Commit 6b3840b7 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Make format_specs construction constexpr

parent a38bd9ca
......@@ -1630,12 +1630,13 @@ struct align_spec : empty_spec {
wchar_t fill_;
alignment align_;
align_spec(unsigned width, wchar_t fill, alignment align = ALIGN_DEFAULT)
constexpr align_spec(
unsigned width, wchar_t fill, alignment align = ALIGN_DEFAULT)
: width_(width), fill_(fill), align_(align) {}
unsigned width() const { return width_; }
wchar_t fill() const { return fill_; }
alignment align() const { return align_; }
constexpr unsigned width() const { return width_; }
constexpr wchar_t fill() const { return fill_; }
constexpr alignment align() const { return align_; }
int precision() const { return -1; }
......@@ -1670,7 +1671,8 @@ class basic_format_specs : public align_spec {
int precision_;
Char type_;
basic_format_specs(unsigned width = 0, char type = 0, wchar_t fill = ' ')
constexpr basic_format_specs(
unsigned width = 0, char type = 0, wchar_t fill = ' ')
: align_spec(width, fill), flags_(0), precision_(-1), type_(type) {}
template <typename... FormatSpecs>
......@@ -1679,9 +1681,9 @@ class basic_format_specs : public align_spec {
bool flag(unsigned f) const { return (flags_ & f) != 0; }
int precision() const { return precision_; }
Char type() const { return type_; }
constexpr bool flag(unsigned f) const { return (flags_ & f) != 0; }
constexpr int precision() const { return precision_; }
constexpr Char type() const { return type_; }
typedef basic_format_specs<char> format_specs;
......@@ -3114,29 +3116,30 @@ struct error_handler {
template <typename Char>
class specs_setter : public error_handler {
explicit specs_setter(basic_format_specs<Char> &specs): specs_(specs) {}
explicit constexpr specs_setter(basic_format_specs<Char> &specs):
specs_(specs) {}
void on_align(alignment align) { specs_.align_ = align; }
void on_fill(Char fill) { specs_.fill_ = fill; }
void on_plus() { specs_.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG | PLUS_FLAG; }
void on_minus() { specs_.flags_ |= MINUS_FLAG; }
void on_space() { specs_.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG; }
void on_hash() { specs_.flags_ |= HASH_FLAG; }
constexpr void on_align(alignment align) { specs_.align_ = align; }
constexpr void on_fill(Char fill) { specs_.fill_ = fill; }
constexpr void on_plus() { specs_.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG | PLUS_FLAG; }
constexpr void on_minus() { specs_.flags_ |= MINUS_FLAG; }
constexpr void on_space() { specs_.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG; }
constexpr void on_hash() { specs_.flags_ |= HASH_FLAG; }
void on_zero() {
constexpr void on_zero() {
specs_.align_ = ALIGN_NUMERIC;
specs_.fill_ = '0';
void on_width(unsigned width) { specs_.width_ = width; }
void on_precision(unsigned precision) { specs_.precision_ = precision; }
void end_precision() {}
constexpr void on_width(unsigned width) { specs_.width_ = width; }
constexpr void on_precision(unsigned precision) {
specs_.precision_ = precision;
constexpr void end_precision() {}
void on_type(Char type) { specs_.type_ = type; }
constexpr void on_type(Char type) { specs_.type_ = type; }
~specs_setter() {}
basic_format_specs<Char> &specs_;
......@@ -3229,7 +3232,7 @@ class specs_handler: public specs_setter<typename Context::char_type> {
typedef typename Context::char_type char_type;
specs_handler(basic_format_specs<char_type> &specs, Context &ctx)
constexpr specs_handler(basic_format_specs<char_type> &specs, Context &ctx)
: specs_setter<char_type>(specs), context_(ctx) {}
template <typename Id>
......@@ -3508,8 +3511,11 @@ const Char *do_format_arg(basic_buffer<Char> &buffer,
basic_format_specs<Char> specs;
if (*it == ':') {
if (visit(custom_formatter<Char, Context>(buffer, ctx), arg))
if (visit(custom_formatter<Char, Context>(buffer, ctx), arg)) {
// TODO: if constexpr, then use formatter<T>::parse, else dispatch
// dynamically
return ctx.begin();
handler(specs_handler<Context>(specs, ctx), arg.type());
it = parse_format_specs(it, handler);
......@@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ TEST(FormatTest, ConstexprParseArgID) {
static_assert(parse_arg_id("!").res == test_arg_id_handler::ERROR, "");
struct test_format_specs_handlers {
struct test_format_specs_handler {
Result res = NONE;
......@@ -1656,24 +1656,62 @@ struct test_format_specs_handlers {
constexpr void on_error(const char *) { res = ERROR; }
constexpr test_format_specs_handlers parse_specs(const char *s) {
test_format_specs_handlers h;
constexpr test_format_specs_handler parse_test_specs(const char *s) {
test_format_specs_handler h;
fmt::internal::parse_format_specs(s, h);
return h;
TEST(FormatTest, ConstexprParseFormatSpecs) {
static_assert(parse_specs("<").align == fmt::ALIGN_LEFT, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("*^").fill == '*', "");
static_assert(parse_specs("+").res == test_format_specs_handlers::PLUS, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("-").res == test_format_specs_handlers::MINUS, "");
static_assert(parse_specs(" ").res == test_format_specs_handlers::SPACE, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("#").res == test_format_specs_handlers::HASH, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("0").res == test_format_specs_handlers::ZERO, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("42").width == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("{42}").width_ref.index == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_specs(".42").precision == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_specs(".{42}").precision_ref.index == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("d").type == 'd', "");
static_assert(parse_specs("{<").res == test_format_specs_handlers::ERROR, "");
using handler = test_format_specs_handler;
static_assert(parse_test_specs("<").align == fmt::ALIGN_LEFT, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs("*^").fill == '*', "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs("+").res == handler::PLUS, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs("-").res == handler::MINUS, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs(" ").res == handler::SPACE, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs("#").res == handler::HASH, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs("0").res == handler::ZERO, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs("42").width == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs("{42}").width_ref.index == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs(".42").precision == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs(".{42}").precision_ref.index == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs("d").type == 'd', "");
static_assert(parse_test_specs("{<").res == handler::ERROR, "");
struct test_context {
using char_type = char;
fmt::basic_arg<test_context> next_arg() {
return fmt::basic_arg<test_context>();
template <typename Id>
fmt::basic_arg<test_context> get_arg(Id) {
return fmt::basic_arg<test_context>();
template <typename Id>
void check_arg_id(Id) {}
constexpr fmt::format_specs parse_specs(const char *s) {
fmt::format_specs specs;
test_context ctx;
fmt::internal::specs_handler<test_context> h(specs, ctx);
parse_format_specs(s, h);
return specs;
TEST(FormatTest, ConstexprSpecsHandler) {
static_assert(parse_specs("<").align() == fmt::ALIGN_LEFT, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("*^").fill() == '*', "");
static_assert(parse_specs("+").flag(fmt::PLUS_FLAG), "");
static_assert(parse_specs("-").flag(fmt::MINUS_FLAG), "");
static_assert(parse_specs(" ").flag(fmt::SIGN_FLAG), "");
static_assert(parse_specs("#").flag(fmt::HASH_FLAG), "");
static_assert(parse_specs("0").align() == fmt::ALIGN_NUMERIC, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("42").width() == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_specs(".42").precision() == 42, "");
static_assert(parse_specs("d").type() == 'd', "");
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