Commit 65cb43a4 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Store type info in uint64_t instead of ULongLong

parent c2f02df2
......@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ public:
#define FMT_MAKE_VALUE(Type, field, TYPE) \
MakeValue(Type value) { field = value; } \
static ULongLong type(Type) { return Arg::TYPE; }
static uint64_t type(Type) { return Arg::TYPE; }
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(bool, int_value, INT)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(short, int_value, INT)
......@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ public:
long_long_value = value;
static ULongLong type(long) {
static uint64_t type(long) {
return sizeof(long) == sizeof(int) ? Arg::INT : Arg::LONG_LONG;
......@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ public:
ulong_long_value = value;
static ULongLong type(unsigned long) {
static uint64_t type(unsigned long) {
return sizeof(unsigned long) == sizeof(unsigned) ?
......@@ -732,11 +732,11 @@ public:
MakeValue(wchar_t value) {
int_value = internal::CharTraits<Char>::convert(value);
static ULongLong type(wchar_t) { return Arg::CHAR; }
static uint64_t type(wchar_t) { return Arg::CHAR; }
#define FMT_MAKE_STR_VALUE(Type, TYPE) \
MakeValue(Type value) { set_string(value); } \
static ULongLong type(Type) { return Arg::TYPE; }
static uint64_t type(Type) { return Arg::TYPE; }
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(char *, string.value, CSTRING)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(const char *, string.value, CSTRING)
......@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ public:
custom.format = &format_custom_arg<T>;
template <typename T>
static ULongLong type(const T &) { return Arg::CUSTOM; }
static uint64_t type(const T &) { return Arg::CUSTOM; }
#define FMT_DISPATCH(call) static_cast<Impl*>(this)->call
......@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ class ArgFormatter;
class ArgList {
ULongLong types_;
uint64_t types_;
const internal::Value *values_;
......@@ -899,7 +899,8 @@ class ArgList {
using internal::Arg;
if (index >= MAX_ARGS)
return Arg();
ULongLong shift = index * 4, mask = 0xf;
unsigned shift = index * 4;
uint64_t mask = 0xf;
Arg::Type type =
static_cast<Arg::Type>((types_ & (mask << shift)) >> shift);
Arg arg;
......@@ -1222,20 +1223,20 @@ inline StrFormatSpec<wchar_t> pad(
# define FMT_GEN15(f) FMT_GEN14(f), f(14)
namespace internal {
inline ULongLong make_type() { return 0; }
inline uint64_t make_type() { return 0; }
template <typename T>
inline ULongLong make_type(const T &arg) { return MakeValue<char>::type(arg); }
inline uint64_t make_type(const T &arg) { return MakeValue<char>::type(arg); }
template <typename Arg, typename... Args>
inline ULongLong make_type(const Arg &first, const Args & ... tail) {
inline uint64_t make_type(const Arg &first, const Args & ... tail) {
return make_type(first) | (make_type(tail...) << 4);
struct ArgType {
fmt::ULongLong type;
uint64_t type;
ArgType() : type(0) {}
......@@ -1245,7 +1246,7 @@ struct ArgType {
# define FMT_ARG_TYPE_DEFAULT(n) ArgType t##n = ArgType()
inline ULongLong make_type(FMT_GEN15(FMT_ARG_TYPE_DEFAULT)) {
inline uint64_t make_type(FMT_GEN15(FMT_ARG_TYPE_DEFAULT)) {
return t0.type | (t1.type << 4) | (t2.type << 8) | (t3.type << 12) |
(t4.type << 16) | (t5.type << 20) | (t6.type << 24) | (t7.type << 28) |
(t8.type << 32) | (t9.type << 36) | (t10.type << 40) | (t11.type << 44) |
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