Commit 634f30b5 authored by Kittipat Virochsiri's avatar Kittipat Virochsiri Committed by Sara Golemon


Summary: Convert stream of elements to stream of fixed-sized vectors.

Test Plan: unit tests

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FB internal diff: D912290
parent 5b065dbe
......@@ -1153,6 +1153,83 @@ class Distinct : public Operator<Distinct<Selector>> {
* Batch - For producing fixed-size batches of each value from a source.
* This type is usually used through the 'batch' helper function:
* auto batchSums
* = seq(1, 10)
* | batch(3)
* | map([](const std::vector<int>& batch) {
* return from(batch) | sum;
* })
* | as<vector>();
class Batch : public Operator<Batch> {
size_t batchSize_;
explicit Batch(size_t batchSize)
: batchSize_(batchSize) {
if (batchSize_ == 0) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Batch size must be non-zero!");
template<class Value,
class Source,
class StorageType = typename std::decay<Value>::type,
class VectorType = std::vector<StorageType>>
class Generator :
public GenImpl<VectorType&,
Generator<Value, Source, StorageType, VectorType>> {
Source source_;
size_t batchSize_;
explicit Generator(Source source, size_t batchSize)
: source_(std::move(source))
, batchSize_(batchSize) {}
template<class Handler>
bool apply(Handler&& handler) const {
VectorType batch_;
bool shouldContinue = source_.apply([&](Value value) -> bool {
if (batch_.size() == batchSize_) {
bool needMore = handler(batch_);
return needMore;
// Always need more if the handler is not called.
return true;
// Flush everything, if and only if `handler` hasn't returned false.
if (shouldContinue && !batch_.empty()) {
shouldContinue = handler(batch_);
return shouldContinue;
static constexpr bool infinite = Source::infinite;
template<class Source,
class Value,
class Gen = Generator<Value, Source>>
Gen compose(GenImpl<Value, Source>&& source) const {
return Gen(std::move(source.self()), batchSize_);
template<class Source,
class Value,
class Gen = Generator<Value, Source>>
Gen compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
return Gen(source.self(), batchSize_);
* Composed - For building up a pipeline of operations to perform, absent any
* particular source generator. Useful for building up custom pipelines.
......@@ -1994,6 +2071,10 @@ inline detail::Skip skip(size_t count) {
return detail::Skip(count);
inline detail::Batch batch(size_t batchSize) {
return detail::Batch(batchSize);
}} //folly::gen
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
......@@ -310,6 +310,8 @@ class RangeConcat;
class Cycle;
class Batch;
* Sinks
......@@ -1283,6 +1283,32 @@ TEST(Gen, Guard) {
TEST(Gen, Batch) {
EXPECT_EQ((vector<vector<int>> { {1} }),
seq(1, 1) | batch(5) | as<vector>());
EXPECT_EQ((vector<vector<int>> { {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}, {10, 11} }),
seq(1, 11) | batch(3) | as<vector>());
EXPECT_THROW(seq(1, 1) | batch(0) | as<vector>(),
TEST(Gen, BatchMove) {
auto expected = vector<vector<int>>{ {0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4} };
auto actual =
seq(0, 4)
| mapped([](int i) { return std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(i)); })
| batch(2)
| mapped([](std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>& pVector) {
std::vector<int> iVector;
for (const auto& p : pVector) {
return iVector;
| as<vector>();
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
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