Commit 43300949 authored by Andrew Tulloch's avatar Andrew Tulloch Committed by Jordan DeLong


1. Incorporates @tjackson's offline comments.
2. See docstrings and examples for basic usage.
3. The usecase this covers (for me and others) was where I have some map or
vector of elements, and I want to form a string representation of this (for
logging, fb303 exported values, etc.). Various uses have existed in fbcode (e.g.
UP2X shard representations), and this seemed like a useful utility.

Test Plan: unit tests.

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D696794
parent b88cb304
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
#error This file may only be included from folly/experimental/StringGen.h
#include "folly/Conv.h"
#include "folly/String.h"
#include "folly/io/IOBuf.h"
namespace folly {
......@@ -151,8 +153,67 @@ class SplitStringSource : public GenImpl<StringPiece, SplitStringSource> {
* Unsplit - For joining tokens from a generator into a string. This is
* the inverse of `split` above.
* This type is primarily used through the 'unsplit' function.
template<class Delimiter,
class Output>
class Unsplit : public Operator<Unsplit<Delimiter, Output>> {
Delimiter delimiter_;
Unsplit(const Delimiter& delimiter)
: delimiter_(delimiter) {
template<class Source,
class Value>
Output compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
Output outputBuffer;
UnsplitBuffer<Delimiter, Output> unsplitter(delimiter_, &outputBuffer);
return outputBuffer;
* UnsplitBuffer - For joining tokens from a generator into a string,
* and inserting them into a custom buffer.
* This type is primarily used through the 'unsplit' function.
template<class Delimiter,
class OutputBuffer>
class UnsplitBuffer : public Operator<UnsplitBuffer<Delimiter, OutputBuffer>> {
Delimiter delimiter_;
OutputBuffer* outputBuffer_;
UnsplitBuffer(const Delimiter& delimiter, OutputBuffer* outputBuffer)
: delimiter_(delimiter)
, outputBuffer_(outputBuffer) {
template<class Source,
class Value>
void compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
// If the output buffer is empty, we skip inserting the delimiter for the
// first element.
bool skipDelim = outputBuffer_->empty();
source | [&](Value v) {
if (skipDelim) {
skipDelim = false;
toAppend(std::forward<Value>(v), outputBuffer_);
} else {
toAppend(delimiter_, std::forward<Value>(v), outputBuffer_);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace gen
} // namespace folly
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ namespace gen {
namespace detail {
class StringResplitter;
class SplitStringSource;
template<class Delimiter, class Output>
class Unsplit;
template<class Delimiter, class OutputBuffer>
class UnsplitBuffer;
} // namespace detail
......@@ -46,6 +52,48 @@ S split(const StringPiece& source, char delimiter) {
return S(source, delimiter);
* Joins a sequence of tokens into a string, with the chosen delimiter.
* E.G.
* fbstring result = split("a,b,c", ",") | unsplit(",");
* assert(result == "a,b,c");
* std::string result = split("a,b,c", ",") | unsplit<std::string>(" ");
* assert(result == "a b c");
// NOTE: The template arguments are reversed to allow the user to cleanly
// specify the output type while still inferring the type of the delimiter.
template<class Output = folly::fbstring,
class Delimiter,
class Unsplit = detail::Unsplit<Delimiter, Output>>
Unsplit unsplit(const Delimiter& delimiter) {
return Unsplit(delimiter);
* Joins a sequence of tokens into a string, appending them to the output
* buffer. If the output buffer is empty, an initial delimiter will not be
* inserted at the start.
* E.G.
* std::string buffer;
* split("a,b,c", ",") | unsplit(",", &buffer);
* assert(buffer == "a,b,c");
* std::string anotherBuffer("initial");
* split("a,b,c", ",") | unsplit(",", &anotherbuffer);
* assert(anotherBuffer == "initial,a,b,c");
template<class Delimiter,
class OutputBuffer,
class UnsplitBuffer = detail::UnsplitBuffer<Delimiter, OutputBuffer>>
UnsplitBuffer unsplit(const Delimiter& delimiter, OutputBuffer* outputBuffer) {
return UnsplitBuffer(delimiter, outputBuffer);
} // namespace gen
} // namespace folly
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ static vector<int> testVector =
seq(1, testSize.load())
| mapped([](int) { return rand(); })
| as<vector>();
static vector<fbstring> testStrVector =
seq(1, testSize.load())
| eachTo<fbstring>()
| as<vector>();
static vector<vector<int>> testVectorVector =
seq(1, 100)
| map([](int i) {
......@@ -386,6 +392,76 @@ BENCHMARK_RELATIVE(StringSplit_Gen_Take, iters) {
BENCHMARK(StringUnsplit_Old, iters) {
size_t s = 0;
while (iters--) {
fbstring joined;
join(',', testStrVector, joined);
s += joined.size();
BENCHMARK_RELATIVE(StringUnsplit_Old_ReusedBuffer, iters) {
size_t s = 0;
fbstring joined;
while (iters--) {
join(',', testStrVector, joined);
s += joined.size();
BENCHMARK_RELATIVE(StringUnsplit_Gen, iters) {
size_t s = 0;
StringPiece line(kLine);
while (iters--) {
fbstring joined = from(testStrVector) | unsplit(',');
s += joined.size();
BENCHMARK_RELATIVE(StringUnsplit_Gen_ReusedBuffer, iters) {
size_t s = 0;
fbstring buffer;
while (iters--) {
from(testStrVector) | unsplit(',', &buffer);
s += buffer.size();
void StringUnsplit_Gen(size_t iters, size_t joinSize) {
std::vector<fbstring> v;
FOR_EACH_RANGE(i, 0, joinSize) {
size_t s = 0;
fbstring buffer;
while (iters--) {
from(v) | unsplit(',', &buffer);
s += buffer.size();
BENCHMARK_PARAM(StringUnsplit_Gen, 1000)
BENCHMARK(ByLine_Pipes, iters) {
std::thread thread;
int rfd;
......@@ -424,43 +500,54 @@ BENCHMARK(ByLine_Pipes, iters) {
// ============================================================================
// folly/experimental/test/GenBenchmark.cpp relative time/iter iters/s
// ============================================================================
// Sum_Basic_NoGen 293.77ns 3.40M
// Sum_Basic_Gen 100.24% 293.08ns 3.41M
// Sum_Basic_NoGen 354.70ns 2.82M
// Sum_Basic_Gen 95.88% 369.92ns 2.70M
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sum_Vector_NoGen 211.89ns 4.72M
// Sum_Vector_Gen 97.49% 217.35ns 4.60M
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Count_Vector_NoGen 13.93us 71.78K
// Count_Vector_Gen 106.38% 13.10us 76.36K
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fib_Sum_NoGen 4.54us 220.07K
// Fib_Sum_Gen 45.81% 9.92us 100.82K
// Fib_Sum_Gen_Static 100.00% 4.54us 220.05K
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sum_Vector_NoGen 199.09ns 5.02M
// Sum_Vector_Gen 98.57% 201.98ns 4.95M
// VirtualGen_0Virtual 12.03us 83.14K
// VirtualGen_1Virtual 32.89% 36.57us 27.34K
// VirtualGen_2Virtual 24.98% 48.15us 20.77K
// VirtualGen_3Virtual 17.82% 67.49us 14.82K
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Count_Vector_NoGen 12.40us 80.66K
// Count_Vector_Gen 103.07% 12.03us 83.13K
// Concat_NoGen 1.92us 520.46K
// Concat_Gen 102.79% 1.87us 534.97K
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fib_Sum_NoGen 3.65us 274.29K
// Fib_Sum_Gen 41.95% 8.69us 115.06K
// Fib_Sum_Gen_Static 86.10% 4.23us 236.15K
// Composed_NoGen 545.64ns 1.83M
// Composed_Gen 99.65% 547.55ns 1.83M
// Composed_GenRegular 99.64% 547.62ns 1.83M
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VirtualGen_0Virtual 10.10us 99.03K
// VirtualGen_1Virtual 29.67% 34.04us 29.38K
// VirtualGen_2Virtual 20.53% 49.19us 20.33K
// VirtualGen_3Virtual 15.22% 66.36us 15.07K
// StringResplitter_Big 120.88us 8.27K
// StringResplitter_Small 14.39% 839.94us 1.19K
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Concat_NoGen 2.33us 428.35K
// Concat_Gen 85.36% 2.74us 365.62K
// StringSplit_Old 421.09ns 2.37M
// StringSplit_Gen_Vector 97.73% 430.87ns 2.32M
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Composed_NoGen 552.78ns 1.81M
// Composed_Gen 100.48% 550.14ns 1.82M
// Composed_GenRegular 100.60% 549.50ns 1.82M
// StringSplit_Old_ReuseVector 80.25ns 12.46M
// StringSplit_Gen_ReuseVector 98.99% 81.07ns 12.34M
// StringSplit_Gen 117.23% 68.45ns 14.61M
// StringSplit_Gen_Take 115.23% 69.64ns 14.36M
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StringResplitter_Big 118.40us 8.45K
// StringResplitter_Small 12.96% 913.23us 1.10K
// StringUnsplit_Old 34.45us 29.02K
// StringUnsplit_Old_ReusedBuffer 100.37% 34.33us 29.13K
// StringUnsplit_Gen 106.27% 32.42us 30.84K
// StringUnsplit_Gen_ReusedBuffer 105.61% 32.62us 30.65K
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StringSplit_Old 567.61ns 1.76M
// StringSplit_Gen_Vector 146.52% 387.41ns 2.58M
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StringSplit_Old_ReuseVector 74.90ns 13.35M
// StringSplit_Gen_ReuseVector 112.29% 66.71ns 14.99M
// StringSplit_Gen 122.42% 61.18ns 16.34M
// StringSplit_Gen_Take 134.49% 55.70ns 17.95M
// StringUnsplit_Gen(1000) 32.20us 31.06K
// StringUnsplit_Gen(2000) 49.41% 65.17us 15.34K
// StringUnsplit_Gen(4000) 22.75% 141.52us 7.07K
// StringUnsplit_Gen(8000) 11.20% 287.53us 3.48K
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ByLine_Pipes 131.18ns 7.62M
// ByLine_Pipes 126.58ns 7.90M
// ============================================================================
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
......@@ -719,6 +719,41 @@ TEST(StringGen, Resplit) {
template<typename F>
void runUnsplitSuite(F fn) {
fn("hello, world");
fn(" ");
fn(", ");
fn(", a, b,c");
TEST(StringGen, Unsplit) {
auto basicFn = [](const StringPiece& s) {
EXPECT_EQ(split(s, ',') | unsplit(','), s);
auto existingBuffer = [](const StringPiece& s) {
folly::fbstring buffer("asdf");
split(s, ',') | unsplit(',', &buffer);
auto expected = folly::to<folly::fbstring>(
"asdf", s.empty() ? "" : ",", s);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, expected);
auto emptyBuffer = [](const StringPiece& s) {
std::string buffer;
split(s, ',') | unsplit(',', &buffer);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, s);
TEST(FileGen, ByLine) {
auto collect = eachTo<std::string>() | as<vector>();
test::TemporaryFile file("ByLine");
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