Commit 4762a8af authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Format infinity.

parent 529045b6
......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ Features
reported using exceptions.
* Ease of use: small self-contained code base, no external dependencies,
permissive BSD `license`_.
* `Portability`_ and support for older compilers.
* `Portability`_ with consistent output across platforms and support
for older compilers.
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ int signbit(double value) {
if (value < 0) return 1;
if (value == value) return 0;
int dec = 0, sign = 0;
ecvt(value, 0, &dec, &sign);
_ecvt(value, 0, &dec, &sign);
return sign;
......@@ -337,6 +337,21 @@ void Formatter::FormatDouble(T value, const FormatSpec &spec, int precision) {
if (isinf(value)) {
// Format infinity ourselves because sprintf's output is not consistent
// across platforms.
std::size_t size = 4;
const char *inf = upper ? " INF" : " inf";
if (!sign) {
char *out = FormatString(inf, size, spec);
if (sign)
*out = sign;
size_t offset = buffer_.size();
unsigned width = spec.width;
if (sign) {
......@@ -774,10 +774,6 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, FormatDouble) {
sprintf(buffer, "%E", 392.65);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:E}") << 392.65));
EXPECT_EQ("+0000392.6", str(Format("{0:+010.4g}") << 392.65));
double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
EXPECT_EQ("inf", str(Format("{}") << inf));
EXPECT_EQ("-inf", str(Format("{}") << -inf));
EXPECT_EQ("INF", str(Format("{:F}") << inf));
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatNaN) {
......@@ -792,6 +788,18 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, FormatNaN) {
EXPECT_EQ(" nan", str(Format("{:>7}") << nan));
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatInfinity) {
double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
EXPECT_EQ("inf", str(Format("{}") << inf));
EXPECT_EQ("+inf", str(Format("{:+}") << inf));
EXPECT_EQ("-inf", str(Format("{}") << -inf));
EXPECT_EQ(" inf", str(Format("{: }") << inf));
EXPECT_EQ("INF", str(Format("{:F}") << inf));
EXPECT_EQ("inf ", str(Format("{:<7}") << inf));
EXPECT_EQ(" inf ", str(Format("{:^7}") << inf));
EXPECT_EQ(" inf", str(Format("{:>7}") << inf));
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatLongDouble) {
EXPECT_EQ("0", str(Format("{0:}") << 0.0l));
EXPECT_EQ("0.000000", str(Format("{0:f}") << 0.0l));
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