Commit 833d2752 authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

slightly prettier code

parent 78d917d5
......@@ -22,33 +22,40 @@ callback(const void *buffer, size_t size, void *app_key) {
return 0;
static char *
d2s(double d, int canonical, const char *str) {
ssize_t s;
reconstr_lens[canonical] = 0;
s = REAL__dump(d, canonical, callback, (void *)(ptrdiff_t)canonical);
assert(s < sizeof(reconstructed[canonical]));
assert(s == reconstr_lens[canonical]);
reconstructed[canonical][s] = '\0'; // ASCIIZ
return reconstructed[canonical];
* Verify that a string representation of a given floating point value
* is as given in the (sample) and (canonical_sample) arguments.
static void
check_str_repr(double d, const char *sample, const char *canonical_sample) {
ssize_t s1, s2;
reconstr_lens[1] = reconstr_lens[0] = 0;
s1 = REAL__dump(d, 0, callback, 0);
assert(s1 < sizeof(reconstructed[0]));
assert(s1 == reconstr_lens[0]);
reconstructed[0][s1] = '\0';
char *s0, *s1;
s2 = REAL__dump(d, 1, callback, (void *)1);
assert(s2 < sizeof(reconstructed[1]));
assert(s2 == reconstr_lens[1]);
reconstructed[1][s2] = '\0';
s0 = d2s(d, 0, sample);
s1 = d2s(d, 1, canonical_sample);
if(sample) {
printf("Checking %f->[%s] against [%s]%s\n",
d, reconstructed[0], sample,
d, s0, sample,
canonical_sample ? " (canonical follows...)" : ""
assert(!strcmp(reconstructed[0], sample));
assert(!strcmp(s0, sample));
if(canonical_sample) {
printf("Checking %f->[%s] against [%s] (canonical)\n",
d, reconstructed[1], canonical_sample);
assert(!strcmp(reconstructed[1], canonical_sample));
d, s1, canonical_sample);
assert(!strcmp(s1, canonical_sample));
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