Commit 7969353a authored by Mark Williams's avatar Mark Williams Committed by Sara Golemon

New feature support in folly::AtomicHash*

AtomicHashMap/AtomicHashArray didn't support a custom equality
function, and didnt support pointer keys. We only ever do
compare-and-swap against the 3 "magic" keys, so as long as we're
careful we can continue to do that, while using the equality
function elsewhere.

Also add a user-configurable growth rate, independent of

Test Plan: automated tests

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D806936
parent aa0a6569
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
namespace folly {
// AtomicHashArray private constructor --
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
AtomicHashArray(size_t capacity, KeyT emptyKey, KeyT lockedKey,
KeyT erasedKey, double maxLoadFactor, size_t cacheSize)
: capacity_(capacity), maxEntries_(size_t(maxLoadFactor * capacity_ + 0.5)),
......@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ AtomicHashArray(size_t capacity, KeyT emptyKey, KeyT lockedKey,
* of key and returns true, or if key does not exist returns false and
* ret.index is set to capacity_.
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
typename AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
typename AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
findInternal(const KeyT key_in) {
DCHECK_NE(key_in, kEmptyKey_);
DCHECK_NE(key_in, kLockedKey_);
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ findInternal(const KeyT key_in) {
idx = probeNext(idx, numProbes)) {
const KeyT key = acquireLoadKey(cells_[idx]);
if (LIKELY(key == key_in)) {
if (LIKELY(EqualFcn()(key, key_in))) {
return SimpleRetT(idx, true);
if (UNLIKELY(key == kEmptyKey_)) {
......@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ findInternal(const KeyT key_in) {
* this will be the previously inserted value, and if the map is full it is
* default.
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
template <class T>
typename AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
typename AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
insertInternal(KeyT key_in, T&& value) {
const short NO_NEW_INSERTS = 1;
const short NO_PENDING_INSERTS = 2;
......@@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ insertInternal(KeyT key_in, T&& value) {
// Direct comparison rather than EqualFcn ok here
// (we just inserted it)
DCHECK(relaxedLoadKey(*cell) == key_in);
++numEntries_; // This is a thread cached atomic increment :)
......@@ -159,7 +161,7 @@ insertInternal(KeyT key_in, T&& value) {
const KeyT thisKey = acquireLoadKey(*cell);
if (thisKey == key_in) {
if (EqualFcn()(thisKey, key_in)) {
// Found an existing entry for our key, but we don't overwrite the
// previous value.
return SimpleRetT(idx, false);
......@@ -191,8 +193,8 @@ insertInternal(KeyT key_in, T&& value) {
* erased key will never be reused. If there's an associated value, we won't
* touch it either.
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
size_t AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
size_t AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
erase(KeyT key_in) {
CHECK_NE(key_in, kEmptyKey_);
CHECK_NE(key_in, kLockedKey_);
......@@ -208,10 +210,10 @@ erase(KeyT key_in) {
// is similar to how it's handled in find().
return 0;
if (key_in == currentKey) {
if (EqualFcn()(currentKey, key_in)) {
// Found an existing entry for our key, attempt to mark it erased.
// Some other thread may have erased our key, but this is ok.
KeyT expect = key_in;
KeyT expect = currentKey;
if (cellKeyPtr(*cell)->compare_exchange_strong(expect, kErasedKey_)) {
numErases_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
......@@ -234,13 +236,13 @@ erase(KeyT key_in) {
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
const typename AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::Config
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::defaultConfig;
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
const typename AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::Config
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::defaultConfig;
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
typename AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::SmartPtr
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
typename AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::SmartPtr
AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
create(size_t maxSize, const Config& c) {
CHECK_LE(c.maxLoadFactor, 1.0);
CHECK_GT(c.maxLoadFactor, 0.0);
......@@ -272,8 +274,8 @@ create(size_t maxSize, const Config& c) {
return map;
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
void AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
void AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
destroy(AtomicHashArray* p) {
FOR_EACH_RANGE(i, 0, p->capacity_) {
......@@ -286,8 +288,8 @@ destroy(AtomicHashArray* p) {
// clear -- clears all keys and values in the map and resets all counters
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
void AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
void AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
clear() {
FOR_EACH_RANGE(i, 0, capacity_) {
if (cells_[i].first != kEmptyKey_) {
......@@ -305,9 +307,9 @@ clear() {
// Iterator implementation
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
template <class ContT, class IterVal>
struct AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::aha_iterator
struct AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::aha_iterator
: boost::iterator_facade<aha_iterator<ContT,IterVal>,
......@@ -42,13 +42,16 @@
namespace folly {
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn = std::hash<KeyT>>
template <class KeyT, class ValueT,
class HashFcn = std::hash<KeyT>, class EqualFcn = std::equal_to<KeyT>>
class AtomicHashMap;
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn = std::hash<KeyT>>
template <class KeyT, class ValueT,
class HashFcn = std::hash<KeyT>, class EqualFcn = std::equal_to<KeyT>>
class AtomicHashArray : boost::noncopyable {
static_assert((std::is_convertible<KeyT,int32_t>::value ||
std::is_convertible<KeyT,int64_t>::value ||
std::is_convertible<KeyT,const void*>::value),
"You are trying to use AtomicHashArray with disallowed key "
"types. You must use atomically compare-and-swappable integer "
"keys, or a different container class.");
......@@ -117,13 +120,15 @@ class AtomicHashArray : boost::noncopyable {
KeyT lockedKey;
KeyT erasedKey;
double maxLoadFactor;
double growthFactor;
int entryCountThreadCacheSize;
size_t capacity; // if positive, overrides maxLoadFactor
constexpr Config() : emptyKey(static_cast<KeyT>(-1ul)),
constexpr Config() : emptyKey((KeyT)-1),
capacity(0) {}
......@@ -210,7 +215,7 @@ class AtomicHashArray : boost::noncopyable {
/* Private data and helper functions... */
friend class AtomicHashMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashFcn>;
friend class AtomicHashMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashFcn,EqualFcn>;
struct SimpleRetT { size_t idx; bool success;
SimpleRetT(size_t i, bool s) : idx(i), success(s) {}
......@@ -22,16 +22,17 @@
namespace folly {
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
const typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::Config
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::defaultConfig;
template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
const typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::Config
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::defaultConfig;
// AtomicHashMap constructor -- Atomic wrapper that allows growth
// This class has a lot of overhead (184 Bytes) so only use for big maps
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
AtomicHashMap(size_t size, const Config& config)
: kGrowthFrac_(1.0 - config.maxLoadFactor) {
: kGrowthFrac_(config.growthFactor < 0 ?
1.0 - config.maxLoadFactor : config.growthFactor) {
CHECK(config.maxLoadFactor > 0.0 && config.maxLoadFactor < 1.0);
subMaps_[0].store(SubMap::create(size, config).release(),
......@@ -43,9 +44,9 @@ AtomicHashMap(size_t size, const Config& config)
// insert --
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
std::pair<typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashFcn>::iterator,bool>
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
std::pair<typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashFcn,EqualFcn>::iterator,bool>
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
insert(key_type k, const mapped_type& v) {
SimpleRetT ret = insertInternal(k,v);
SubMap* subMap = subMaps_[ret.i].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
......@@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ insert(key_type k, const mapped_type& v) {
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
std::pair<typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashFcn>::iterator,bool>
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
std::pair<typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT,ValueT,HashFcn,EqualFcn>::iterator,bool>
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
insert(key_type k, mapped_type&& v) {
SimpleRetT ret = insertInternal(k, std::move(v));
SubMap* subMap = subMaps_[ret.i].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
......@@ -64,15 +65,14 @@ insert(key_type k, mapped_type&& v) {
// insertInternal -- Allocates new sub maps as existing ones fill up.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
template <class T>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
insertInternal(key_type key, T&& value) {
int nextMapIdx = // this maintains our state
uint32_t idx = 0;
typename SubMap::SimpleRetT ret;
FOR_EACH_RANGE(i, 0, nextMapIdx) {
// insert in each map successively. If one succeeds, we're done!
......@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ insertInternal(key_type key, T&& value) {
// find --
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::iterator
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::iterator
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
find(KeyT k) {
SimpleRetT ret = findInternal(k);
if (ret.i >= numMapsAllocated_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
......@@ -154,17 +154,17 @@ find(KeyT k) {
return iterator(this, ret.i, subMap->makeIter(ret.j));
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::const_iterator
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::const_iterator
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
find(KeyT k) const {
return const_cast<AtomicHashMap*>(this)->find(k);
// findInternal --
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
findInternal(const KeyT k) const {
SubMap* const primaryMap = subMaps_[0].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
typename SubMap::SimpleRetT ret = primaryMap->findInternal(k);
......@@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ findInternal(const KeyT k) const {
// findAtInternal -- see encodeIndex() for details.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::SimpleRetT
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
findAtInternal(uint32_t idx) const {
uint32_t subMapIdx, subMapOffset;
if (idx & kSecondaryMapBit_) {
......@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ findAtInternal(uint32_t idx) const {
// erase --
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::size_type
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
typename AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::size_type
AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
erase(const KeyT k) {
int const numMaps = numMapsAllocated_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
FOR_EACH_RANGE(i, 0, numMaps) {
......@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ erase(const KeyT k) {
// capacity -- summation of capacities of all submaps
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
size_t AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
size_t AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
capacity() const {
size_t totalCap(0);
int const numMaps = numMapsAllocated_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
......@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ capacity() const {
// spaceRemaining --
// number of new insertions until current submaps are all at max load
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
size_t AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
size_t AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
spaceRemaining() const {
size_t spaceRem(0);
int const numMaps = numMapsAllocated_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
......@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ spaceRemaining() const {
// clear -- Wipes all keys and values from primary map and destroys
// all secondary maps. Not thread safe.
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
void AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
void AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
clear() {
int const numMaps = numMapsAllocated_
......@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ clear() {
// size --
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
size_t AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
size_t AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
size() const {
size_t totalSize(0);
int const numMaps = numMapsAllocated_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
......@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ size() const {
// 31 1
// 27-30 which subMap
// 0-26 subMap offset (index_ret input)
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
inline uint32_t AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
inline uint32_t AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::
encodeIndex(uint32_t subMap, uint32_t offset) {
DCHECK_EQ(offset & kSecondaryMapBit_, 0); // offset can't be too big
if (subMap == 0) return offset;
......@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ encodeIndex(uint32_t subMap, uint32_t offset) {
// Iterator implementation
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn>
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename HashFcn, typename EqualFcn>
template<class ContT, class IterVal, class SubIt>
struct AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn>::ahm_iterator
struct AtomicHashMap<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn>::ahm_iterator
: boost::iterator_facade<ahm_iterator<ContT,IterVal,SubIt>,
......@@ -143,10 +143,6 @@ namespace folly {
* - We don't take the Hash function object as an instance in the
* constructor.
* - We don't take a Compare template parameter (since our keys must
* be integers, and the underlying hash array here uses atomic
* compare-and-swap instructions, we only allow normal integer
* comparisons).
// Thrown when insertion fails due to running out of space for
......@@ -157,16 +153,16 @@ struct AtomicHashMapFullError : std::runtime_error {
template<class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn>
template<class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashFcn, class EqualFcn>
class AtomicHashMap : boost::noncopyable {
typedef AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn> SubMap;
typedef AtomicHashArray<KeyT, ValueT, HashFcn, EqualFcn> SubMap;
typedef KeyT key_type;
typedef ValueT mapped_type;
typedef std::pair<const KeyT, ValueT> value_type;
typedef HashFcn hasher;
typedef std::equal_to<KeyT> key_equal;
typedef EqualFcn key_equal;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
......@@ -204,7 +200,7 @@ class AtomicHashMap : boost::noncopyable {
key_equal key_eq() const { return key_eq(); }
key_equal key_eq() const { return key_equal(); }
hasher hash_function() const { return hasher(); }
// TODO: emplace() support would be nice.
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