Commit 279c7a6e authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Change "number is too big in format" to "number is too big" because the error...

Change "number is too big in format" to "number is too big" because the error can occur not only in the format function.
parent 526b7fc9
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ int parse_nonnegative_int(const Char *&s) {
value = new_value;
} while ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9');
if (value > INT_MAX)
throw fmt::FormatError("number is too big in format");
throw fmt::FormatError("number is too big");
return value;
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class WidthHandler : public fmt::internal::ArgVisitor<WidthHandler, unsigned> {
width = 0 - width;
if (width > INT_MAX)
throw fmt::FormatError("number is too big in format");
throw fmt::FormatError("number is too big");
return static_cast<unsigned>(width);
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class PrecisionHandler :
template <typename T>
int visit_any_int(T value) {
if (!IntChecker<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed>::fits_in_int(value))
throw fmt::FormatError("number is too big in format");
throw fmt::FormatError("number is too big");
return static_cast<int>(value);
......@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ const Char *fmt::BasicFormatter<Char>::format(
throw FormatError("precision is not integer");
if (value > INT_MAX)
throw FormatError("number is too big in format");
throw FormatError("number is too big");
spec.precision_ = static_cast<int>(value);
} else {
throw FormatError("missing precision in format");
......@@ -619,11 +619,9 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, ArgErrors) {
"argument index is out of range in format");
safe_sprintf(format_str, "{%u", INT_MAX + 1u);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str), FormatError, "number is too big");
safe_sprintf(format_str, "{%u}", INT_MAX + 1u);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str), FormatError, "number is too big");
TEST(FormatterTest, AutoArgIndex) {
......@@ -897,20 +895,16 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, Width) {
char format_str[BUFFER_SIZE];
safe_sprintf(format_str, "{0:%u", UINT_MAX);
increment(format_str + 3);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
std::size_t size = std::strlen(format_str);
format_str[size] = '}';
format_str[size + 1] = 0;
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
safe_sprintf(format_str, "{0:%u", INT_MAX + 1u);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
safe_sprintf(format_str, "{0:%u}", INT_MAX + 1u);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_EQ(" -42", format("{0:4}", -42));
EXPECT_EQ(" 42", format("{0:5}", 42u));
EXPECT_EQ(" -42", format("{0:6}", -42l));
......@@ -929,20 +923,16 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, Precision) {
char format_str[BUFFER_SIZE];
safe_sprintf(format_str, "{0:.%u", UINT_MAX);
increment(format_str + 4);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
std::size_t size = std::strlen(format_str);
format_str[size] = '}';
format_str[size + 1] = 0;
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
safe_sprintf(format_str, "{0:.%u", INT_MAX + 1u);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
safe_sprintf(format_str, "{0:.%u}", INT_MAX + 1u);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:.", 0),
FormatError, "missing precision in format");
......@@ -1003,17 +993,14 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, RuntimePrecision) {
char format_str[BUFFER_SIZE];
safe_sprintf(format_str, "{0:.{%u", UINT_MAX);
increment(format_str + 5);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
std::size_t size = std::strlen(format_str);
format_str[size] = '}';
format_str[size + 1] = 0;
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
format_str[size + 1] = '}';
format_str[size + 2] = 0;
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format(format_str, 0), FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:.{", 0),
FormatError, "invalid format string");
......@@ -1029,16 +1016,16 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, RuntimePrecision) {
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:.{1}}", 0, -1),
FormatError, "negative precision in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:.{1}}", 0, (INT_MAX + 1u)),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:.{1}}", 0, -1l),
FormatError, "negative precision in format");
if (sizeof(long) > sizeof(int)) {
long value = INT_MAX;
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:.{1}}", 0, (value + 1)),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:.{1}}", 0, (INT_MAX + 1ul)),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:.{1}}", 0, '0'),
FormatError, "precision is not integer");
......@@ -79,31 +79,31 @@ TEST(PrintfTest, AutomaticArgIndexing) {
TEST(PrintfTest, NumberIsTooBigInArgIndex) {
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf(format("%{}$", BIG_NUM)),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf(format("%{}$d", BIG_NUM)),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
TEST(PrintfTest, SwitchArgIndexing) {
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%1$d%", 1, 2),
FormatError, "invalid format string");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf(format("%1$d%{}d", BIG_NUM), 1, 2),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%1$d%d", 1, 2),
FormatError, "cannot switch from manual to automatic argument indexing");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%d%1$", 1, 2),
FormatError, "invalid format string");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf(format("%d%{}$d", BIG_NUM), 1, 2),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%d%1$d", 1, 2),
FormatError, "cannot switch from automatic to manual argument indexing");
// Indexing errors override width errors.
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf(format("%d%1${}d", BIG_NUM), 1, 2),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf(format("%1$d%{}d", BIG_NUM), 1, 2),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
TEST(PrintfTest, InvalidArgIndex) {
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ TEST(PrintfTest, InvalidArgIndex) {
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%2$", 42),
FormatError, "invalid format string");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf(format("%{}$d", BIG_NUM), 42),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
TEST(PrintfTest, DefaultAlignRight) {
......@@ -207,9 +207,9 @@ TEST(PrintfTest, Width) {
"unknown format code '-' for integer");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf(format("%{}d", BIG_NUM), 42),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf(format("%1${}d", BIG_NUM), 42),
FormatError, "number is too big in format");
FormatError, "number is too big");
TEST(PrintfTest, DynamicWidth) {
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ TEST(PrintfTest, DynamicWidth) {
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%*d"), FormatError,
"argument index is out of range in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%*d", BIG_NUM, 42), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
"number is too big");
TEST(PrintfTest, IntPrecision) {
......@@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ TEST(PrintfTest, DynamicPrecision) {
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%.*d"), FormatError,
"argument index is out of range in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%.*d", BIG_NUM, 42), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
"number is too big");
if (sizeof(fmt::LongLong) != sizeof(int)) {
fmt::LongLong prec = static_cast<fmt::LongLong>(INT_MIN) - 1;
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fmt::sprintf("%.*d", prec, 42), FormatError,
"number is too big in format");
"number is too big");
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