Commit 3dae2582 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Describe cmake use of header-only target

parent 1c7b751d
......@@ -54,6 +54,25 @@ To build a `shared library`__ set the ``BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`` CMake variable to
Header-only usage with CMake
You can add the ``fmt`` library directory into your project and include it in
your ``CMakeLists.txt`` file::
add_subdirectory(fmt EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
to exclude it from ``make``, ``make all``, or ``cmake --build .``.
Settting up your target to use a header-only version of ``fmt`` is equaly easy::
target_link_libraries(<your-target> PRIVATE fmt-header-only)
Building the documentation
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