Commit 6834f1d6 authored by Chip Turner's avatar Chip Turner Committed by Tudor Bosman

Move and refactor code


Moves some string manipulation code like humanify into folly

Moves hash-related functions into folly and removes some old includes
to clean up some code

Adds generic hashing for tuples, similar to pairs

Updates all of the build breakages from the above

Test Plan: run unit tests

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D490478
parent 052ddef2
......@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
* Various hashing functions.
......@@ -27,6 +28,40 @@
namespace folly { namespace hash {
// This is a general-purpose way to create a single hash from multiple
// hashable objects. It relies on std::hash<T> being available for all
// relevant types and combines those hashes in an order-dependent way
// to yield a new hash.
// Never used, but gcc demands it.
inline size_t hash_combine() {
return 0;
// This is the Hash128to64 function from Google's cityhash (available
// under the MIT License). We use it to reduce multiple 64 bit hashes
// into a single hash.
inline size_t hash_128_to_64(const size_t upper, const size_t lower) {
// Murmur-inspired hashing.
const size_t kMul = 0x9ddfea08eb382d69ULL;
size_t a = (lower ^ upper) * kMul;
a ^= (a >> 47);
size_t b = (upper ^ a) * kMul;
b ^= (b >> 47);
b *= kMul;
return b;
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
size_t hash_combine(const T& t, const Ts&... ts) {
size_t seed = std::hash<T>()(t);
if (sizeof...(ts) == 0) {
return seed;
size_t remainder = hash_combine(ts...);
return hash_128_to_64(seed, remainder);
......@@ -240,4 +275,26 @@ template<> struct hasher<uint64_t> {
} // namespace folly
// Custom hash functions.
namespace std {
// Hash function for pairs. Requires default hash functions for both
// items in the pair.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
class hash<std::pair<T1, T2> > {
size_t operator()(const std::pair<T1, T2>& x) const {
return folly::hash::hash_combine(x.first, x.second);
// Same as above, but for arbitrary tuples.
template <typename... Ts>
class hash<std::tuple<Ts...> > {
size_t operator()(const Ts&... ts) const {
return folly::hash::hash_combine(ts...);
} // namespace std
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <time.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
* Issues a LOG(severity) no more often that every
* milliseconds. Example:
* FB_LOG_EVERY_MS(INFO, 10000) << "At least ten seconds passed"
* " since you last saw this.";
* The implementation uses for statements to introduce variables in
* a nice way that doesn't mess surrounding statements.
#define FB_LOG_EVERY_MS(severity, milliseconds) \
for (bool LOG_EVERY_MS_once = true; LOG_EVERY_MS_once; ) \
for (const ::clock_t LOG_EVERY_MS_now = ::clock(); LOG_EVERY_MS_once; ) \
for (static ::clock_t LOG_EVERY_MS_last; LOG_EVERY_MS_once; \
LOG_EVERY_MS_once = false) \
if (1000 * (LOG_EVERY_MS_now - LOG_EVERY_MS_last) < \
(milliseconds) * CLOCKS_PER_SEC) {} \
else \
(LOG_EVERY_MS_last = LOG_EVERY_MS_now, LOG(severity))
#endif // FOLLY_LOGGING_H_
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ nobase_follyinclude_HEADERS = \
IntrusiveList.h \
json.h \
Likely.h \
Logging.h \
Malloc.h \
MapUtil.h \
PackedSyncPtr.h \
......@@ -298,6 +298,126 @@ void splitTo(const Delim& delimiter,
template <class String1, class String2>
void backslashify(const String1& input, String2& output, bool hex_style) {
static const char hexValues[] = "0123456789abcdef";
output.reserve(3 * input.size());
for (unsigned char c : input) {
// less than space or greater than '~' are considered unprintable
if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7e || c == '\\') {
bool hex_append = false;
if (hex_style) {
hex_append = true;
} else {
if (c == '\r') output += 'r';
else if (c == '\n') output += 'n';
else if (c == '\t') output += 't';
else if (c == '\a') output += 'a';
else if (c == '\b') output += 'b';
else if (c == '\0') output += '0';
else if (c == '\\') output += '\\';
else {
hex_append = true;
if (hex_append) {
output.push_back(hexValues[(c >> 4) & 0xf]);
output.push_back(hexValues[c & 0xf]);
} else {
output += c;
template <class String1, class String2>
void humanify(const String1& input, String2& output) {
int numUnprintable = 0;
int numPrintablePrefix = 0;
for (unsigned char c : input) {
if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7e || c == '\\') {
if (numUnprintable == 0) {
// hexlify doubles a string's size; backslashify can potentially
// explode it by 4x. Now, the printable range of the ascii
// "spectrum" is around 95 out of 256 values, so a "random" binary
// string should be around 60% unprintable. We use a 50% hueristic
// here, so if a string is 60% unprintable, then we just use hex
// output. Otherwise we backslash.
// UTF8 is completely ignored; as a result, utf8 characters will
// likely be \x escaped (since most common glyphs fit in two bytes).
// This is a tradeoff of complexity/speed instead of a convenience
// that likely would rarely matter. Moreover, this function is more
// about displaying underlying bytes, not about displaying glyphs
// from languages.
if (numUnprintable == 0) {
output = input;
} else if (5 * numUnprintable >= 3 * input.size()) {
// However! If we have a "meaningful" prefix of printable
// characters, say 20% of the string, we backslashify under the
// assumption viewing the prefix as ascii is worth blowing the
// output size up a bit.
if (5 * numPrintablePrefix >= input.size()) {
backslashify(input, output);
} else {
output = "0x";
hexlify(input, output, true /* append output */);
} else {
backslashify(input, output);
template<class InputString, class OutputString>
bool hexlify(const InputString& input, OutputString& output,
bool append_output=false) {
if (!append_output) output.clear();
static char hexValues[] = "0123456789abcdef";
int j = output.size();
output.resize(2 * input.size() + output.size());
for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
int ch = input[i];
output[j++] = hexValues[(ch >> 4) & 0xf];
output[j++] = hexValues[ch & 0xf];
return true;
template<class InputString, class OutputString>
bool unhexlify(const InputString& input, OutputString& output) {
if (input.size() % 2 != 0) {
return false;
output.resize(input.size() / 2);
int j = 0;
auto unhex = [](char c) -> int {
return c >= '0' && c <= '9' ? c - '0' :
c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ? c - 'A' + 10 :
c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ? c - 'a' + 10 :
for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i += 2) {
int highBits = unhex(input[i]);
int lowBits = unhex(input[i + 1]);
if (highBits < 0 || lowBits < 0) {
return false;
output[j++] = (highBits << 4) + lowBits;
return true;
namespace detail {
* Hex-dump at most 16 bytes starting at offset from a memory area of size
......@@ -128,6 +128,74 @@ void stringPrintf(std::string* out, const char* fmt, ...)
std::string& stringAppendf(std::string* output, const char* format, ...)
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
* Backslashify a string, that is, replace non-printable characters
* with C-style (but NOT C compliant) "\xHH" encoding. If hex_style
* is false, then shorthand notations like "\0" will be used instead
* of "\x00" for the most common backslash cases.
* There are two forms, one returning the input string, and one
* creating output in the specified output string.
* This is mainly intended for printing to a terminal, so it is not
* particularly optimized.
* Do *not* use this in situations where you expect to be able to feed
* the string to a C or C++ compiler, as there are nuances with how C
* parses such strings that lead to failures. This is for display
* purposed only. If you want a string you can embed for use in C or
* C++, use cEscape instead. This function is for display purposes
* only.
template <class String1, class String2>
void backslashify(const String1& input, String2& output, bool hex_style=false);
template <class String>
String backslashify(const String& input, bool hex_style=false) {
String output;
backslashify(input, output, hex_style);
return output;
* Take a string and "humanify" it -- that is, make it look better.
* Since "better" is subjective, caveat emptor. The basic approach is
* to count the number of unprintable characters. If there are none,
* then the output is the input. If there are relatively few, or if
* there is a long "enough" prefix of printable characters, use
* backslashify. If it is mostly binary, then simply hex encode.
* This is an attempt to make a computer smart, and so likely is wrong
* most of the time.
template <class String1, class String2>
void humanify(const String1& input, String2& output);
template <class String>
String humanify(const String& input) {
String output;
humanify(input, output);
return output;
* Same functionality as Python's binascii.hexlify. Returns true
* on successful conversion.
* If append_output is true, append data to the output rather than
* replace it.
template<class InputString, class OutputString>
bool hexlify(const InputString& input, OutputString& output,
bool append=false);
* Same functionality as Python's binascii.unhexlify. Returns true
* on successful conversion.
template<class InputString, class OutputString>
bool unhexlify(const InputString& input, OutputString& output);
* A pretty-printer for numbers that appends suffixes of units of the
* given type. It prints 4 sig-figs of value with the most
......@@ -135,3 +135,7 @@ TEST(Hash, hasher) {
m.insert(std::make_pair(4, 5));
EXPECT_EQ(get_default(m, 4), 5);
TEST(Hash, hash_combine) {
EXPECT_NE(hash_combine(1, 2), hash_combine(2, 1));
......@@ -604,6 +604,83 @@ TEST(Split, pieces_fbvector) {
TEST(String, hexlify) {
string input1 = "0123";
string output1;
EXPECT_TRUE(hexlify(input1, output1));
EXPECT_EQ(output1, "30313233");
fbstring input2 = "abcdefg";
input2[1] = 0;
input2[3] = 0xff;
input2[5] = 0xb6;
fbstring output2;
EXPECT_TRUE(hexlify(input2, output2));
EXPECT_EQ(output2, "610063ff65b667");
TEST(String, unhexlify) {
string input1 = "30313233";
string output1;
EXPECT_TRUE(unhexlify(input1, output1));
EXPECT_EQ(output1, "0123");
fbstring input2 = "610063ff65b667";
fbstring output2;
EXPECT_TRUE(unhexlify(input2, output2));
EXPECT_EQ(output2.size(), 7);
EXPECT_EQ(output2[0], 'a');
EXPECT_EQ(output2[1], 0);
EXPECT_EQ(output2[2], 'c');
EXPECT_EQ(output2[3] & 0xff, 0xff);
EXPECT_EQ(output2[4], 'e');
EXPECT_EQ(output2[5] & 0xff, 0xb6);
EXPECT_EQ(output2[6], 'g');
string input3 = "x";
string output3;
EXPECT_FALSE(unhexlify(input3, output3));
string input4 = "xy";
string output4;
EXPECT_FALSE(unhexlify(input4, output4));
TEST(String, backslashify) {
EXPECT_EQ("abc", string("abc"));
EXPECT_EQ("abc", backslashify(string("abc")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\r", backslashify(string("abc\r")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\x0d", backslashify(string("abc\r"), true));
EXPECT_EQ("\\0\\0", backslashify(string(2, '\0')));
TEST(String, humanify) {
// Simple cases; output is obvious.
EXPECT_EQ("abc", humanify(string("abc")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\\\r", humanify(string("abc\\r")));
EXPECT_EQ("0xff", humanify(string("\xff")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\xff", humanify(string("abc\xff")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\b", humanify(string("abc\b")));
EXPECT_EQ("0x00", humanify(string(1, '\0')));
EXPECT_EQ("0x0000", humanify(string(2, '\0')));
// Mostly printable, so backslash! 80, 60, and 40% printable, respectively
EXPECT_EQ("aaaa\\xff", humanify(string("aaaa\xff")));
EXPECT_EQ("aaa\\xff\\xff", humanify(string("aaa\xff\xff")));
EXPECT_EQ("aa\\xff\\xff\\xff", humanify(string("aa\xff\xff\xff")));
// 20% printable, and the printable portion isn't the prefix; hexify!
EXPECT_EQ("0xff61ffffff", humanify(string("\xff" "a\xff\xff\xff")));
// Same as previous, except swap first two chars; prefix is
// printable and within the threshold, so backslashify.
EXPECT_EQ("a\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff", humanify(string("a\xff\xff\xff\xff")));
// Just too much unprintable; hex, despite prefix.
EXPECT_EQ("0x61ffffffffff", humanify(string("a\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff")));
BENCHMARK(splitOnSingleChar, iters) {
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