Commit 18400503 authored by Elias Daler's avatar Elias Daler Committed by Victor Zverovich

Fix C4127 warning in basic_writer<Range>::write_double

parent 9de31211
......@@ -2923,8 +2923,8 @@ void basic_writer<Range>::write_double(T value, const format_specs &spec) {
return write_inf_or_nan(handler.upper ? "INF" : "inf");
basic_memory_buffer<char_type> buffer;
if (FMT_USE_GRISU && sizeof(T) <= sizeof(double) &&
std::numeric_limits<double>::is_iec559) {
if (internal::const_check(FMT_USE_GRISU && sizeof(T) <= sizeof(double) &&
std::numeric_limits<double>::is_iec559)) {
internal::fp fp_value(static_cast<double>(value));
// Find a cached power of 10 close to 1 / fp_value.
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