Commit c57029c1 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Add Drake & Lyft Envoy to the list of projects

parent 8fa9acb8
......@@ -170,7 +170,14 @@ Projects using this library
* `Lifeline <>`_: A 2D game
* `MongoDB Smasher <>`_: A small tool to generate randomized datasets
* `Drake <>`_: A planning, control, and analysis toolbox
for nonlinear dynamical systems (MIT)
* `Envoy <>`_: C++ L7 proxy and communication bus
* `MongoDB Smasher <>`_: A small tool to
generate randomized datasets
* `PenUltima Online (POL) <>`_:
An MMO server, compatible with most Ultima Online clients
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