Commit 3c26e2a3 authored by Tom Jackson's avatar Tom Jackson Committed by facebook-github-bot-4

Remove EmptySequence exception in favor of optional returns

Summary: Forces consumers to handle the empty sequence case instead of cumbersome exceptions.

Reviewed By: @​jrichey, @yfeldblum

Differential Revision: D2219505
parent 8973b311
......@@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ class Cycle : public Operator<Cycle<forever>> {
explicit Cycle(off_t limit) : limit_(limit) {
"Cycle limit consturctor should not be used when forever == true.");
"Cycle limit constructor should not be used when forever == true.");
template <class Value, class Source>
......@@ -1790,16 +1790,13 @@ class First : public Operator<First> {
template <class Source,
class Value,
class StorageType = typename std::decay<Value>::type>
StorageType compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
Optional<StorageType> compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
Optional<StorageType> accum;
source | [&](Value v) -> bool {
accum = std::forward<Value>(v);
return false;
if (!accum.hasValue()) {
throw EmptySequence();
return std::move(accum.value());
return accum;
......@@ -1862,7 +1859,7 @@ class Reduce : public Operator<Reduce<Reducer>> {
template <class Source,
class Value,
class StorageType = typename std::decay<Value>::type>
StorageType compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
Optional<StorageType> compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
static_assert(!Source::infinite, "Cannot reduce infinite source");
Optional<StorageType> accum;
source | [&](Value v) {
......@@ -1872,10 +1869,7 @@ class Reduce : public Operator<Reduce<Reducer>> {
accum = std::forward<Value>(v);
if (!accum.hasValue()) {
throw EmptySequence();
return accum.value();
return accum;
......@@ -1981,7 +1975,7 @@ class Min : public Operator<Min<Selector, Comparer>> {
class StorageType = typename std::decay<Value>::type,
class Key = typename std::decay<
typename std::result_of<Selector(Value)>::type>::type>
StorageType compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
Optional<StorageType> compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
"Calling min or max on an infinite source will cause "
"an infinite loop.");
......@@ -1994,10 +1988,7 @@ class Min : public Operator<Min<Selector, Comparer>> {
min = std::forward<Value>(v);
if (!min.hasValue()) {
throw EmptySequence();
return min.value();
return min;
......@@ -2066,7 +2057,7 @@ class Collect : public Operator<Collect<Collection>> {
* The allocator defaults to std::allocator, so this may be used for the STL
* containers by simply using operators like 'as<set>', 'as<deque>',
* 'as<vector>'. 'as', here is the helper method which is the usual means of
* consturcting this operator.
* constructing this operator.
* Example:
......@@ -2093,6 +2084,126 @@ class CollectTemplate : public Operator<CollectTemplate<Container, Allocator>> {
* UnwrapOr - For unwrapping folly::Optional values, or providing the given
* fallback value. Usually used through the 'unwrapOr' helper like so:
* auto best = from(scores) | max | unwrapOr(-1);
* Note that the fallback value needn't match the value in the Optional it is
* unwrapping. If mis-matched types are supported, the common type of the two is
* returned by value. If the types match, a reference (T&& > T& > const T&) is
* returned.
template <class T>
class UnwrapOr {
explicit UnwrapOr(T&& value) : value_(std::move(value)) {}
explicit UnwrapOr(const T& value) : value_(value) {}
T& value() { return value_; }
const T& value() const { return value_; }
T value_;
template <class T>
T&& operator|(Optional<T>&& opt, UnwrapOr<T>&& fallback) {
if (T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
return std::move(*p);
return std::move(fallback.value());
template <class T>
T& operator|(Optional<T>& opt, UnwrapOr<T>& fallback) {
if (T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
return *p;
return fallback.value();
template <class T>
const T& operator|(const Optional<T>& opt, const UnwrapOr<T>& fallback) {
if (const T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
return *p;
return fallback.value();
// Mixed type unwrapping always returns values, moving where possible
template <class T,
class U,
class R = typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<T, U>::value,
typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
R operator|(Optional<T>&& opt, UnwrapOr<U>&& fallback) {
if (T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
return std::move(*p);
return std::move(fallback.value());
template <class T,
class U,
class R = typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<T, U>::value,
typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
R operator|(const Optional<T>& opt, UnwrapOr<U>&& fallback) {
if (const T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
return *p;
return std::move(fallback.value());
template <class T,
class U,
class R = typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<T, U>::value,
typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
R operator|(Optional<T>&& opt, const UnwrapOr<U>& fallback) {
if (T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
return std::move(*p);
return fallback.value();
template <class T,
class U,
class R = typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<T, U>::value,
typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>::type>
R operator|(const Optional<T>& opt, const UnwrapOr<U>& fallback) {
if (const T* p = opt.get_pointer()) {
return *p;
return fallback.value();
* Unwrap - For unwrapping folly::Optional values in a folly::gen style. Usually
* used through the 'unwrap' instace like so:
* auto best = from(scores) | max | unwrap; // may throw
class Unwrap {};
template <class T>
T&& operator|(Optional<T>&& opt, const Unwrap&) {
return std::move(opt.value());
template <class T>
T& operator|(Optional<T>& opt, const Unwrap&) {
return opt.value();
template <class T>
const T& operator|(const Optional<T>& opt, const Unwrap&) {
return opt.value();
} //::detail
......@@ -2193,6 +2304,8 @@ constexpr detail::Dereference dereference{};
constexpr detail::Indirect indirect{};
constexpr detail::Unwrap unwrap{};
inline detail::Take take(size_t count) { return detail::Take(count); }
inline detail::Stride stride(size_t s) { return detail::Stride(s); }
......@@ -81,13 +81,6 @@
namespace folly { namespace gen {
class EmptySequence : public std::exception {
virtual const char* what() const noexcept {
return "This operation cannot be called on an empty sequence";
class Less {
template<class First,
......@@ -420,6 +413,11 @@ template<class Exception,
class ErrorHandler>
class GuardImpl;
template <class T>
class UnwrapOr;
class Unwrap;
......@@ -823,6 +821,12 @@ GuardImpl guard(ErrorHandler&& handler) {
return GuardImpl(std::forward<ErrorHandler>(handler));
template<class Fallback,
class UnwrapOr = detail::UnwrapOr<typename std::decay<Fallback>::type>>
UnwrapOr unwrapOr(Fallback&& fallback) {
return UnwrapOr(std::forward<Fallback>(fallback));
}} // folly::gen
#include <folly/gen/Base-inl.h>
......@@ -165,16 +165,16 @@ TEST(Gen, Field) {
std::vector<X> xs(1);
EXPECT_EQ(2, from(xs)
| field(&X::a)
| first);
| sum);
EXPECT_EQ(3, from(xs)
| field(&X::b)
| first);
| sum);
EXPECT_EQ(4, from(xs)
| field(&X::c)
| first);
| sum);
EXPECT_EQ(2, seq(&xs[0], &xs[0])
| field(&X::a)
| first);
| sum);
// type-verification
empty<X&>() | field(&X::a) | assert_type<const int&>();
empty<X*>() | field(&X::a) | assert_type<const int&>();
......@@ -613,13 +613,14 @@ TEST(Gen, MinBy) {
| minBy([](int i) -> double {
double d = i - 6.8;
return d * d;
| unwrap);
TEST(Gen, MaxBy) {
auto gen = from({"three", "eleven", "four"});
EXPECT_EQ("eleven", gen | maxBy(&strlen));
EXPECT_EQ("eleven", gen | maxBy(&strlen) | unwrap);
TEST(Gen, Min) {
......@@ -708,17 +709,13 @@ TEST(Gen, Foldl) {
TEST(Gen, Reduce) {
int expected = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5;
auto actual = seq(2, 5) | reduce(add);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual | unwrap);
TEST(Gen, ReduceBad) {
auto gen = seq(1) | take(0);
try {
gen | reduce(add);
} catch (...) {
auto actual = gen | reduce(add);
EXPECT_FALSE(actual); // Empty sequences are okay, they just yeild 'none'
TEST(Gen, Moves) {
......@@ -731,10 +728,8 @@ TEST(Gen, Moves) {
TEST(Gen, First) {
auto gen =
| filter([](int x) { return x > 3; });
EXPECT_EQ(4, gen | first);
auto gen = seq(0) | filter([](int x) { return x > 3; });
EXPECT_EQ(4, gen | first | unwrap);
TEST(Gen, FromCopy) {
......@@ -1106,7 +1101,7 @@ TEST(Gen, Dereference) {
TEST(Gen, Indirect) {
vector<int> vs{1};
EXPECT_EQ(&vs[0], from(vs) | indirect | first);
EXPECT_EQ(&vs[0], from(vs) | indirect | first | unwrap);
TEST(Gen, Guard) {
......@@ -1171,24 +1166,24 @@ TEST(Gen, Just) {
int x = 3;
auto j = just(x);
EXPECT_EQ(&x, j | indirect | first);
EXPECT_EQ(&x, j | indirect | first | unwrap);
x = 4;
EXPECT_EQ(4, j | first);
EXPECT_EQ(4, j | sum);
int x = 3;
const int& cx = x;
auto j = just(cx);
EXPECT_EQ(&x, j | indirect | first);
EXPECT_EQ(&x, j | indirect | first | unwrap);
x = 5;
EXPECT_EQ(5, j | first);
EXPECT_EQ(5, j | sum);
int x = 3;
auto j = just(std::move(x));
EXPECT_NE(&x, j | indirect | first);
EXPECT_NE(&x, j | indirect | first | unwrap);
x = 5;
EXPECT_EQ(3, j | first);
EXPECT_EQ(3, j | sum);
......@@ -1202,16 +1197,115 @@ TEST(Gen, GroupBy) {
EXPECT_EQ(3, gb | count);
vector<string> mode{"zero", "four", "five", "nine"};
gb | maxBy([](const Group<size_t, string>& g) { return g.size(); })
| as<vector>());
gb | maxBy([](const Group<size_t, string>& g) { return g.size(); })
| unwrap
| as<vector>());
vector<string> largest{"three", "seven", "eight"};
gb | maxBy([](const Group<size_t, string>& g) { return g.key(); })
| as<vector>());
gb | maxBy([](const Group<size_t, string>& g) { return g.key(); })
| unwrap
| as<vector>());
TEST(Gen, Unwrap) {
Optional<int> o(4);
Optional<int> e;
EXPECT_EQ(4, o | unwrap);
EXPECT_THROW(e | unwrap, OptionalEmptyException);
auto oup = folly::make_optional(folly::make_unique<int>(5));
// optional has a value, and that value is non-null
EXPECT_TRUE(oup | unwrap);
EXPECT_EQ(5, *(oup | unwrap));
EXPECT_TRUE(oup.hasValue()); // still has a pointer (null or not)
EXPECT_TRUE(oup.value()); // that value isn't null
auto moved1 = std::move(oup) | unwrapOr(folly::make_unique<int>(6));
// oup still has a value, but now it's now nullptr since the pointer was moved
// into moved1
EXPECT_EQ(5, *moved1);
auto moved2 = std::move(oup) | unwrapOr(folly::make_unique<int>(7));
// oup's still-valid nullptr value wins here, the pointer to 7 doesn't apply
auto moved3 = std::move(oup) | unwrapOr(folly::make_unique<int>(8));
// oup is empty now, so the unwrapOr comes into play.
EXPECT_EQ(8, *moved3);
// mixed types, with common type matching optional
Optional<double> full(3.3);
decltype(full) empty;
auto fallback = unwrapOr(4);
EXPECT_EQ(3.3, full | fallback);
EXPECT_EQ(3.3, std::move(full) | fallback);
EXPECT_EQ(3.3, full | std::move(fallback));
EXPECT_EQ(3.3, std::move(full) | std::move(fallback));
EXPECT_EQ(4.0, empty | fallback);
EXPECT_EQ(4.0, std::move(empty) | fallback);
EXPECT_EQ(4.0, empty | std::move(fallback));
EXPECT_EQ(4.0, std::move(empty) | std::move(fallback));
// mixed types, with common type matching fallback
Optional<int> full(3);
decltype(full) empty;
auto fallback = unwrapOr(5.0); // type: double
// if we chose 'int' as the common type, we'd see truncation here
EXPECT_EQ(1.5, (full | fallback) / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(1.5, (std::move(full) | fallback) / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(1.5, (full | std::move(fallback)) / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(1.5, (std::move(full) | std::move(fallback)) / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(2.5, (empty | fallback) / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(2.5, (std::move(empty) | fallback) / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(2.5, (empty | std::move(fallback)) / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(2.5, (std::move(empty) | std::move(fallback)) / 2);
auto opt = folly::make_optional(std::make_shared<int>(8));
auto fallback = unwrapOr(folly::make_unique<int>(9));
// fallback must be std::move'd to be used
EXPECT_EQ(8, *(opt | std::move(fallback)));
EXPECT_TRUE(opt.value()); // shared_ptr copied out, not moved
EXPECT_TRUE(opt); // value still present
EXPECT_TRUE(fallback.value()); // fallback value not needed
EXPECT_EQ(8, *(std::move(opt) | std::move(fallback)));
EXPECT_FALSE(opt.value()); // shared_ptr moved out
EXPECT_TRUE(opt); // gutted value still present
EXPECT_TRUE(fallback.value()); // fallback value not needed
EXPECT_FALSE(opt); // opt is empty now
EXPECT_EQ(9, *(std::move(opt) | std::move(fallback)));
EXPECT_FALSE(fallback.value()); // fallback moved out!
// test with nullptr
vector<int> v{1, 2};
EXPECT_EQ(&v[1], from(v) | indirect | max | unwrap);
EXPECT_FALSE(from(v) | indirect | max | unwrapOr(nullptr));
// mixed type determined by fallback
Optional<std::nullptr_t> empty;
int x = 3;
EXPECT_EQ(&x, empty | unwrapOr(&x));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
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