Commit 062e3bd7 authored by vitaut's avatar vitaut

Add a branch option to the release script

parent 5174b8ca
This diff is collapsed.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Release script
"""Create a release.
Usage: [<branch>]
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime, fileinput, json, os, re, requests, shutil, sys, tempfile
import datetime, docopt, fileinput, json, os, re, requests, shutil, sys, tempfile
from docutils import nodes, writers, core
from subprocess import check_call
......@@ -126,58 +131,61 @@ class Runner:
kwargs['cwd'] = kwargs.get('cwd', self.cwd)
check_call(args, **kwargs)
workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
run = Runner()
cppformat_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'cppformat')
run('git', 'clone', '', cppformat_dir)
# Convert changelog from RST to GitHub-flavored Markdown and get the version.
changelog = 'ChangeLog.rst'
changelog_path = os.path.join(cppformat_dir, changelog)
changes, version = core.publish_file(source_path=changelog_path, writer=MDWriter())
cmakelists = 'CMakeLists.txt'
for line in fileinput.input(os.path.join(cppformat_dir, cmakelists), inplace=True):
prefix = 'set(CPPFORMAT_VERSION '
if line.startswith(prefix):
line = prefix + version + ')\n'
# Update the version in the changelog.
title_len = 0
for line in fileinput.input(changelog_path, inplace=True):
if line.startswith(version + ' - TBD'):
line = version + ' - ' +
title_len = len(line)
line += '\n'
elif title_len:
line = '-' * title_len + '\n'
title_len = 0
run.cwd = cppformat_dir
run('git', 'checkout', '-b', 'release')
run('git', 'add', changelog, cmakelists)
run('git', 'commit', '-m', 'Update version')
# Build the docs and package.
run('cmake', '.')
run('make', 'doc', 'package_source')
site_dir = os.path.join(workdir, '')
run('git', 'clone', '', site_dir)
doc_dir = os.path.join(site_dir, version)
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(cppformat_dir, 'doc', 'html'), doc_dir,
ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('.doctrees', '.buildinfo'))
run.cwd = site_dir
run('git', 'add', doc_dir)
run('git', 'commit', '-m', 'Update docs')
# Create a release on GitHub.
run('git', 'push', 'origin', 'release', cwd=cppformat_dir)
r ='',
params={'access_token': os.getenv('CPPFORMAT_TOKEN')},
data=json.dumps({'tag_name1': version, 'target_commitish': 'release',
'body': changes, 'draft': True}))
if r.status_code != 201:
raise Exception('Failed to create a release ' + str(r))
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt.docopt(__doc__)
workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
run = Runner()
cppformat_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'cppformat')
branch = args.get('<branch>', 'master')
run('git', 'clone', '-b', branch, '', cppformat_dir)
# Convert changelog from RST to GitHub-flavored Markdown and get the version.
changelog = 'ChangeLog.rst'
changelog_path = os.path.join(cppformat_dir, changelog)
changes, version = core.publish_file(source_path=changelog_path, writer=MDWriter())
cmakelists = 'CMakeLists.txt'
for line in fileinput.input(os.path.join(cppformat_dir, cmakelists), inplace=True):
prefix = 'set(CPPFORMAT_VERSION '
if line.startswith(prefix):
line = prefix + version + ')\n'
# Update the version in the changelog.
title_len = 0
for line in fileinput.input(changelog_path, inplace=True):
if line.decode('utf-8').startswith(version + ' - TBD'):
line = version + ' - ' +
title_len = len(line)
line += '\n'
elif title_len:
line = '-' * title_len + '\n'
title_len = 0
run.cwd = cppformat_dir
run('git', 'checkout', '-b', 'release')
run('git', 'add', changelog, cmakelists)
run('git', 'commit', '-m', 'Update version')
# Build the docs and package.
run('cmake', '.')
run('make', 'doc', 'package_source')
site_dir = os.path.join(workdir, '')
run('git', 'clone', '', site_dir)
doc_dir = os.path.join(site_dir, version)
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(cppformat_dir, 'doc', 'html'), doc_dir,
ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('.doctrees', '.buildinfo'))
run.cwd = site_dir
run('git', 'add', doc_dir)
run('git', 'commit', '-m', 'Update docs')
# Create a release on GitHub.
run('git', 'push', 'origin', 'release', cwd=cppformat_dir)
r ='',
params={'access_token': os.getenv('CPPFORMAT_TOKEN')},
data=json.dumps({'tag_name': version, 'target_commitish': 'release',
'body': changes, 'draft': True}))
if r.status_code != 201:
raise Exception('Failed to create a release ' + str(r))
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