Commit 45911770 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Separate parsing and formatting in extension API

parent 7bd776e7
......@@ -495,6 +495,10 @@ class format_error : public std::runtime_error {
~format_error() throw();
// A formatter for objects of type T.
template <typename Char, typename T>
class formatter;
namespace internal {
// make_unsigned<T>::type gives an unsigned type corresponding to integer
......@@ -1099,6 +1103,16 @@ enum Type {
inline bool is_integral(Type type) {
FMT_ASSERT(type != internal::NAMED_ARG, "invalid argument type");
return type > internal::NONE && type <= internal::LAST_INTEGER_TYPE;
inline bool is_numeric(Type type) {
FMT_ASSERT(type != internal::NAMED_ARG, "invalid argument type");
return type > internal::NONE && type <= internal::LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE;
template <typename Char>
struct string_value {
const Char *value;
......@@ -1375,19 +1389,11 @@ class basic_arg {
explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return type_ != internal::NONE; }
bool is_integral() const {
FMT_ASSERT(type_ != internal::NAMED_ARG, "invalid argument type");
return type_ > internal::NONE && type_ <= internal::LAST_INTEGER_TYPE;
bool is_numeric() const {
FMT_ASSERT(type_ != internal::NAMED_ARG, "invalid argument type");
return type_ > internal::NONE && type_ <= internal::LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE;
internal::Type type() const { return type_; }
bool is_pointer() const {
return type_ == internal::POINTER;
bool is_integral() const { return internal::is_integral(type_); }
bool is_numeric() const { return internal::is_numeric(type_); }
bool is_pointer() const { return type_ == internal::POINTER; }
......@@ -3167,35 +3173,18 @@ unsigned parse_nonnegative_int(Iterator &it) {
return value;
template <typename Char>
inline void require_numeric_argument(
const basic_arg<Char> &arg, char spec) {
if (!arg.is_numeric()) {
inline void require_numeric_argument(Type type, char spec) {
if (!is_numeric(type)) {
fmt::format("format specifier '{}' requires numeric argument", spec)));
// An argument visitor that checks if argument is unsigned.
struct is_unsigned {
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<T>::value, bool>::type
operator()(T value) {
return true;
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_unsigned<T>::value, bool>::type
operator()(T value) {
return false;
template <typename Iterator, typename Context>
void check_sign(Iterator &it, const basic_arg<Context> &arg) {
template <typename Iterator>
void check_sign(Iterator &it, Type type) {
char sign = static_cast<char>(*it);
require_numeric_argument(arg, sign);
if (visit(is_unsigned(), arg)) {
require_numeric_argument(type, sign);
if (is_integral(type) && type != INT && type != LONG_LONG && type != CHAR) {
"format specifier '{}' requires signed argument", sign)));
......@@ -3263,11 +3252,10 @@ struct precision_handler {
// Parses standard format specifiers.
template <typename Context>
basic_format_specs<typename Context::char_type>
parse_format_specs(const basic_arg<Context>& arg, Context &ctx) {
parse_format_specs(Type arg_type, Context &ctx) {
typedef typename Context::char_type Char;
basic_format_specs<Char> spec;
// Parse fill and alignment.
......@@ -3299,7 +3287,7 @@ basic_format_specs<typename Context::char_type>
spec.fill_ = c;
} else ++it;
if (spec.align_ == ALIGN_NUMERIC)
internal::require_numeric_argument(arg, '=');
internal::require_numeric_argument(arg_type, '=');
} while (--p >= it);
......@@ -3308,28 +3296,28 @@ basic_format_specs<typename Context::char_type>
// Parse sign.
switch (*it) {
case '+':
internal::check_sign(it, arg);
internal::check_sign(it, arg_type);
spec.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG | PLUS_FLAG;
case '-':
internal::check_sign(it, arg);
internal::check_sign(it, arg_type);
spec.flags_ |= MINUS_FLAG;
case ' ':
internal::check_sign(it, arg);
internal::check_sign(it, arg_type);
spec.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG;
if (*it == '#') {
internal::require_numeric_argument(arg, '#');
internal::require_numeric_argument(arg_type, '#');
spec.flags_ |= HASH_FLAG;
// Parse zero flag.
if (*it == '0') {
internal::require_numeric_argument(arg, '0');
internal::require_numeric_argument(arg_type, '0');
spec.align_ = ALIGN_NUMERIC;
spec.fill_ = '0';
......@@ -3368,10 +3356,10 @@ basic_format_specs<typename Context::char_type>
} else {
FMT_THROW(format_error("missing precision specifier"));
if (arg.is_integral() || arg.is_pointer()) {
if (is_integral(arg_type) || arg_type == POINTER) {
fmt::format("precision not allowed in {} format specifier",
arg.is_pointer() ? "pointer" : "integer")));
arg_type == POINTER ? "pointer" : "integer")));
......@@ -3383,7 +3371,7 @@ basic_format_specs<typename Context::char_type>
// Formats a single argument.
template <typename ArgFormatter, typename Char, typename Context>
void do_format_arg(basic_buffer<Char> &buffer, const basic_arg<Context>& arg,
void do_format_arg(basic_buffer<Char> &buffer, const basic_arg<Context> &arg,
Context &ctx) {
auto &it = ctx.pos();
basic_format_specs<Char> spec;
......@@ -3391,7 +3379,7 @@ void do_format_arg(basic_buffer<Char> &buffer, const basic_arg<Context>& arg,
if (visit(internal::custom_formatter<Char, Context>(buffer, ctx), arg))
spec = internal::parse_format_specs(arg, ctx);
spec = internal::parse_format_specs(arg.type(), ctx);
if (*it != '}')
......@@ -3402,6 +3390,26 @@ void do_format_arg(basic_buffer<Char> &buffer, const basic_arg<Context>& arg,
} // namespace internal
template <typename T, typename Char = char>
class formatter {
explicit formatter(basic_context<Char> &ctx) {
auto &it = ctx.pos();
if (*it == ':') {
specs_ = parse_format_specs(internal::gettype<T>(), ctx);
void format(basic_buffer<Char> &buf, const T &val, basic_context<Char> &ctx) {
visit(arg_formatter<Char>(buf, ctx, specs_),
basic_format_specs<Char> specs_;
template <typename Char>
inline typename basic_context<Char>::format_arg
......@@ -1240,12 +1240,14 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, FormatCustom) {
class Answer {};
template <typename Char>
void format_value(fmt::basic_buffer<Char> &buf, Answer, fmt::context &) {
fmt::format_to(buf, "{}", 42);
void format_value(fmt::basic_buffer<Char> &buf, Answer, fmt::context &ctx) {
fmt::formatter<int> f(ctx);
f.format(buf, 42, ctx);
TEST(FormatterTest, CustomFormat) {
EXPECT_EQ("42", format("{0}", Answer()));
EXPECT_EQ("0042", format("{:04}", Answer()));
TEST(FormatterTest, WideFormatString) {
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