Commit ae5540f5 authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

includes are outside of extern C {} clause

parent fc6a349f
......@@ -249,18 +249,17 @@ asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg, asn1c_fdeps_t *deps) {
SAVE_STREAM(fp_h, OT_INCLUDES, "Including external dependencies", 1);
fprintf(fp_h, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n");
SAVE_STREAM(fp_h, OT_DEPS, "Dependencies", 0);
SAVE_STREAM(fp_h, OT_FWD_DECLS, "Forward declarations", 0);
SAVE_STREAM(fp_h, OT_TYPE_DECLS, expr->Identifier, 0);
SAVE_STREAM(fp_h, OT_FUNC_DECLS,"Implementation", 0);
if(!(arg->flags & A1C_NO_INCLUDE_DEPS))
SAVE_STREAM(fp_h, OT_POST_INCLUDE, "Referred external types", 1);
fprintf(fp_h, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n\n"
"#endif\t/* _%s_H_ */\n",
if(!(arg->flags & A1C_NO_INCLUDE_DEPS))
SAVE_STREAM(fp_h, OT_POST_INCLUDE, "Referred external types", 1);
fprintf(fp_c, "#include <asn_internal.h>\n\n");
fprintf(fp_c, "#include \"%s.h\"\n\n", expr->Identifier);
if(arg->flags & A1C_NO_INCLUDE_DEPS)
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