1
Test with Ping
- Sender - UE1: ping -I oip0
- Receiver - UE2: using wireshark
Test with Iperf
- Sender - UE1: iperf -c -u -b 0.1M --bind -t 100
- Receiver - UE2: sudo ./mcreceive 5001
Filter the incomming packets according to GroupL2Id: receiver (one-to-many) can discard the packets if it doesn't belong to this group.
For the moment, both sender and receiver use the same set of Ids (hardcoded)
UE1 (sender)
- sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul-iface eth0
- ./vencore_app #send the sourceL2Id, groupL2Id to OAI
- ping -I oip0
- sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul-iface eno1
#we can see the incomming packets from OAI log, however, cannot see from Wireshark -> they are discarded at MAC layer
- ./vencore_app #we can see the packets appearing in Wireshark
TEST PC5-S (UE1 -sender, UE2 - receiver) and PC5-U for ONE-TO-ONE scenario
Configure UE1/UE2
- sudo ifconfig oip0
- sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -o oip0 -d -j MARK --set-mark 3
- sudo route add default gw eth0
- sudo ifconfig oip0
- sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -o oip0 -d -j MARK --set-mark 3
- sudo route add default gw eno1
step 1:
- UE1: sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul-iface eth0
step 2:
- UE2: sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul-iface eno1
- UE2: ./vencore_app -r #listen to incomming message from PC5-S
step 3:
- UE1: ./vencore_app -s #send a message via PC5-S (e.g., DirectCommunicationRequest)
Generate unicast traffic
UE1: ping -I oip0
step 1:
- UE1: sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul-iface eth0
- UE1: ./vencore_app -d #send a PC5-Discovery-Announcement via PC5D
step 2:
- UE2: sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul-iface eno1
- UE2: ./vencore_app -d #send a PC5-Discovery-Announcement via PC5D
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