Commit 68214bd9 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

More time formatting

parent bcf3fcd6
......@@ -159,6 +159,17 @@ struct chrono_formatter {
out = format_decimal<char_type>(out, n, num_digits);
void format_localized(const tm &time, char format) {
auto locale = context.locale().template get<std::locale>();
auto &facet = std::use_facet<std::time_put<char_type>>(locale);
std::basic_ostringstream<char_type> os;
const char format_str[] = {'%', 'O', format};
facet.put(os, os, ' ', &time, format_str, format_str + sizeof(format_str));
auto str = os.str();
std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), out);
void on_text(const char_type *begin, const char_type *end) {
std::copy(begin, end, out);
......@@ -174,21 +185,19 @@ struct chrono_formatter {
auto hour = (s.count() / 3600) % 24;
if (ns == numeric_system::standard)
return write(hour, 2);
auto locale = context.locale().template get<std::locale>();
auto &facet = std::use_facet<std::time_put<char_type>>(locale);
std::basic_ostringstream<char_type> os;
auto time = tm();
time.tm_hour = hour;
const char format[] = {'%', 'O', 'H'};
facet.put(os, os, ' ', &time, format, format + sizeof(format));
auto str = os.str();
std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), out);
format_localized(time, 'H');
void on_12_hour(numeric_system) {
void on_12_hour(numeric_system ns) {
auto hour = (s.count() / 3600) % 12;
write(hour > 0 ? hour : 12, 2);
hour = hour > 0 ? hour : 12;
if (ns == numeric_system::standard)
return write(hour, 2);
auto time = tm();
time.tm_hour = hour;
format_localized(time, 'I');
void on_minute(numeric_system) {
......@@ -95,10 +95,17 @@ TEST(TimeTest, ChronoLocale) {
std::ostringstream os;
auto str = [&] {
auto s = os.str();
return s;
auto time = std::tm();
time.tm_hour = 14;
os << std::put_time(&time, "%OH");
EXPECT_EQ(os.str(), fmt::format(loc, "{:%OH}", std::chrono::hours(14)));
EXPECT_EQ(str(), fmt::format(loc, "{:%OH}", std::chrono::hours(14)));
os << std::put_time(&time, "%OI");
EXPECT_EQ(str(), fmt::format(loc, "{:%OI}", std::chrono::hours(14)));
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