Commit e9b21916 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Add a 32-bit version of CountDigits.

parent 3017fc6f
......@@ -170,6 +170,24 @@ TEST(UtilTest, Increment) {
EXPECT_STREQ("200", s);
// Tests fmt::internal::CountDigits for integer type Int.
template <typename Int>
void TestCountDigits(Int) {
for (Int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(1, fmt::internal::CountDigits(i));
for (Int i = 1, n = 1,
end = std::numeric_limits<Int>::max() / 10; n <= end; ++i) {
n *= 10;
EXPECT_EQ(i, fmt::internal::CountDigits(n - 1));
EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, fmt::internal::CountDigits(n));
TEST(UtilTest, CountDigits) {
class TestString {
std::string value_;
......@@ -1427,18 +1445,21 @@ TEST(FormatIntTest, FormatInt) {
EXPECT_EQ(os.str(), fmt::FormatInt(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()).str());
TEST(FormatIntTest, FormatDec) {
template <typename T>
std::string FormatDec(T value) {
char buffer[10];
char *ptr = buffer;
fmt::FormatDec(ptr, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer + 2, ptr);
*ptr = '\0';
EXPECT_STREQ("42", buffer);
ptr = buffer;
fmt::FormatDec(ptr, -42);
*ptr = '\0';
EXPECT_EQ(buffer + 3, ptr);
EXPECT_STREQ("-42", buffer);
fmt::FormatDec(ptr, value);
return std::string(buffer, ptr);
TEST(FormatIntTest, FormatDec) {
EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42));
EXPECT_EQ("-42", FormatDec(-42));
EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42l));
EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42ul));
EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42ll));
EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42ull));
template <typename T>
......@@ -118,27 +118,23 @@ const char fmt::internal::DIGITS[] =
const uint64_t fmt::internal::POWERS_OF_10[] = {
#define FMT_POWERS_OF_10(prefix) \
prefix 10, \
prefix 100, \
prefix 1000, \
prefix 10000, \
prefix 100000, \
prefix 1000000, \
prefix 10000000, \
prefix 100000000, \
prefix 1000000000
const uint32_t fmt::internal::POWERS_OF_10_32[] = {0, FMT_POWERS_OF_10()};
const uint64_t fmt::internal::POWERS_OF_10_64[] = {
ULongLong(1000000000) * 10,
ULongLong(1000000000) * 100,
ULongLong(1000000000) * 1000,
ULongLong(1000000000) * 10000,
ULongLong(1000000000) * 100000,
ULongLong(1000000000) * 1000000,
ULongLong(1000000000) * 10000000,
ULongLong(1000000000) * 100000000,
ULongLong(1000000000) * 1000000000,
FMT_POWERS_OF_10(ULongLong(1000000000) *),
ULongLong(1000000000) * ULongLong(1000000000) * 10
......@@ -213,17 +213,32 @@ class CharTraits<wchar_t> : public BasicCharTraits<wchar_t> {
const wchar_t *format, unsigned width, int precision, T value);
// Selects uint32_t if FitsIn32Bits is true, uint64_t otherwise.
template <bool FitsIn32Bits>
struct TypeSelector { typedef uint32_t Type; };
template <>
struct TypeSelector<false> { typedef uint64_t Type; };
template <typename T>
struct IntTraitsBase {
// Smallest of uint32_t and uint64_t that is large enough to represent
// all values of T.
typedef typename
TypeSelector<std::numeric_limits<T>::digits <= 32>::Type MainType;
// Information about an integer type.
// IntTraits is not specialized for integer types smaller than int,
// since these are promoted to int.
template <typename T>
struct IntTraits {
struct IntTraits : IntTraitsBase<T> {
typedef T UnsignedType;
static bool IsNegative(T) { return false; }
template <typename T, typename UnsignedT>
struct SignedIntTraits {
struct SignedIntTraits : IntTraitsBase<T> {
typedef UnsignedT UnsignedType;
static bool IsNegative(T value) { return value < 0; }
......@@ -245,17 +260,28 @@ struct IsLongDouble<long double> { enum {VALUE = 1}; };
void ReportUnknownType(char code, const char *type);
extern const uint64_t POWERS_OF_10[];
extern const uint32_t POWERS_OF_10_32[];
extern const uint64_t POWERS_OF_10_64[];
#if FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 400 || __has_builtin(__builtin_clzll)
// Returns the number of decimal digits in n. Leading zeros are not counted
// except for n == 0 in which case CountDigits returns 1.
inline unsigned CountDigits(uint64_t n) {
#if FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 400 || __has_builtin(__builtin_clzll)
// Based on
// and the benchmark
uint64_t t = (64 - __builtin_clzll(n | 1)) * 1233 >> 12;
return t - (n < POWERS_OF_10[t]) + 1;
return t - (n < POWERS_OF_10_64[t]) + 1;
# if FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 400 || __has_builtin(__builtin_clz)
// Optional version of CountDigits for better performance on 32-bit platforms.
inline unsigned CountDigits(uint32_t n) {
uint32_t t = (32 - __builtin_clz(n | 1)) * 1233 >> 12;
return t - (n < POWERS_OF_10_32[t]) + 1;
# endif
// Slower version of CountDigits used when __builtin_clz is not available.
inline unsigned CountDigits(uint64_t n) {
unsigned count = 1;
for (;;) {
// Integer division is slow so do it for a group of four digits instead
......@@ -268,8 +294,8 @@ inline unsigned CountDigits(uint64_t n) {
n /= 10000u;
count += 4;
extern const char DIGITS[];
......@@ -838,7 +864,7 @@ template <typename T, typename Spec>
void BasicWriter<Char>::FormatInt(T value, const Spec &spec) {
unsigned size = 0;
char sign = 0;
typedef typename internal::IntTraits<T>::UnsignedType UnsignedType;
typedef typename internal::IntTraits<T>::MainType UnsignedType;
UnsignedType abs_value = value;
if (internal::IntTraits<T>::IsNegative(value)) {
sign = '-';
......@@ -850,7 +876,8 @@ void BasicWriter<Char>::FormatInt(T value, const Spec &spec) {
switch (spec.type()) {
case 0: case 'd': {
unsigned num_digits = internal::CountDigits(abs_value);
typename internal::IntTraits<T>::MainType normalized_value = abs_value;
unsigned num_digits = internal::CountDigits(normalized_value);
CharPtr p =
PrepareFilledBuffer(size + num_digits, spec, sign) + 1 - num_digits;
internal::FormatDecimal(GetBase(p), abs_value, num_digits);
......@@ -1380,7 +1407,7 @@ class FormatInt {
// write a terminating null character.
template <typename T>
inline void FormatDec(char *&buffer, T value) {
typedef typename internal::IntTraits<T>::UnsignedType UnsignedType;
typedef typename internal::IntTraits<T>::MainType UnsignedType;
UnsignedType abs_value = value;
if (internal::IntTraits<T>::IsNegative(value)) {
*buffer++ = '-';
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