Commit cc9b051d authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Move format_system_error to the public API (#323)

parent d67eb8af
......@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ System errors
.. doxygenclass:: fmt::SystemError
.. doxygenfunction:: fmt::format_system_error
.. doxygenclass:: fmt::WindowsError
......@@ -359,6 +359,13 @@ class CharConverter : public ArgVisitor<CharConverter, void> {
namespace internal {
// This method is used to preserve binary compatibility with fmt 3.0.
// It can be removed in 4.0.
FMT_FUNC void format_system_error(
Writer &out, int error_code, StringRef message) FMT_NOEXCEPT {
fmt::format_system_error(out, error_code, message);
template <typename Char>
class PrintfArgFormatter :
public ArgFormatterBase<PrintfArgFormatter<Char>, Char> {
......@@ -434,7 +441,7 @@ FMT_FUNC void fmt::SystemError::init(
int err_code, CStringRef format_str, ArgList args) {
error_code_ = err_code;
MemoryWriter w;
internal::format_system_error(w, err_code, format(format_str, args));
format_system_error(w, err_code, format(format_str, args));
std::runtime_error &base = *this;
base = std::runtime_error(w.str());
......@@ -592,12 +599,12 @@ FMT_FUNC void fmt::internal::format_windows_error(
FMT_FUNC void fmt::internal::format_system_error(
FMT_FUNC void fmt::format_system_error(
fmt::Writer &out, int error_code,
fmt::StringRef message) FMT_NOEXCEPT {
MemoryBuffer<char, INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE> buffer;
internal::MemoryBuffer<char, internal::INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE> buffer;
for (;;) {
char *system_message = &buffer[0];
int result = safe_strerror(error_code, system_message, buffer.size());
......@@ -854,7 +861,7 @@ void fmt::internal::PrintfFormatter<Char>::format(
FMT_FUNC void fmt::report_system_error(
int error_code, fmt::StringRef message) FMT_NOEXCEPT {
// 'fmt::' is for bcc32.
fmt::report_error(internal::format_system_error, error_code, message);
fmt::report_error(format_system_error, error_code, message);
......@@ -989,9 +989,6 @@ FMT_API void format_windows_error(fmt::Writer &out, int error_code,
fmt::StringRef message) FMT_NOEXCEPT;
FMT_API void format_system_error(fmt::Writer &out, int error_code,
fmt::StringRef message) FMT_NOEXCEPT;
// A formatting argument value.
struct Value {
template <typename Char>
......@@ -2246,17 +2243,10 @@ class SystemError : public internal::RuntimeError {
Constructs a :class:`fmt::SystemError` object with the description
of the form
.. parsed-literal::
*<message>*: *<system-message>*
where *<message>* is the formatted message and *<system-message>* is
the system message corresponding to the error code.
*error_code* is a system error code as given by ``errno``.
If *error_code* is not a valid error code such as -1, the system message
may look like "Unknown error -1" and is platform-dependent.
Constructs a :class:`fmt::SystemError` object with a description
formatted with `fmt::format_system_error`. *message* and additional
arguments passed into the constructor are formatted similarly to
......@@ -2277,6 +2267,25 @@ class SystemError : public internal::RuntimeError {
int error_code() const { return error_code_; }
Formats an error returned by an operating system or a language runtime,
for example a file opening error, and writes it to *out* in the following
.. parsed-literal::
*<message>*: *<system-message>*
where *<message>* is the passed message and *<system-message>* is
the system message corresponding to the error code.
*error_code* is a system error code as given by ``errno``.
If *error_code* is not a valid error code such as -1, the system message
may look like "Unknown error -1" and is platform-dependent.
FMT_API void format_system_error(fmt::Writer &out, int error_code,
fmt::StringRef message) FMT_NOEXCEPT;
This template provides operations for formatting and writing data into
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ TEST(StreamingAssertionsTest, EXPECT_WRITE) {
TEST(UtilTest, FormatSystemError) {
fmt::MemoryWriter out;
fmt::internal::format_system_error(out, EDOM, "test message");
fmt::format_system_error(out, EDOM, "test message");
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), format_system_error(EDOM, "test message"));
......@@ -105,6 +105,6 @@ std::string read(File &f, std::size_t count) {
std::string format_system_error(int error_code, fmt::StringRef message) {
fmt::MemoryWriter out;
fmt::internal::format_system_error(out, error_code, message);
fmt::format_system_error(out, error_code, message);
return out.str();
......@@ -834,10 +834,10 @@ void check_throw_error(int error_code, FormatErrorMessage format) {
TEST(UtilTest, FormatSystemError) {
fmt::MemoryWriter message;
fmt::internal::format_system_error(message, EDOM, "test");
fmt::format_system_error(message, EDOM, "test");
EXPECT_EQ(fmt::format("test: {}", get_system_error(EDOM)), message.str());
message, EDOM, fmt::StringRef(0, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()));
EXPECT_EQ(fmt::format("error {}", EDOM), message.str());
......@@ -846,12 +846,12 @@ TEST(UtilTest, SystemError) {
fmt::SystemError e(EDOM, "test");
EXPECT_EQ(fmt::format("test: {}", get_system_error(EDOM)), e.what());
EXPECT_EQ(EDOM, e.error_code());
check_throw_error<fmt::SystemError>(EDOM, fmt::internal::format_system_error);
check_throw_error<fmt::SystemError>(EDOM, fmt::format_system_error);
TEST(UtilTest, ReportSystemError) {
fmt::MemoryWriter out;
fmt::internal::format_system_error(out, EDOM, "test error");
fmt::format_system_error(out, EDOM, "test error");
out << '\n';
EXPECT_WRITE(stderr, fmt::report_system_error(EDOM, "test error"), out.str());
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