Commit 4f0bc527 authored by Soren Lassen's avatar Soren Lassen Committed by Jordan DeLong

use std::underlying_type to support enum classes

Noticed these TODOs in Conv.h and decided to fix them.
Discovered that the underlying_type implementation also
covers enum classes, which didn't work with the pre-existing code.

Test Plan:
fbconfig -r folly --platform=gcc-4.7.1-glibc-2.14.1-fb
fbmake dbg _bin/folly/test/conv_test

fbmake dbg _bin/folly/test/conv_test

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D634309
parent c462b064
......@@ -280,6 +280,22 @@ toAppend(Src value, Tgt * result) {
toAppend<Tgt>(static_cast<Intermediate>(value), result);
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
// std::underlying_type became available by gcc 4.7.0
* Enumerated values get appended as integers.
template <class Tgt, class Src>
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_enum<Src>::value && detail::IsSomeString<Tgt>::value>::type
toAppend(Src value, Tgt * result) {
static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<Src>::type>(value), result);
* Enumerated values get appended as integers.
......@@ -302,6 +318,8 @@ toAppend(Src value, Tgt * result) {
#endif // gcc 4.7 onwards
* Conversions from floating-point types to string types.
......@@ -912,12 +930,26 @@ to(const Src & value) {
* Enum to anything and back
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
// std::underlying_type became available by gcc 4.7.0
template <class Tgt, class Src>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<Src>::value, Tgt>::type
to(const Src & value) {
return to<Tgt>(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<Src>::type>(value));
template <class Tgt, class Src>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<Tgt>::value, Tgt>::type
to(const Src & value) {
return static_cast<Tgt>(to<typename std::underlying_type<Tgt>::type>(value));
template <class Tgt, class Src>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<Src>::value, Tgt>::type
to(const Src & value) {
// TODO: uncomment this when underlying_type is available
// return to<Tgt>(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<Src>::type>(
// value));
/* static */ if (Src(-1) < 0) {
/* static */ if (sizeof(Src) <= sizeof(int)) {
return to<Tgt>(static_cast<int>(value));
......@@ -936,9 +968,6 @@ to(const Src & value) {
template <class Tgt, class Src>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<Tgt>::value, Tgt>::type
to(const Src & value) {
// TODO: uncomment this when underlying_type is available
// return static_cast<Tgt>(
// to<typename std::underlying_type<Tgt>::type>(value));
/* static */ if (Tgt(-1) < 0) {
/* static */ if (sizeof(Tgt) <= sizeof(int)) {
return static_cast<Tgt>(to<int>(value));
......@@ -954,6 +983,8 @@ to(const Src & value) {
#endif // gcc 4.7 onwards
} // namespace folly
// FOLLY_CONV_INTERNAL is defined by Conv.cpp. Keep the FOLLY_RANGE_CHECK
......@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ TEST(Conv, EnumToString) {
TEST(Conv, IntToEnum) {
enum A { x = 42, y = 420 };
auto i = to<A>(42);
EXPECT_EQ(i, A::x);
EXPECT_EQ(i, x);
auto j = to<A>(100);
EXPECT_EQ(j, 100);
try {
......@@ -506,6 +506,53 @@ TEST(Conv, IntToEnum) {
TEST(Conv, UnsignedEnum) {
enum E : uint32_t { x = 3000000000U };
auto u = to<uint32_t>(x);
EXPECT_EQ(u, 3000000000U);
auto s = to<string>(x);
EXPECT_EQ("3000000000", s);
auto e = to<E>(3000000000U);
EXPECT_EQ(e, x);
try {
auto i = to<int32_t>(x);
LOG(ERROR) << to<uint32_t>(x);
} catch (std::range_error& e) {
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
// to<enum class> and to(enum class) only supported in gcc 4.7 onwards
TEST(Conv, UnsignedEnumClass) {
enum class E : uint32_t { x = 3000000000U };
auto u = to<uint32_t>(E::x);
EXPECT_GT(u, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(u, 3000000000U);
auto s = to<string>(E::x);
EXPECT_EQ("3000000000", s);
auto e = to<E>(3000000000U);
EXPECT_EQ(e, E::x);
try {
auto i = to<int32_t>(E::x);
LOG(ERROR) << to<uint32_t>(E::x);
} catch (std::range_error& e) {
// Multi-argument to<string> uses toAppend, a different code path than
// to<string>(enum).
TEST(Conv, EnumClassToString) {
enum class A { x = 4, y = 420, z = 65 };
EXPECT_EQ("foo.4", to<string>("foo.", A::x));
EXPECT_EQ("foo.420", to<string>("foo.", A::y));
EXPECT_EQ("foo.65", to<string>("foo.", A::z));
#endif // gcc 4.7 onwards
template<typename Src>
void testStr2Bool() {
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