Commit 3d5106cd authored by Adam Simpkins's avatar Adam Simpkins Committed by Jordan DeLong

fix IOBuf::reserve() when operating on a user-supplied buffer

The IOBuf::reserveSlow() code assumed that external buffers were always
allocated with malloc.  This would cause problems when if reserve() was
ever used on a buffer created with IOBuf::takeOwnership().

This changes the code to now check if a user-specified free function has
been supplied.  If so, then it does not try to use realloc()/rallocm(),
and it now frees the old buffer using the specified free function rather
than free().

User-supplied buffers also have a separately allocated SharedInfo
object, which must be freed when we no longer need it.

Test Plan:
Added additional unit tests to check calling reserve() on IOBufs created
with IOBuf::takeOwnership().

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D1072292
parent bfa6ffb5
......@@ -453,18 +453,7 @@ void IOBuf::decrementRefcount() {
// We were the last user. Free the buffer
if (ext_.sharedInfo->freeFn != NULL) {
try {
ext_.sharedInfo->freeFn(ext_.buf, ext_.sharedInfo->userData);
} catch (...) {
// The user's free function should never throw. Otherwise we might
// throw from the IOBuf destructor. Other code paths like coalesce()
// also assume that decrementRefcount() cannot throw.
} else {
// Free the SharedInfo if it was allocated separately.
......@@ -485,6 +474,11 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
size_t newCapacity = (size_t)length_ + minHeadroom + minTailroom;
DCHECK_LT(newCapacity, UINT32_MAX);
// reserveSlow() is dangerous if anyone else is sharing the buffer, as we may
// reallocate and free the original buffer. It should only ever be called if
// we are the only user of the buffer.
// We'll need to reallocate the buffer.
// There are a few options.
// - If we have enough total room, move the data around in the buffer
......@@ -511,11 +505,15 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
uint32_t newHeadroom = 0;
uint32_t oldHeadroom = headroom();
if ((flags_ & kFlagExt) && length_ != 0 && oldHeadroom >= minHeadroom) {
// If we have a buffer allocated with malloc and we just need more tailroom,
// try to use realloc()/rallocm() to grow the buffer in place.
if ((flags_ & (kFlagExt | kFlagUserOwned)) == kFlagExt &&
(ext_.sharedInfo->freeFn == nullptr) &&
length_ != 0 && oldHeadroom >= minHeadroom) {
if (usingJEMalloc()) {
size_t headSlack = oldHeadroom - minHeadroom;
// We assume that tailroom is more useful and more important than
// tailroom (not least because realloc / rallocm allow us to grow the
// headroom (not least because realloc / rallocm allow us to grow the
// buffer at the tail, but not at the head) So, if we have more headroom
// than we need, we consider that "wasted". We arbitrarily define "too
// much" headroom to be 25% of the capacity.
......@@ -559,8 +557,8 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
newBuffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(p);
memcpy(newBuffer + minHeadroom, data_, length_);
if (flags_ & kFlagExt) {
if ((flags_ & (kFlagExt | kFlagUserOwned)) == kFlagExt) {
newHeadroom = minHeadroom;
......@@ -569,8 +567,11 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
uint32_t cap;
initExtBuffer(newBuffer, newAllocatedCapacity, &info, &cap);
flags_ = kFlagExt;
if (flags_ & kFlagFreeSharedInfo) {
delete ext_.sharedInfo;
flags_ = kFlagExt;
ext_.capacity = cap;
ext_.type = kExtAllocated;
ext_.buf = newBuffer;
......@@ -579,6 +580,23 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
// length_ is unchanged
void IOBuf::freeExtBuffer() {
DCHECK((flags_ & (kFlagExt | kFlagUserOwned)) == kFlagExt);
if (ext_.sharedInfo->freeFn) {
try {
ext_.sharedInfo->freeFn(ext_.buf, ext_.sharedInfo->userData);
} catch (...) {
// The user's free function should never throw. Otherwise we might
// throw from the IOBuf destructor. Other code paths like coalesce()
// also assume that decrementRefcount() cannot throw.
} else {
void IOBuf::allocExtBuffer(uint32_t minCapacity,
uint8_t** bufReturn,
SharedInfo** infoReturn,
......@@ -1078,6 +1078,7 @@ class IOBuf {
size_t newTailroom);
void decrementRefcount();
void reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom);
void freeExtBuffer();
static size_t goodExtBufferSize(uint32_t minCapacity);
static void initExtBuffer(uint8_t* buf, size_t mallocSize,
......@@ -494,6 +494,12 @@ TEST(IOBuf, Chaining) {
EXPECT_EQ(3, iob2->computeChainDataLength());
void reserveTestFreeFn(void* buffer, void* ptr) {
uint32_t* freeCount = static_cast<uint32_t*>(ptr);;
delete[] static_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer);
TEST(IOBuf, Reserve) {
uint32_t fillSeed = 0x23456789;
boost::mt19937 gen(fillSeed);
......@@ -555,6 +561,26 @@ TEST(IOBuf, Reserve) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, iob->headroom());
EXPECT_LE(2000, iob->tailroom());
// Test reserving from a user-allocated buffer.
uint8_t* buf = static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(100));
auto iob = IOBuf::takeOwnership(buf, 100);
iob->reserve(0, 2000);
EXPECT_EQ(0, iob->headroom());
EXPECT_LE(2000, iob->tailroom());
// Test reserving from a user-allocated with a custom free function.
uint32_t freeCount{0};
uint8_t* buf = new uint8_t[100];
auto iob = IOBuf::takeOwnership(buf, 100, reserveTestFreeFn, &freeCount);
iob->reserve(0, 2000);
EXPECT_EQ(0, iob->headroom());
EXPECT_LE(2000, iob->tailroom());
EXPECT_EQ(1, freeCount);
TEST(IOBuf, copyBuffer) {
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