Commit be5b4552 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Make null_terminating_iterator more iteratory

parent 643fb066
......@@ -769,8 +769,11 @@ const Char *pointer_from(null_terminating_iterator<Char> it);
template <typename Char>
class null_terminating_iterator {
typedef Char value_type;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = Char;
using pointer = const Char*;
using reference = const Char&;
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
null_terminating_iterator() : ptr_(0), end_(0) {}
......@@ -3314,7 +3317,7 @@ class dynamic_specs_handler :
template <typename Iterator, typename Handler>
Iterator parse_arg_id(Iterator it, Handler handler) {
typedef typename Iterator::value_type char_type;
using char_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
char_type c = *it;
if (c == '}' || c == ':') {
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