Commit 0ba89d25 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Update ChangeLog.rst

parent c04617c8
2.0.0 - TBD
* Added a workaround for broken implementation of variadic templates in MSVC2012
(`#148 <>`_).
* [Breaking] ``windows.h`` is now included with ``NOMINMAX`` unless
``FMT_WIN_MINMAX`` is defined. This is done to prevent breaking code using
``std::min`` and ``std::max`` and only affects the header-only configuration
......@@ -97,14 +100,16 @@
* Implemented a workaround for a name lookup bug in MSVC2010
(`#188 <>`_).
* Fixed warnings in Clang and MSVC2013
(`#158 <>`_,
* Fixed multiple warnings
(`#146 <>`_,
`#158 <>`_,
`#163 <>`_
`#175 <>`_,
`#190 <>`_,
`#191 <>`_,
`#194 <>`_).
Thanks to `@fmatthew5876 (Matthew Fioravante) <>`_,
Thanks to `@Naios <>`_,
`@fmatthew5876 (Matthew Fioravante) <>`_,
`@LevskiWeng (Levski Weng) <>`_,
`@rpopescu <>`_,
`@gabime (Gabi Melman) <>`_ and
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