Commit 8945e0ea authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

extended tags support

parent 71a8aaf5
#include "asn1fix_internal.h"
#define AFT_IMAGINARY_ANY 1 /* _fetch_tag() flag */
#define AFT_MAGIC_ANY 1 /* _fetch_tag() flag */
static int _asn1f_check_if_tag_must_be_explicit(arg_t *arg, asn1p_expr_t *v);
static int _asn1f_compare_tags(arg_t *arg, asn1p_expr_t *a, asn1p_expr_t *b);
......@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ _asn1f_check_if_tag_must_be_explicit(arg_t *arg, asn1p_expr_t *v) {
save_tag = v->tag; /* Save existing tag */
memset(&v->tag, 0, sizeof(v->tag)); /* Remove it temporarily */
ret = asn1f_fetch_tag(arg->asn, arg->mod, v, &tag, 0);
ret = asn1f_fetch_outmost_tag(arg->asn, arg->mod, v, &tag, 0);
v->tag = save_tag; /* Restore the tag back */
if(ret == 0) return 0; /* If found tag, it's okay */
......@@ -403,8 +403,8 @@ _asn1f_compare_tags(arg_t *arg, asn1p_expr_t *a, asn1p_expr_t *b) {
int ra, rb;
int ret;
ra = asn1f_fetch_tag(arg->asn, arg->mod, a, &ta, AFT_IMAGINARY_ANY);
rb = asn1f_fetch_tag(arg->asn, arg->mod, b, &tb, AFT_IMAGINARY_ANY);
ra = asn1f_fetch_outmost_tag(arg->asn, arg->mod, a, &ta, AFT_MAGIC_ANY);
rb = asn1f_fetch_outmost_tag(arg->asn, arg->mod, b, &tb, AFT_MAGIC_ANY);
* If both tags are explicitly or implicitly given, use them.
#include "asn1fix_internal.h"
asn1f_fetch_tag(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *expr, struct asn1p_type_tag_s *tag, int flags) {
int ret;
#define ADD_TAG(skip, newtag) do { \
void *__p; \
if(skip) { skip--; break; } \
__p = realloc((*tags), \
sizeof(struct asn1p_type_tag_s) * (count + 1)); \
if(!__p) return -1; \
*tags = __p; \
(*tags)[count++] = newtag; \
if((flags & AFT_FETCH_OUTMOST)) return count; \
if(newtag.tag_mode == TM_IMPLICIT) skip++; \
} while(0)
if(expr->tag.tag_class != TC_NOCLASS) {
*tag = expr->tag;
return 0;
static int
asn1f_fetch_tags_impl(arg_t *arg, struct asn1p_type_tag_s **tags, int count, int skip, enum asn1f_aft_flags_e flags) {
asn1p_expr_t *expr = arg->expr;
/* If this type is tagged, add this tag first */
if(expr->tag.tag_class != TC_NOCLASS)
ADD_TAG(skip, expr->tag);
if(expr->expr_type == A1TC_EXTENSIBLE) {
memset(tag, 0, sizeof(*tag));
tag->tag_class = -1;
return 0;
struct asn1p_type_tag_s tt;
memset(&tt, 0, sizeof(tt));
tt.tag_class = -1;
ADD_TAG(skip, tt);
return count;
if(expr->meta_type == AMT_TYPE) {
memset(tag, 0, sizeof(*tag));
tag->tag_class = TC_UNIVERSAL;
tag->tag_value = expr_type2uclass_value[expr->expr_type];
if(flags && expr->expr_type == ASN_TYPE_ANY) {
assert(tag->tag_value == 0);
tag->tag_value = -1;
return 0;
struct asn1p_type_tag_s tt;
memset(&tt, 0, sizeof(tt));
tt.tag_class = TC_UNIVERSAL;
tt.tag_value = expr_type2uclass_value[expr->expr_type];
if(tt.tag_value == 0) {
if(expr->expr_type == ASN_TYPE_ANY
&& (flags & AFT_IMAGINARY_ANY))
tt.tag_value = -1;
return -1;
return (tag->tag_value == 0) ? -1 : 0;
ADD_TAG(skip, tt);
return count;
if(expr->meta_type == AMT_TYPEREF) {
arg_t arg;
memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg));
arg.asn = asn;
arg.mod = mod;
arg.expr = expr;
expr = asn1f_lookup_symbol(&arg, expr->module, expr->reference);
expr = asn1f_lookup_symbol(arg, expr->module, expr->reference);
if(expr == NULL) return -1;
if(expr->_mark & TM_RECURSION)
return -1;
arg->expr = expr;
expr->_mark |= TM_RECURSION;
ret = asn1f_fetch_tag(asn, expr->module, expr, tag,
count = asn1f_fetch_tags_impl(arg, tags, count, skip, flags);
expr->_mark &= ~TM_RECURSION;
return ret;
return count;
return -1;
asn1f_fetch_outmost_tag(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *expr, struct asn1p_type_tag_s *tag, int _aft_imaginary_any) {
struct asn1p_type_tag_s *tags;
enum asn1f_aft_flags_e flags;
int count;
flags |= AFT_IMAGINARY_ANY * _aft_imaginary_any;
count = asn1f_fetch_tags(asn, mod, expr, &tags, flags);
if(count <= 0) return count;
*tag = tags[0];
return 0;
asn1f_fetch_tags(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *expr, struct asn1p_type_tag_s **tags_r, enum asn1f_aft_flags_e flags) {
arg_t arg;
struct asn1p_type_tag_s *tags = 0;
int count;
memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg));
arg.asn = asn;
arg.mod = mod;
arg.expr = expr;
count = asn1f_fetch_tags_impl(&arg, &tags, 0, 0, flags);
if(count <= 0 && tags) {
tags = 0;
*tags_r = tags;
return count;
#ifndef _ASN1FIX_TAGS_H_
#define _ASN1FIX_TAGS_H_
int asn1f_fetch_tag(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *expr, struct asn1p_type_tag_s *tag, int special_ANY_handling);
enum asn1f_aft_flags_e {
AFT_IMAGINARY_ANY = 0x01, /* Treat ANY tag as [IMAGINARY ANY] */
AFT_FETCH_OUTMOST = 0x02, /* Fetch only outmost tag */
* Allocate and return an array of tags for the given type.
* Type1 ::= [2] EXPLICIT Type2
* Type2 ::= [3] IMPLICIT Type3
* Type3 ::= [4] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE { ... }
* Will return [2][3][UNIVERSAL 16] for the Type1.
int asn1f_fetch_tags(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *expr,
struct asn1p_type_tag_s **tags, enum asn1f_aft_flags_e flags);
* Fetch the outmost tag of the given type.
* Type1 ::= Type2
* Type2 ::= [2] Type3
* Type3 ::= SEQUENCE { ... }
* Will yield [2] for Type1.
int asn1f_fetch_outmost_tag(asn1p_t *asn, asn1p_module_t *mod, asn1p_expr_t *expr, struct asn1p_type_tag_s *tag, int _aft_imaginary_any);
#endif /* _ASN1FIX_TAGS_H_ */
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