Commit 1ae1c1ff authored by Alan Frindell's avatar Alan Frindell Committed by Viswanath Sivakumar

Fix race issue in EventBase::runInEventBaseThreadAndWait (t6779663)

Summary: Huge thanks to @afrind for debugging this issue with me and found the root cause. As per the comment from @afrind for the diff D1823407, there is a tricky race issue. The main thread could have left and reset the condition_variable from its stack but the EventBase thread tries to access it afterwards due to race and could be blocked indefinitely. This caused the server-side IO threads not able to pick up the incoming connections for the proxygen case. The fix is to use a simpler struct barrier and get a hold of the shared_ptr instead of the same object in a safer way.

Test Plan:
The original issue reproes very easily in HDFS XDC encryption case. Servers easily enter into bad state and we got high volume of timeouts from the client. With the fix, this does not happen anymore after the fix being deployed at 11:15PM. Here is the Scuba log before and after the fix:
And here is the correspond Scuba diagram for successful calls in the same test:
The throughput improved a lot after the fix.

Reviewed By:

Subscribers: doug, folly-diffs@, yfeldblum, chalfant, afrind, brettp, dougw, fma

FB internal diff: D2071646

Signature: t1:2071646:1431709609:10fb033536f9e4fb428dea8ba68f6a9a051616c0
parent d599ae3b
......@@ -599,8 +599,10 @@ bool EventBase::runInEventBaseThreadAndWait(const Cob& fn) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m);
ready = true;
// We cannot release the lock before notify_one, because a spurious
// wakeup in the waiting thread may lead to cv and m going out of scope
// prematurely.
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