Commit 984a1029 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Remove IntFormatSpec and StrFormatSpec

parent 4863730e
......@@ -1779,81 +1779,6 @@ class FormatSpec : public AlignSpec {
char type() const { return type_; }
// An integer format specifier.
template <typename T, typename SpecT = TypeSpec<0>, typename Char = char>
class IntFormatSpec : public SpecT {
T value_;
IntFormatSpec(T val, const SpecT &spec = SpecT())
: SpecT(spec), value_(val) {}
T value() const { return value_; }
// A string format specifier.
template <typename Char>
class StrFormatSpec : public AlignSpec {
const Char *str_;
template <typename FillChar>
StrFormatSpec(const Char *str, unsigned width, FillChar fill)
: AlignSpec(width, fill), str_(str) {
const Char *str() const { return str_; }
Returns an integer format specifier to format the value in base 2.
IntFormatSpec<int, TypeSpec<'b'> > bin(int value);
Returns an integer format specifier to format the value in base 8.
IntFormatSpec<int, TypeSpec<'o'> > oct(int value);
Returns an integer format specifier to format the value in base 16 using
lower-case letters for the digits above 9.
IntFormatSpec<int, TypeSpec<'x'> > hex(int value);
Returns an integer formatter format specifier to format in base 16 using
upper-case letters for the digits above 9.
IntFormatSpec<int, TypeSpec<'X'> > hexu(int value);
inline IntFormatSpec<TYPE, TypeSpec<'b'> > bin(TYPE value) { \
return IntFormatSpec<TYPE, TypeSpec<'b'> >(value, TypeSpec<'b'>()); \
} \
inline IntFormatSpec<TYPE, TypeSpec<'o'> > oct(TYPE value) { \
return IntFormatSpec<TYPE, TypeSpec<'o'> >(value, TypeSpec<'o'>()); \
} \
inline IntFormatSpec<TYPE, TypeSpec<'x'> > hex(TYPE value) { \
return IntFormatSpec<TYPE, TypeSpec<'x'> >(value, TypeSpec<'x'>()); \
} \
inline IntFormatSpec<TYPE, TypeSpec<'X'> > hexu(TYPE value) { \
return IntFormatSpec<TYPE, TypeSpec<'X'> >(value, TypeSpec<'X'>()); \
namespace internal {
template <typename Context>
......@@ -2442,28 +2367,18 @@ class basic_writer {
void write(int value) {
void write(unsigned value) {
*this << IntFormatSpec<unsigned>(value);
void write(long value) {
void write(unsigned long value) {
*this << IntFormatSpec<unsigned long>(value);
void write(LongLong value) {
Formats *value* and writes it to the stream.
Formats *value* and writes it to the buffer.
void write(ULongLong value) {
*this << IntFormatSpec<ULongLong>(value);
template <typename T, typename... FormatSpecs>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, void>::type
write(T value, FormatSpecs... specs) {
......@@ -2515,20 +2430,6 @@ class basic_writer {
write_str(str, FormatSpec(specs...));
template <typename T, typename Spec, typename FillChar>
basic_writer &operator<<(IntFormatSpec<T, Spec, FillChar> spec) {
write_int(spec.value(), spec);
return *this;
template <typename StrChar>
basic_writer &operator<<(const StrFormatSpec<StrChar> &spec) {
const StrChar *s = spec.str();
write_str(s, std::char_traits<Char>::length(s), spec);
return *this;
void clear() FMT_NOEXCEPT { buffer_.clear(); }
Buffer<Char> &buffer() FMT_NOEXCEPT { return buffer_; }
......@@ -353,52 +353,59 @@ TEST(WriterTest, WriteWideString) {
//fmt::WMemoryWriter() << "abc";
template <typename... T>
std::string write_str(T... args) {
MemoryWriter writer;
using namespace fmt;
return writer.str();
template <typename... T>
std::wstring write_wstr(T... args) {
WMemoryWriter writer;
using namespace fmt;
return writer.str();
TEST(WriterTest, bin) {
using fmt::bin;
EXPECT_EQ("1100101011111110", (MemoryWriter() << bin(0xcafe)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("1011101010111110", (MemoryWriter() << bin(0xbabeu)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("1101111010101101", (MemoryWriter() << bin(0xdeadl)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("1011111011101111", (MemoryWriter() << bin(0xbeeful)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("1100101011111110", write_str(0xcafe, type='b'));
EXPECT_EQ("1011101010111110", write_str(0xbabeu, type='b'));
EXPECT_EQ("1101111010101101", write_str(0xdeadl, type='b'));
EXPECT_EQ("1011111011101111", write_str(0xbeeful, type='b'));
(MemoryWriter() << bin(0xcafebabell)).str());
write_str(0xcafebabell, type='b'));
(MemoryWriter() << bin(0xdeadbeefull)).str());
write_str(0xdeadbeefull, type='b'));
TEST(WriterTest, oct) {
using fmt::oct;
EXPECT_EQ("12", (MemoryWriter() << oct(static_cast<short>(012))).str());
EXPECT_EQ("12", (MemoryWriter() << oct(012)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("34", (MemoryWriter() << oct(034u)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("56", (MemoryWriter() << oct(056l)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("70", (MemoryWriter() << oct(070ul)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("1234", (MemoryWriter() << oct(01234ll)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("5670", (MemoryWriter() << oct(05670ull)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("12", write_str(static_cast<short>(012), type='o'));
EXPECT_EQ("12", write_str(012, type='o'));
EXPECT_EQ("34", write_str(034u, type='o'));
EXPECT_EQ("56", write_str(056l, type='o'));
EXPECT_EQ("70", write_str(070ul, type='o'));
EXPECT_EQ("1234", write_str(01234ll, type='o'));
EXPECT_EQ("5670", write_str(05670ull, type='o'));
TEST(WriterTest, hex) {
using fmt::hex;
fmt::IntFormatSpec<int, fmt::TypeSpec<'x'> > (*phex)(int value) = hex;
// This shouldn't compile:
//fmt::IntFormatSpec<short, fmt::TypeSpec<'x'> > (*phex2)(short value) = hex;
EXPECT_EQ("cafe", (MemoryWriter() << hex(0xcafe)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("babe", (MemoryWriter() << hex(0xbabeu)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("dead", (MemoryWriter() << hex(0xdeadl)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("beef", (MemoryWriter() << hex(0xbeeful)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("cafebabe", (MemoryWriter() << hex(0xcafebabell)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("deadbeef", (MemoryWriter() << hex(0xdeadbeefull)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("cafe", write_str(0xcafe, type='x'));
EXPECT_EQ("babe", write_str(0xbabeu, type='x'));
EXPECT_EQ("dead", write_str(0xdeadl, type='x'));
EXPECT_EQ("beef", write_str(0xbeeful, type='x'));
EXPECT_EQ("cafebabe", write_str(0xcafebabell, type='x'));
EXPECT_EQ("deadbeef", write_str(0xdeadbeefull, type='x'));
TEST(WriterTest, hexu) {
using fmt::hexu;
EXPECT_EQ("CAFE", (MemoryWriter() << hexu(0xcafe)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("BABE", (MemoryWriter() << hexu(0xbabeu)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("DEAD", (MemoryWriter() << hexu(0xdeadl)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("BEEF", (MemoryWriter() << hexu(0xbeeful)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("CAFEBABE", (MemoryWriter() << hexu(0xcafebabell)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("DEADBEEF", (MemoryWriter() << hexu(0xdeadbeefull)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("CAFE", write_str(0xcafe, type='X'));
EXPECT_EQ("BABE", write_str(0xbabeu, type='X'));
EXPECT_EQ("DEAD", write_str(0xdeadl, type='X'));
EXPECT_EQ("BEEF", write_str(0xbeeful, type='X'));
EXPECT_EQ("CAFEBABE", write_str(0xcafebabell, type='X'));
EXPECT_EQ("DEADBEEF", write_str(0xdeadbeefull, type='X'));
template <typename Char>
......@@ -431,22 +438,6 @@ public:
ISO8601DateFormatter iso8601(const Date &d) { return ISO8601DateFormatter(d); }
template <typename... T>
std::string write_str(T... args) {
MemoryWriter writer;
using namespace fmt;
return writer.str();
template <typename... T>
std::wstring write_wstr(T... args) {
WMemoryWriter writer;
using namespace fmt;
return writer.str();
TEST(WriterTest, pad) {
EXPECT_EQ(" cafe", write_str(0xcafe, width=8, type='x'));
EXPECT_EQ(" babe", write_str(0xbabeu, width=8, type='x'));
......@@ -485,13 +476,6 @@ TEST(WriterTest, PadWString) {
EXPECT_EQ(L"test******", write_wstr(L"test", width=10, fill=L'*'));
TEST(WriterTest, NoConflictWithIOManip) {
using namespace std;
using namespace fmt;
EXPECT_EQ("cafe", (MemoryWriter() << hex(0xcafe)).str());
EXPECT_EQ("12", (MemoryWriter() << oct(012)).str());
TEST(WriterTest, Format) {
MemoryWriter w;
w.format("part{0}", 1);
......@@ -507,7 +491,7 @@ TEST(WriterTest, Format) {
TEST(WriterTest, WWriter) {
EXPECT_EQ(L"cafe", (fmt::WMemoryWriter() << fmt::hex(0xcafe)).str());
EXPECT_EQ(L"cafe", write_wstr(0xcafe, type='x'));
TEST(ArrayWriterTest, Ctor) {
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