Commit 08a67734 authored by Sven Over's avatar Sven Over Committed by Facebook Github Bot 9

Introducing folly::Function

Summary:std::function is copy-constructible and requires that the callable that it wraps
is copy-constructible as well, which is a constraint that is often inconvenient.
In most cases when using a std::function we don't make use of its

This diff introduces a templated type called folly::Function that is very
similar to a std::function, except it is not copy-constructible and doesn't
require the callable to be either.

Like std::function, Function is a templated type with template parameters
for return type and argument types of the callable, but not the callable's
specific type. It can store function pointers, static member function pointers,
std::function objects, std::reference_wrapper objects and arbitrary callable
types (functors) with matching return and argument types.

Much like std::function, Function will store small callables in-place, so
that no additional memory allocation is necessary. For larger callables,
Function will allocate memory on the heap.

Function has two more template parameters: firstly, an enum parameter of
type folly::FunctionMoveCtor, which defaults to NO_THROW and determines
whether no-except-movability should be guaranteed. If set to NO_THROW,
callables that are not no-except-movable will be stored on the heap, even
if they would fit into the storage area within Function.

Secondly, a size_t parameter (EmbedFunctorSize), which determines the size of
the internal callable storage. If you know the specific type of the callable you
want to store, you can set EmbedFunctorSize to sizeof(CallableType).

The original motivation of this diff was to allow to pass lambdas to
folly::Future::then that are not copy-constructible because they capture
non-copyable types, such as a promise or a unique pointer.

Another diff will shortly follow that changes folly::Future to use
folly::Function instead of std::function for callbacks, thus allowing to
pass non-copyable lambdas to folly::Future::then.

Reviewed By: fugalh

Differential Revision: D2844587

fb-gh-sync-id: 3bee2af75ef8a4eca4409aaa679cc13762cae0d0
shipit-source-id: 3bee2af75ef8a4eca4409aaa679cc13762cae0d0
parent 328b22e8
This diff is collapsed.
* Copyright 2016 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
// included by Function.h, do not include directly.
#include <memory>
namespace folly {
namespace detail {
namespace function {
struct SelectConstFunctionTag {
template <typename T>
using QualifiedPointer = T const*;
struct SelectNonConstFunctionTag {
template <typename T>
using QualifiedPointer = T*;
// Helper class to extract properties from a function type
template <typename T>
struct FunctionTypeTraits;
// FunctionTypeTraits default implementation - this only exists to suppress
// very long compiler errors when Function is tried to be instantiated
// with an unsuitable type
template <typename T>
struct FunctionTypeTraits {
using SuitableForFunction = std::false_type;
// The following definitions are here only to suppress long and misleading
// compiler errors.
using ResultType = void;
using ArgsTuple = int;
using ArgsRefTuple = int;
using NonConstFunctionType = void;
using ConstFunctionType = int;
template <typename X>
class InvokeOperator {};
class ExecutorMixin {};
// FunctionTypeTraits for non-const function types
template <typename R, typename... Args>
struct FunctionTypeTraits<R(Args...)> {
using SuitableForFunction = std::true_type;
using ResultType = R;
using ArgsTuple = std::tuple<Args...>;
using ArgsRefTuple = std::tuple<Args&&...>;
using NonConstFunctionType = R(Args...);
using ConstFunctionType = R(Args...) const;
using IsConst = std::false_type;
using DefaultSelectFunctionTag = SelectNonConstFunctionTag;
template <typename F>
using IsCallable =
std::is_convertible<typename std::result_of<F&(Args...)>::type, R>;
template <typename T>
using QualifiedPointer = T*;
template <typename Obj>
using InvokeFunctionPtr = R (*)(Obj*, Args&&...);
// Function inherits from InvokeOperator<Function>. This is
// where Function's operator() is defined.
template <typename FunctionType>
class InvokeOperator {
* Invokes the stored callable via the invokePtr stored in the Executor.
* Throws std::bad_function_call if @c *this is empty.
ResultType operator()(Args... args) {
auto executor =
->template access<typename FunctionType::ExecutorIf>();
return executor->invokePtr(executor, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
class ExecutorMixin;
// FunctionTypeTraits for const function types
template <typename R, typename... Args>
struct FunctionTypeTraits<R(Args...) const> {
using SuitableForFunction = std::true_type;
using ResultType = R;
using ArgsTuple = std::tuple<Args...>;
using ArgsRefTuple = std::tuple<Args&&...>;
using NonConstFunctionType = R(Args...);
using ConstFunctionType = R(Args...) const;
using IsConst = std::true_type;
using DefaultSelectFunctionTag = SelectConstFunctionTag;
template <typename F>
using IsCallable =
std::is_convertible<typename std::result_of<F const&(Args...)>::type, R>;
template <typename T>
using QualifiedPointer = T const*;
template <typename Obj>
using InvokeFunctionPtr = R (*)(Obj const*, Args&&...);
// Function inherits from InvokeOperator<Function>. This is
// where Function's operator() is defined.
template <typename FunctionType>
class InvokeOperator {
* Invokes the stored callable via the invokePtr stored in the Executor.
* Throws std::bad_function_call if @c *this is empty.
ResultType operator()(Args... args) const {
auto executor =
static_cast<FunctionType const*>(this)
->template access<typename FunctionType::ExecutorIf>();
return executor->invokePtr(executor, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
class ExecutorMixin;
// Helper template for checking if a type is a Function
template <typename T>
struct IsFunction : public std::false_type {};
template <typename FunctionType, FunctionMoveCtor NTM, size_t EmbedFunctorSize>
struct IsFunction<::folly::Function<FunctionType, NTM, EmbedFunctorSize>>
: public std::true_type {};
// Helper template to check if a functor can be called with arguments of type
// Args..., if it returns a type convertible to R, and also is not a
// Function.
// Function objects can constructed or assigned from types for which
// IsCallableHelper is true_type.
template <typename FunctionType>
struct IsCallableHelper {
using Traits = FunctionTypeTraits<FunctionType>;
template <typename F>
static std::integral_constant<bool, Traits::template IsCallable<F>::value>
template <typename F>
static std::false_type test(...);
template <typename F, typename FunctionType>
struct IsCallable : public std::integral_constant<
(!IsFunction<typename std::decay<F>::type>::value &&
decltype(IsCallableHelper<FunctionType>::template test<
typename std::decay<F>::type>(0))::value)> {};
// MaybeUnaryOrBinaryFunction: helper template class for deriving
// Function from std::unary_function or std::binary_function
template <typename R, typename ArgsTuple>
struct MaybeUnaryOrBinaryFunctionImpl {
using result_type = R;
template <typename R, typename Arg>
struct MaybeUnaryOrBinaryFunctionImpl<R, std::tuple<Arg>>
: public std::unary_function<Arg, R> {};
template <typename R, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
struct MaybeUnaryOrBinaryFunctionImpl<R, std::tuple<Arg1, Arg2>>
: public std::binary_function<Arg1, Arg2, R> {};
template <typename FunctionType>
using MaybeUnaryOrBinaryFunction = MaybeUnaryOrBinaryFunctionImpl<
typename FunctionTypeTraits<FunctionType>::ResultType,
typename FunctionTypeTraits<FunctionType>::ArgsTuple>;
// Invoke helper
template <typename F, typename... Args>
inline auto invoke(F&& f, Args&&... args)
-> decltype(std::forward<F>(f)(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {
return std::forward<F>(f)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename M, typename C, typename... Args>
inline auto invoke(M(C::*d), Args&&... args)
-> decltype(std::mem_fn(d)(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {
return std::mem_fn(d)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Executors helper class
template <typename FunctionType>
struct Executors {
class ExecutorIf;
class EmptyExecutor;
template <class F, class SelectFunctionTag>
class FunctorPtrExecutor;
template <class F, class SelectFunctionTag>
class FunctorExecutor;
using Traits = FunctionTypeTraits<FunctionType>;
using NonConstFunctionExecutors =
Executors<typename Traits::NonConstFunctionType>;
using ConstFunctionExecutors = Executors<typename Traits::ConstFunctionType>;
using InvokeFunctionPtr = typename Traits::template InvokeFunctionPtr<
template <typename R, typename... Args>
class FunctionTypeTraits<R(Args...)>::ExecutorMixin {
using ExecutorIf = typename Executors<R(Args...)>::ExecutorIf;
using InvokeFunctionPtr = typename Executors<R(Args...)>::InvokeFunctionPtr;
ExecutorMixin(InvokeFunctionPtr invoke_ptr) : invokePtr(invoke_ptr) {}
virtual ~ExecutorMixin() {}
template <typename F>
static F* selectFunctionHelper(F* f, SelectNonConstFunctionTag) {
return f;
template <typename F>
static F const* selectFunctionHelper(F* f, SelectConstFunctionTag) {
return f;
static R invokeEmpty(ExecutorIf*, Args&&...) {
throw std::bad_function_call();
template <typename Ex>
static R invokeFunctor(ExecutorIf* executor, Args&&... args) {
return folly::detail::function::invoke(
*Ex::getFunctor(executor), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// invokePtr is of type
// ReturnType (*)(ExecutorIf*, Args&&...)
// and it will be set to the address of one of the static functions above
// (invokeEmpty or invokeFunctor), which will invoke the stored callable
InvokeFunctionPtr const invokePtr;
template <typename R, typename... Args>
class FunctionTypeTraits<R(Args...) const>::ExecutorMixin {
using ExecutorIf = typename Executors<R(Args...) const>::ExecutorIf;
using InvokeFunctionPtr =
typename Executors<R(Args...) const>::InvokeFunctionPtr;
ExecutorMixin(InvokeFunctionPtr invoke_ptr) : invokePtr(invoke_ptr) {}
virtual ~ExecutorMixin() {}
template <typename F>
static F* selectFunctionHelper(F const* f, SelectNonConstFunctionTag) {
return const_cast<F*>(f);
template <typename F>
static F const* selectFunctionHelper(F const* f, SelectConstFunctionTag) {
return f;
static R invokeEmpty(ExecutorIf const*, Args&&...) {
throw std::bad_function_call();
template <typename Ex>
static R invokeFunctor(ExecutorIf const* executor, Args&&... args) {
return folly::detail::function::invoke(
*Ex::getFunctor(executor), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// invokePtr is of type
// ReturnType (*)(ExecutorIf*, Args&&...)
// and it will be set to the address of one of the static functions above
// (invokeEmpty or invokeFunctor), which will invoke the stored callable
InvokeFunctionPtr const invokePtr;
} // namespace function
} // namespace detail
} // namespace folly
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -329,6 +329,9 @@ nobase_follyinclude_HEADERS = \
TimeoutQueue.h \
Traits.h \
Unicode.h \
Function.h \
Function-inl.h \
Function-pre.h \
Uri.h \
Uri-inl.h \
Varint.h \
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -249,4 +249,8 @@ futures_test_SOURCES = \
futures_test_LDADD =
TESTS += futures_test
function_test_SOURCES = FunctionTest.cpp
function_test_LDADD =
TESTS += function_test
check_PROGRAMS += $(TESTS)
......@@ -36,6 +36,13 @@ void BM_std_function_invoke_impl(int iters,
void BM_Function_invoke_impl(int iters,
const folly::Function<void() const>& fn) {
for (int n = 0; n < iters; ++n) {
void BM_mem_fn_invoke_impl(int iters,
TestClass* tc,
void (TestClass::*memfn)()) {
......@@ -18,11 +18,15 @@
#include <functional>
#include <folly/Function.h>
class TestClass;
class VirtualClass;
void BM_fn_ptr_invoke_impl(int iters, void (*fn)());
void BM_std_function_invoke_impl(int iters, const std::function<void()>& fn);
void BM_Function_invoke_impl(int iters,
const folly::Function<void() const>& fn);
void BM_mem_fn_invoke_impl(int iters,
TestClass* tc,
void (TestClass::*memfn)());
......@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ BENCHMARK(std_function_invoke, iters) {
BM_std_function_invoke_impl(iters, doNothing);
// Invoking a function through a folly::Function object
BENCHMARK(Function_invoke, iters) {
BM_Function_invoke_impl(iters, doNothing);
// Invoking a member function through a member function pointer
BENCHMARK(mem_fn_invoke, iters) {
TestClass tc;
......@@ -111,6 +116,15 @@ BENCHMARK(std_function_create_invoke, iters) {
// Creating a folly::Function object from a function pointer, and
// invoking it
BENCHMARK(Function_create_invoke, iters) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < iters; ++n) {
folly::Function<void()> fn = doNothing;
// Creating a pointer-to-member and invoking it
BENCHMARK(mem_fn_create_invoke, iters) {
TestClass tc;
......@@ -155,6 +169,14 @@ BENCHMARK(scope_guard_std_function_rvalue, iters) {
// Using ScopeGuard to invoke a folly::Function,
// but create the ScopeGuard with an rvalue to a folly::Function
BENCHMARK(scope_guard_Function_rvalue, iters) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < iters; ++n) {
ScopeGuard g = makeGuard(folly::Function<void()>(doNothing));
// Using ScopeGuard to invoke a function pointer
BENCHMARK(scope_guard_fn_ptr, iters) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < iters; ++n) {
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