Commit f7a4b4ab authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Make numeric alignment optional

parent 611cf0b3
......@@ -101,11 +101,6 @@ The meaning of the various alignment options is as follows:
| ``'>'`` | Forces the field to be right-aligned within the |
| | available space (this is the default for numbers). |
| ``'='`` | Forces the padding to be placed after the sign (if any) |
| | but before the digits. This is used for printing fields |
| | in the form '+000000120'. This alignment option is only |
| | valid for numeric types. |
| ``'^'`` | Forces the field to be centered within the available |
| | space. |
......@@ -154,9 +149,11 @@ conversions, trailing zeros are not removed from the result.
*width* is a decimal integer defining the minimum field width. If not
specified, then the field width will be determined by the content.
Preceding the *width* field by a zero (``'0'``) character enables
sign-aware zero-padding for numeric types. This is equivalent to a *fill*
character of ``'0'`` with an *alignment* type of ``'='``.
Preceding the *width* field by a zero (``'0'``) character enables sign-aware
zero-padding for numeric types. It forces the padding to be placed after the
sign or base (if any) but before the digits. This is used for printing fields in
the form '+000000120'. This option is only valid for numeric types and it has no
effect on formatting of infinity and NaN.
The *precision* is a decimal number indicating how many digits should be
displayed after the decimal point for a floating-point value formatted with
......@@ -185,6 +185,10 @@ inline uint32_t clzll(uint64_t x) {
namespace internal {
......@@ -2300,9 +2304,11 @@ FMT_CONSTEXPR const Char* parse_align(const Char* begin, const Char* end,
case '>':
align = align::right;
case '=':
align = align::numeric;
case '^':
align = align::center;
......@@ -697,12 +697,6 @@ TEST(FormatToTest, WideString) {
TEST(FormatToTest, FormatToNonbackInsertIteratorWithSignAndNumericAlignment) {
char buffer[16] = {};
fmt::format_to(fmt::internal::make_checked(buffer, 16), "{: =+}", 42.0);
EXPECT_STREQ("+42.0", buffer);
TEST(FormatToTest, FormatToMemoryBuffer) {
fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char, 100> buffer;
fmt::format_to(buffer, "{}", "foo");
......@@ -856,6 +850,7 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, RightAlign) {
EXPECT_EQ(" 0xface", format("{0:>8}", reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xface)));
TEST(FormatterTest, NumericAlign) {
EXPECT_EQ(" 42", format("{0:=4}", 42));
EXPECT_EQ("+ 42", format("{0:=+4}", 42));
......@@ -882,6 +877,13 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, NumericAlign) {
EXPECT_EQ(" 1.0", fmt::format("{:= }", 1.0));
TEST(FormatToTest, FormatToNonbackInsertIteratorWithSignAndNumericAlignment) {
char buffer[16] = {};
fmt::format_to(fmt::internal::make_checked(buffer, 16), "{: =+}", 42.0);
EXPECT_STREQ("+42.0", buffer);
TEST(FormatterTest, CenterAlign) {
EXPECT_EQ(" 42 ", format("{0:^5}", 42));
EXPECT_EQ(" 42 ", format("{0:^5o}", 042));
......@@ -2055,8 +2057,10 @@ TEST(FormatTest, DynamicFormatter) {
"cannot switch from manual to automatic argument indexing");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{:{0}}", num), format_error,
"cannot switch from automatic to manual argument indexing");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{:=}", str), format_error,
"format specifier requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{:+}", str), format_error,
"format specifier requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{:-}", str), format_error,
......@@ -2439,13 +2443,15 @@ TEST(FormatTest, FormatStringErrors) {
EXPECT_ERROR("{0:s", "unknown format specifier", Date);
# if FMT_MSC_VER >= 1916
// This causes an internal compiler error in MSVC2017.
EXPECT_ERROR("{0:=5", "unknown format specifier", int);
EXPECT_ERROR("{:{<}", "invalid fill character '{'", int);
EXPECT_ERROR("{:10000000000}", "number is too big", int);
EXPECT_ERROR("{:.10000000000}", "number is too big", int);
EXPECT_ERROR_NOARGS("{:x}", "argument index out of range");
EXPECT_ERROR("{0:=5", "unknown format specifier", int);
EXPECT_ERROR("{:=}", "format specifier requires numeric argument",
const char*);
EXPECT_ERROR("{:+}", "format specifier requires numeric argument",
const char*);
EXPECT_ERROR("{:-}", "format specifier requires numeric argument",
......@@ -95,8 +95,10 @@ TEST(OStreamTest, Format) {
TEST(OStreamTest, FormatSpecs) {
EXPECT_EQ("def ", format("{0:<5}", TestString("def")));
EXPECT_EQ(" def", format("{0:>5}", TestString("def")));
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:=5}", TestString("def")), format_error,
"format specifier requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_EQ(" def ", format("{0:^5}", TestString("def")));
EXPECT_EQ("def**", format("{0:*<5}", TestString("def")));
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(format("{0:+}", TestString()), format_error,
......@@ -30,18 +30,14 @@ TEST(StdFormatTest, Alignment) {
// Error: '=' with charT and no integer presentation type
EXPECT_THROW(string s5 = format("{:=6}", 'x'), std::format_error);
string s6 = format("{:6d}", c); // s6 == " 120"
string s7 = format("{:=+06d}", c); // s7 == "+00120"
string s8 = format("{:0=#6x}", 0xa); // s8 == "0x000a"
string s9 = format("{:6}", true); // s9 == "true "
string s7 = format("{:6}", true); // s9 == "true "
EXPECT_EQ(s0, " 42");
EXPECT_EQ(s1, "x ");
EXPECT_EQ(s2, "x*****");
EXPECT_EQ(s3, "*****x");
EXPECT_EQ(s4, "**x***");
EXPECT_EQ(s6, " 120");
EXPECT_EQ(s7, "+00120");
EXPECT_EQ(s8, "0x000a");
EXPECT_EQ(s9, "true ");
EXPECT_EQ(s7, "true ");
TEST(StdFormatTest, Float) {
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