constr_TYPE.h 10 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Lev Walkin <>. All rights reserved.
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 * Redistribution and modifications are permitted subject to BSD license.
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5 6 7 8 9 10
 * This file contains the declaration structure called "ASN.1 Type Definition",
 * which holds all information necessary for encoding and decoding routines.
 * This structure even contains pointer to these encoding and decoding routines
 * for each defined ASN.1 type.
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#ifndef	_CONSTR_TYPE_H_
#define	_CONSTR_TYPE_H_
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14 15 16
#include <ber_tlv_length.h>
#include <ber_tlv_tag.h>

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#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
struct asn_TYPE_descriptor_s;	/* Forward declaration */
struct asn_TYPE_member_s;	/* Forward declaration */

 * This type provides the context information for various ASN.1 routines,
 * primarily ones doing decoding. A member _asn_ctx of this type must be
 * included into certain target language's structures, such as compound types.
typedef struct asn_struct_ctx_s {
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30 31 32
	short phase;		/* Decoding phase */
	short step;		/* Elementary step of a phase */
	int context;		/* Other context information */
	void *ptr;		/* Decoder-specific stuff (stack elements) */
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	ber_tlv_len_t left;	/* Number of bytes left, -1 for indefinite */
35 36
} asn_struct_ctx_t;

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#include <ber_decoder.h>	/* Basic Encoding Rules decoder */
#include <der_encoder.h>	/* Distinguished Encoding Rules encoder */
#include <xer_decoder.h>	/* Decoder of XER (XML, text) */
#include <xer_encoder.h>	/* Encoder into XER (XML, text) */
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#include <per_decoder.h>	/* Packet Encoding Rules decoder */
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#include <per_encoder.h>	/* Packet Encoding Rules encoder */
#include <constraints.h>	/* Subtype constraints support */
#include <asn_random_fill.h>	/* Random structures support */
45 46

47 48
typedef void (oer_type_decoder_f)(void);
typedef void (oer_type_encoder_f)(void);
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typedef void asn_oer_constraints_t;
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51 52
#include <oer_decoder.h>	/* Octet Encoding Rules encoder */
#include <oer_encoder.h>	/* Octet Encoding Rules encoder */
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 * Free the structure according to its specification.
57 58
 * Use one of ASN_STRUCT_{FREE,RESET,CONTENTS_ONLY} macros instead.
 * Do not use directly.
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enum asn_struct_free_method {
    ASFM_FREE_EVERYTHING,   /* free(struct_ptr) and underlying members */
    ASFM_FREE_UNDERLYING,   /* free underlying members */
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typedef void (asn_struct_free_f)(
		const struct asn_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor,
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
		void *struct_ptr, enum asn_struct_free_method);

 * Free the structure including freeing the memory pointed to by ptr itself.
#define ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF, ptr) \
    (asn_DEF).op->free_struct(&(asn_DEF), (ptr), ASFM_FREE_EVERYTHING)

 * Free the memory used by the members of the structure without freeing the
 * the structure pointer itself.
 * ZERO-OUT the structure to the safe clean state.
 * (Retaining the pointer may be useful in case the structure is allocated
 *  statically or arranged on the stack, yet its elements are dynamic.)
#define ASN_STRUCT_RESET(asn_DEF, ptr) \
    (asn_DEF).op->free_struct(&(asn_DEF), (ptr), ASFM_FREE_UNDERLYING_AND_RESET)

 * Free memory used by the members of the structure without freeing
 * the structure pointer itself.
 * (Retaining the pointer may be useful in case the structure is allocated
 *  statically or arranged on the stack, yet its elements are dynamic.)
 * AVOID using it in the application code;
 * Use a safer ASN_STRUCT_RESET() instead.
    (asn_DEF).op->free_struct(&(asn_DEF), (ptr), ASFM_FREE_UNDERLYING)
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95 96 97 98

 * Print the structure according to its specification.
99 100 101 102 103
typedef int(asn_struct_print_f)(
    const struct asn_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor,
    const void *struct_ptr,
    int level, /* Indentation level */
    asn_app_consume_bytes_f *callback, void *app_key);
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105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
 * Compare two structs between each other.
 * Returns <0 if struct_A is "smaller" than struct_B, >0 if "greater",
 * and =0 if "equal to", for some type-specific, stable definition of
 * "smaller", "greater" and "equal to".
typedef int (asn_struct_compare_f)(
		const struct asn_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor,
		const void *struct_A,
		const void *struct_B);

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116 117 118 119 120 121 122
 * Return the outmost tag of the type.
 * If the type is untagged CHOICE, the dynamic operation is performed.
 * NOTE: This function pointer type is only useful internally.
 * Do not use it in your application.
typedef ber_tlv_tag_t (asn_outmost_tag_f)(
		const struct asn_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor,
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		const void *struct_ptr, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag);
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/* The instance of the above function type; used internally. */
asn_outmost_tag_f asn_TYPE_outmost_tag;
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 * Fetch the desired type of the Open Type based on the
 * Information Object Set driven constraints.
typedef struct asn_type_selector_result_s {
    const struct asn_TYPE_descriptor_s *type_descriptor; /* Type encoded. */
134 135 136
    unsigned presence_index; /* Associated choice variant. */
} asn_type_selector_result_t;
typedef asn_type_selector_result_t(asn_type_selector_f)(
137 138 139
    const struct asn_TYPE_descriptor_s *parent_type_descriptor,
    const void *parent_structure_ptr);

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 * Generalized functions for dealing with the speciic type.
 * May be directly invoked by applications.
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typedef struct asn_TYPE_operation_s {
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155
    asn_struct_free_f *free_struct;     /* Free the structure */
    asn_struct_print_f *print_struct;   /* Human readable output */
    asn_struct_compare_f *compare_struct; /* Compare two structures */
    ber_type_decoder_f *ber_decoder;      /* Generic BER decoder */
    der_type_encoder_f *der_encoder;      /* Canonical DER encoder */
    xer_type_decoder_f *xer_decoder;      /* Generic XER decoder */
    xer_type_encoder_f *xer_encoder;      /* [Canonical] XER encoder */
    oer_type_decoder_f *oer_decoder;      /* Generic OER decoder */
    oer_type_encoder_f *oer_encoder;      /* Canonical OER encoder */
    per_type_decoder_f *uper_decoder;     /* Unaligned PER decoder */
    per_type_encoder_f *uper_encoder;     /* Unaligned PER encoder */
156 157
    per_type_decoder_f *aper_decoder;     /* Aligned PER decoder */
    per_type_encoder_f *aper_encoder;     /* Aligned PER encoder */
158 159
    asn_random_fill_f *random_fill;       /* Initialize with a random value */
    asn_outmost_tag_f *outmost_tag;       /* <optional, internal> */
160 161
} asn_TYPE_operation_t;

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 * A constraints tuple specifying both the OER and PER constraints.
typedef struct asn_encoding_constraints_s {
    const struct asn_oer_constraints_s *oer_constraints;
    const struct asn_per_constraints_s *per_constraints;
    asn_constr_check_f *general_constraints;
} asn_encoding_constraints_t;

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 * The definitive description of the destination language's structure.
typedef struct asn_TYPE_descriptor_s {
175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209
    const char *name;       /* A name of the ASN.1 type. "" in some cases. */
    const char *xml_tag;    /* Name used in XML tag */

     * Generalized functions for dealing with the specific type.
     * May be directly invoked by applications.
    asn_TYPE_operation_t *op;

     * Internally useful members. Not to be used by applications directly. *

     * Tags that are expected to occur.
    const ber_tlv_tag_t *tags;      /* Effective tags sequence for this type */
    unsigned tags_count;            /* Number of tags which are expected */
    const ber_tlv_tag_t *all_tags;  /* Every tag for BER/containment */
    unsigned all_tags_count;        /* Number of tags */

    /* OER, PER, and general constraints */
    asn_encoding_constraints_t encoding_constraints;

     * An ASN.1 production type members (members of SEQUENCE, SET, CHOICE).
    struct asn_TYPE_member_s *elements;
    unsigned elements_count;

     * Additional information describing the type, used by appropriate
     * functions above.
    const void *specifics;
} asn_TYPE_descriptor_t;
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 * This type describes an element of the constructed type,
 * i.e. SEQUENCE, SET, CHOICE, etc.
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  enum asn_TYPE_flags_e {
217 218 219 220
    ATF_POINTER = 0x01,   /* Represented by the pointer */
    ATF_OPEN_TYPE = 0x02, /* Open Type */
    ATF_ANY_TYPE = 0x04   /* ANY type (deprecated!) */
typedef struct asn_TYPE_member_s {
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223 224 225 226 227 228
    enum asn_TYPE_flags_e flags; /* Element's presentation flags */
    unsigned optional;      /* Following optional members, including current */
    unsigned memb_offset;   /* Offset of the element */
    ber_tlv_tag_t tag;      /* Outmost (most immediate) tag */
    int tag_mode;           /* IMPLICIT/no/EXPLICIT tag at current level */
    asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *type;            /* Member type descriptor */
    asn_type_selector_f *type_selector;     /* IoS runtime type selector */
    asn_encoding_constraints_t encoding_constraints;
    int (*default_value_cmp)(const void *sptr); /* Compare DEFAULT <value> */
    int (*default_value_set)(void **sptr);      /* Set DEFAULT <value> */
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    const char *name; /* ASN.1 identifier of the element */
} asn_TYPE_member_t;
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 * BER tag to element number mapping.
typedef struct asn_TYPE_tag2member_s {
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    ber_tlv_tag_t el_tag;   /* Outmost tag of the member */
    unsigned el_no;         /* Index of the associated member, base 0 */
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    int toff_first;         /* First occurence of the el_tag, relative */
    int toff_last;          /* Last occurence of the el_tag, relative */
} asn_TYPE_tag2member_t;
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 * This function prints out the contents of the target language's structure
 * (struct_ptr) into the file pointer (stream) in human readable form.
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 * 	 0: The structure is printed.
 * 	-1: Problem dumping the structure.
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 * (See also xer_fprint() in xer_encoder.h)
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int asn_fprint(FILE *stream, /* Destination stream descriptor */
               const asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, /* ASN.1 type descriptor */
               const void *struct_ptr);         /* Structure to be printed */
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#ifdef __cplusplus

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#endif	/* _CONSTR_TYPE_H_ */