Commit 7488db1c authored by Tudor Bosman's avatar Tudor Bosman

Make Bits<T> work with T = Unaligned<X> (X is unsigned integral type)

Test Plan: all folly tests

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FB internal diff: D517118
parent 25189ad9
......@@ -530,10 +530,15 @@ BitIterator<BaseIter> findFirstSet(BitIterator<BaseIter> begin,
template <class T, class Enable=void> struct Unaligned;
* Representation of an unaligned value of a POD type.
template <class T>
struct Unaligned<
typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value>::type> {
typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value>::type> {
Unaligned() { } // uninitialized
/* implicit */ Unaligned(T v) : value(v) { }
T value;
} __attribute__((packed));
......@@ -542,6 +547,7 @@ struct Unaligned<
template <class T>
inline T loadUnaligned(const void* p) {
static_assert(sizeof(Unaligned<T>) == sizeof(T), "Invalid unaligned size");
static_assert(alignof(Unaligned<T>) == 1, "Invalid alignment");
return static_cast<const Unaligned<T>*>(p)->value;
......@@ -551,8 +557,9 @@ inline T loadUnaligned(const void* p) {
template <class T>
inline void storeUnaligned(void* p, T value) {
static_assert(sizeof(Unaligned<T>) == sizeof(T), "Invalid unaligned size");
static_assert(alignof(Unaligned<T>) == 1, "Invalid alignment");
static_cast<Unaligned<T>*>(p)->value = value;
new (p) Unaligned<T>(value);
} // namespace folly
......@@ -21,10 +21,15 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include <limits>
#include "folly/Bits.h"
#include "folly/Range.h"
namespace folly {
// As a general rule, bit operations work on unsigned values only;
// right-shift is arithmetic for signed values, and that can lead to
// unpleasant bugs.
* Population count (number of bits set), using __builtin_popcount or
* __builtin_popcountll, depending on size.
......@@ -50,14 +55,51 @@ inline typename std::enable_if<
return __builtin_popcountll(x);
namespace detail {
* Helper class to make Bits<T> (below) work with both aligned values
* (T, where T is an unsigned integral type) or unaligned values
* (Unaligned<T>, where T is an unsigned integral type)
template <class T, class Enable=void> struct BitsTraits;
// Partial specialization for Unaligned<T>, where T is unsigned integral
template <class T>
struct Bits {
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value &&
"Unsigned integral type required");
struct BitsTraits<Unaligned<T>, typename std::enable_if<
(std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value)>::type> {
typedef T UnderlyingType;
static T load(const Unaligned<T>& x) { return x.value; }
static void store(Unaligned<T>& x, T v) { x.value = v; }
// Partial specialization for T, where T is unsigned integral
template <class T>
struct BitsTraits<T, typename std::enable_if<
(std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value)>::type> {
typedef T UnderlyingType;
static T load(const T& x) { return x; }
static void store(T& x, T v) { x = v; }
} // namespace detail
* Wrapper class with static methods for various bit-level operations,
* treating an array of T as an array of bits (in little-endian order).
* (T is either an unsigned integral type or Unaligned<X>, where X is
* an unsigned integral type)
template <class T, class Traits=detail::BitsTraits<T>>
struct Bits {
typedef typename Traits::UnderlyingType UnderlyingType;
typedef T type;
static constexpr size_t bitsPerBlock = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits;
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(UnderlyingType), "Size mismatch");
* Number of bits in a block.
static constexpr size_t bitsPerBlock =
* Byte index of the given bit.
......@@ -101,13 +143,13 @@ struct Bits {
* (value & 1 becomes the bit at bitStart, etc)
* Precondition: count <= sizeof(T) * 8
static void set(T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count, T value);
static void set(T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count, UnderlyingType value);
* Get count contiguous bits starting at bitStart.
* Precondition: count <= sizeof(T) * 8
static T get(const T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count);
static UnderlyingType get(const T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count);
* Count the number of bits set in a range of blocks.
......@@ -117,34 +159,38 @@ struct Bits {
// Same as set, assumes all bits are in the same block.
// (bitStart < sizeof(T) * 8, bitStart + count <= sizeof(T) * 8)
static void innerSet(T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count, T value);
static void innerSet(T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count,
UnderlyingType value);
// Same as get, assumes all bits are in the same block.
// (bitStart < sizeof(T) * 8, bitStart + count <= sizeof(T) * 8)
static T innerGet(const T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count);
static UnderlyingType innerGet(const T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count);
static constexpr T one = T(1);
static constexpr UnderlyingType one = UnderlyingType(1);
template <class T>
inline void Bits<T>::set(T* p, size_t bit) {
p[blockIndex(bit)] |= (one << bitOffset(bit));
template <class T, class Traits>
inline void Bits<T, Traits>::set(T* p, size_t bit) {
T& block = p[blockIndex(bit)];
Traits::store(block, Traits::load(block) | (one << bitOffset(bit)));
template <class T>
inline void Bits<T>::clear(T* p, size_t bit) {
p[blockIndex(bit)] &= ~(one << bitOffset(bit));
template <class T, class Traits>
inline void Bits<T, Traits>::clear(T* p, size_t bit) {
T& block = p[blockIndex(bit)];
Traits::store(block, Traits::load(block) & ~(one << bitOffset(bit)));
template <class T>
inline bool Bits<T>::test(const T* p, size_t bit) {
return p[blockIndex(bit)] & (one << bitOffset(bit));
template <class T, class Traits>
inline bool Bits<T, Traits>::test(const T* p, size_t bit) {
return Traits::load(p[blockIndex(bit)]) & (one << bitOffset(bit));
template <class T>
inline void Bits<T>::set(T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count, T value) {
assert(count <= sizeof(T) * 8);
assert(count == sizeof(T) ||
template <class T, class Traits>
inline void Bits<T, Traits>::set(T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count,
UnderlyingType value) {
assert(count <= sizeof(UnderlyingType) * 8);
assert(count == sizeof(UnderlyingType) ||
(value & ~((one << count) - 1)) == 0);
size_t idx = blockIndex(bitStart);
size_t offset = bitOffset(bitStart);
......@@ -159,9 +205,10 @@ inline void Bits<T>::set(T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count, T value) {
template <class T>
inline T Bits<T>::get(const T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count) {
assert(count <= sizeof(T) * 8);
template <class T, class Traits>
inline auto Bits<T, Traits>::get(const T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count)
-> UnderlyingType {
assert(count <= sizeof(UnderlyingType) * 8);
size_t idx = blockIndex(bitStart);
size_t offset = bitOffset(bitStart);
if (offset + count <= bitsPerBlock) {
......@@ -169,28 +216,33 @@ inline T Bits<T>::get(const T* p, size_t bitStart, size_t count) {
} else {
size_t countInThisBlock = bitsPerBlock - offset;
size_t countInNextBlock = count - countInThisBlock;
T thisBlockValue = innerGet(p + idx, offset, countInThisBlock);
T nextBlockValue = innerGet(p + idx + 1, 0, countInNextBlock);
UnderlyingType thisBlockValue = innerGet(p + idx, offset, countInThisBlock);
UnderlyingType nextBlockValue = innerGet(p + idx + 1, 0, countInNextBlock);
return (nextBlockValue << countInThisBlock) | thisBlockValue;
template <class T>
inline void Bits<T>::innerSet(T* p, size_t offset, size_t count, T value) {
template <class T, class Traits>
inline void Bits<T, Traits>::innerSet(T* p, size_t offset, size_t count,
UnderlyingType value) {
// Mask out bits and set new value
*p = (*p & ~(((one << count) - 1) << offset)) | (value << offset);
UnderlyingType v = Traits::load(*p);
v &= ~(((one << count) - 1) << offset);
v |= (value << offset);
Traits::store(*p, v);
template <class T>
inline T Bits<T>::innerGet(const T* p, size_t offset, size_t count) {
return (*p >> offset) & ((one << count) - 1);
template <class T, class Traits>
inline auto Bits<T, Traits>::innerGet(const T* p, size_t offset, size_t count)
-> UnderlyingType {
return (Traits::load(*p) >> offset) & ((one << count) - 1);
template <class T>
inline size_t Bits<T>::count(const T* begin, const T* end) {
template <class T, class Traits>
inline size_t Bits<T, Traits>::count(const T* begin, const T* end) {
size_t n = 0;
for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
n += popcount(*begin);
n += popcount(Traits::load(*begin));
return n;
......@@ -21,60 +21,149 @@
using namespace folly;
TEST(Bits, Simple) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<uint8_t>::blockCount(0));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<uint8_t>::blockCount(1));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<uint8_t>::blockCount(8));
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<uint8_t>::blockCount(9));
EXPECT_EQ(256, Bits<uint8_t>::blockCount(2048));
EXPECT_EQ(257, Bits<uint8_t>::blockCount(2049));
EXPECT_EQ(4, Bits<uint8_t>::blockIndex(39));
EXPECT_EQ(7, Bits<uint8_t>::bitOffset(39));
EXPECT_EQ(5, Bits<uint8_t>::blockIndex(40));
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<uint8_t>::bitOffset(40));
uint8_t buf[256];
memset(buf, 0, 256);
Bits<uint8_t>::set(buf, 36);
Bits<uint8_t>::set(buf, 39);
EXPECT_EQ((1 << 7) | (1 << 4), buf[4]);
EXPECT_EQ(0, buf[5]);
Bits<uint8_t>::clear(buf, 39);
EXPECT_EQ(1 << 4, buf[4]);
EXPECT_EQ(0, buf[5]);
Bits<uint8_t>::set(buf, 40);
EXPECT_EQ(1 << 4, buf[4]);
EXPECT_EQ(1, buf[5]);
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<uint8_t>::count(buf, buf + 256));
template <class T>
void runSimpleTest8() {
auto load = detail::BitsTraits<T>::load;
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::blockCount(0));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(1));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(8));
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<T>::blockCount(9));
EXPECT_EQ(256, Bits<T>::blockCount(2048));
EXPECT_EQ(257, Bits<T>::blockCount(2049));
EXPECT_EQ(4, Bits<T>::blockIndex(39));
EXPECT_EQ(7, Bits<T>::bitOffset(39));
EXPECT_EQ(5, Bits<T>::blockIndex(40));
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::bitOffset(40));
T buf[256];
std::fill(buf, buf + 256, T(0));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 36);
Bits<T>::set(buf, 39);
EXPECT_EQ((1 << 7) | (1 << 4), load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(0, load(buf[5]));
Bits<T>::clear(buf, 39);
EXPECT_EQ(1 << 4, load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(0, load(buf[5]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 40);
EXPECT_EQ(1 << 4, load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, load(buf[5]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<T>::count(buf, buf + 256));
TEST(Bits, Simple8) {
TEST(Bits, SimpleUnaligned8) {
template <class T>
void runSimpleTest64() {
auto load = detail::BitsTraits<T>::load;
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::blockCount(0));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(1));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(8));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(9));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(64));
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<T>::blockCount(65));
EXPECT_EQ(32, Bits<T>::blockCount(2048));
EXPECT_EQ(33, Bits<T>::blockCount(2049));
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::blockIndex(39));
EXPECT_EQ(39, Bits<T>::bitOffset(39));
EXPECT_EQ(4, Bits<T>::blockIndex(319));
EXPECT_EQ(63, Bits<T>::bitOffset(319));
EXPECT_EQ(5, Bits<T>::blockIndex(320));
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::bitOffset(320));
T buf[256];
std::fill(buf, buf + 256, T(0));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 300);
Bits<T>::set(buf, 319);
EXPECT_EQ((uint64_t(1) << 44) | (uint64_t(1) << 63), load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(0, load(buf[5]));
Bits<T>::clear(buf, 319);
EXPECT_EQ(uint64_t(1) << 44, load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(0, load(buf[5]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 320);
EXPECT_EQ(uint64_t(1) << 44, load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, load(buf[5]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<T>::count(buf, buf + 256));
TEST(Bits, Simple64) {
TEST(Bits, SimpleUnaligned64) {
template <class T>
void runMultiBitTest8() {
auto load = detail::BitsTraits<T>::load;
T buf[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78};
EXPECT_EQ(0x02, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 0, 4)));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1a, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 9, 5)));
EXPECT_EQ(0xb1, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 13, 8)));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 0, 4, 0x0b);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, load(buf[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x34, load(buf[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x56, load(buf[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, load(buf[3]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 9, 5, 0x0e);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, load(buf[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1c, load(buf[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x56, load(buf[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, load(buf[3]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 13, 8, 0xaa);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, load(buf[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x5c, load(buf[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x55, load(buf[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, load(buf[3]));
TEST(Bits, MultiBit8) {
TEST(Bits, MultiBitUnaligned8) {
template <class T>
void runMultiBitTest64() {
auto load = detail::BitsTraits<T>::load;
T buf[] = {0x123456789abcdef0, 0x13579bdf2468ace0};
EXPECT_EQ(0xf0, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 0, 8)));
EXPECT_EQ(0x89abcdef, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 4, 32)));
EXPECT_EQ(0x189abcdef, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 4, 33)));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 4, 31, 0x55555555);
EXPECT_EQ(0xd5555555, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 4, 32)));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1d5555555, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 4, 33)));
EXPECT_EQ(0xd55555550, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 0, 36)));
TEST(Bits, MultiBit64) {
TEST(Bits, MultiBit) {
uint8_t buf[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78};
EXPECT_EQ(0x02, Bits<uint8_t>::get(buf, 0, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1a, Bits<uint8_t>::get(buf, 9, 5));
EXPECT_EQ(0xb1, Bits<uint8_t>::get(buf, 13, 8));
Bits<uint8_t>::set(buf, 0, 4, 0x0b);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, buf[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x34, buf[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x56, buf[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, buf[3]);
Bits<uint8_t>::set(buf, 9, 5, 0x0e);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, buf[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1c, buf[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x56, buf[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, buf[3]);
Bits<uint8_t>::set(buf, 13, 8, 0xaa);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, buf[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x5c, buf[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x55, buf[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, buf[3]);
TEST(Bits, MultiBitUnaligned64) {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
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