Commit ca96acbe authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich Committed by GitHub

Add examples

parent 708d9509
......@@ -335,6 +335,16 @@ Aligning the text and specifying a width::
format("{:*^30}", "centered"); // use '*' as a fill char
// Result: "***********centered***********"
Dynamic width::
format("{:<{}}", "left aligned", 30);
// Result: "left aligned "
Dynamic precision::
format("{:.{}f}", 3.14, 1);
// Result: "3.1"
Replacing ``%+f``, ``%-f``, and ``% f`` and specifying a sign::
format("{:+f}; {:+f}", 3.14, -3.14); // show it always
......@@ -350,7 +360,7 @@ Replacing ``%x`` and ``%o`` and converting the value to different bases::
// Result: "int: 42; hex: 2a; oct: 52; bin: 101010"
// with 0x or 0 or 0b as prefix:
format("int: {0:d}; hex: {0:#x}; oct: {0:#o}; bin: {0:#b}", 42);
// Result: "int: 42; hex: 0x2a; oct: 052; bin: 0b101010"
// Result: "int: 42; hex: 0x2a; oct: 052; bin: 0b101010"
.. ifconfig:: False
......@@ -359,13 +369,6 @@ Replacing ``%x`` and ``%o`` and converting the value to different bases::
format("{:,}", 1234567890);
Expressing a percentage::
>>> points = 19
>>> total = 22
Format("Correct answers: {:.2%}") << points/total)
'Correct answers: 86.36%'
Using type-specific formatting::
>>> import datetime
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