Commit b0867f3f authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

AlignSpec -> align_spec and fix a warning

parent f194a418
......@@ -1751,14 +1751,14 @@ typedef format_spec<char, type_tag> type_spec;
struct empty_spec {};
// An alignment specifier.
struct AlignSpec : empty_spec {
struct align_spec : empty_spec {
unsigned width_;
// Fill is always wchar_t and cast to char if necessary to avoid having
// two specialization of AlignSpec and its subclasses.
wchar_t fill_;
alignment align_;
AlignSpec(unsigned width, wchar_t fill, alignment align = ALIGN_DEFAULT)
align_spec(unsigned width, wchar_t fill, alignment align = ALIGN_DEFAULT)
: width_(width), fill_(fill), align_(align) {}
unsigned width() const { return width_; }
......@@ -1770,7 +1770,7 @@ struct AlignSpec : empty_spec {
// Format specifiers.
template <typename Char>
class basic_format_specs : public AlignSpec {
class basic_format_specs : public align_spec {
template <typename FillChar>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<FillChar, Char>::value ||
......@@ -1799,11 +1799,11 @@ class basic_format_specs : public AlignSpec {
char type_;
basic_format_specs(unsigned width = 0, char type = 0, wchar_t fill = ' ')
: AlignSpec(width, fill), flags_(0), precision_(-1), type_(type) {}
: align_spec(width, fill), flags_(0), precision_(-1), type_(type) {}
template <typename... FormatSpecs>
explicit basic_format_specs(FormatSpecs... specs)
: AlignSpec(0, ' '), flags_(0), precision_(-1), type_(0){
: align_spec(0, ' '), flags_(0), precision_(-1), type_(0){
......@@ -2297,7 +2297,7 @@ class basic_writer {
// Writes a formatted string.
template <typename StrChar>
CharPtr write_str(const StrChar *s, std::size_t size, const AlignSpec &spec);
CharPtr write_str(const StrChar *s, std::size_t size, const align_spec &spec);
template <typename StrChar>
void write_str(basic_string_view<StrChar> str, const format_specs &spec);
......@@ -2444,7 +2444,7 @@ class basic_writer {
template <typename Char>
template <typename StrChar>
typename basic_writer<Char>::CharPtr basic_writer<Char>::write_str(
const StrChar *s, std::size_t size, const AlignSpec &spec) {
const StrChar *s, std::size_t size, const align_spec &spec) {
CharPtr out = CharPtr();
if (spec.width() > size) {
out = grow_buffer(spec.width());
......@@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@ typename basic_writer<Char>::CharPtr basic_writer<Char>::prepare_int_buffer(
unsigned number_size =
prefix_size + internal::to_unsigned(spec.precision());
AlignSpec subspec(number_size, '0', ALIGN_NUMERIC);
align_spec subspec(number_size, '0', ALIGN_NUMERIC);
if (number_size >= width)
return prepare_int_buffer(num_digits, subspec, prefix, prefix_size);
......@@ -3605,21 +3605,20 @@ void vformat_to(basic_buffer<Char> &buffer, basic_string_view<Char> format_str,
auto it = start;
using internal::pointer_from;
while (*it) {
Char c = *it++;
if (c != '{' && c != '}') continue;
if (*it == c) {
Char ch = *it++;
if (ch != '{' && ch != '}') continue;
if (*it == ch) {
buffer.append(pointer_from(start), pointer_from(it));
start = ++it;
if (c == '}')
if (ch == '}')
FMT_THROW(format_error("unmatched '}' in format string"));
buffer.append(pointer_from(start), pointer_from(it) - 1);
basic_arg<Context> arg;
struct id_handler {
explicit id_handler(Context &ctx, basic_arg<Context> &arg)
: context(ctx), arg(arg) {}
id_handler(Context &c, basic_arg<Context> &a): context(c), arg(a) {}
void operator()() { arg = context.next_arg(); }
void operator()(unsigned id) { arg = context.get_arg(id); }
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