Commit 7e31a318 authored by Adam Simpkins's avatar Adam Simpkins Committed by Jordan DeLong

support stack-allocated IOBufs

Previously, all IOBuf APIs required that IOBufs always be allocated on
the heap.  The only methods provided to create IOBufs returned

This adds new methods to support creating IOBufs on the stack.  This is
useful in cases where the IOBuf will be short-lived, and the overhead of
the heap allocation is undesirable.  (One use case is to wrap an
existing buffer in a short-lived IOBuf so that it can be used with the
Cursor API.)

I have currently made IOBufs movable but not copyable.  (Move operations
clearly should move only a single IOBuf, but it is not clear if the copy
operators should copy only a single IOBuf or the entire chain.)

Test Plan:
Updated the unit tests to test the new CREATE, WRAP_BUFFER,
TAKE_OWNERSHIP, and COPY_BUFFER constructors, as well as the move
constructor and assignment operator.

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D1067341
parent 9f040aa0
......@@ -18,8 +18,11 @@
#include "folly/io/IOBuf.h"
#include "folly/Malloc.h"
#include "folly/Conv.h"
#include "folly/Likely.h"
#include "folly/Malloc.h"
#include "folly/Memory.h"
#include "folly/ScopeGuard.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <assert.h>
......@@ -51,8 +54,29 @@ enum : uint32_t {
kDefaultCombinedBufSize = 1024
// Helper function for IOBuf::takeOwnership()
void takeOwnershipError(bool freeOnError, void* buf,
folly::IOBuf::FreeFunction freeFn,
void* userData) {
if (!freeOnError) {
if (!freeFn) {
try {
freeFn(buf, userData);
} catch (...) {
// The user's free function is not allowed to throw.
// (We are already in the middle of throwing an exception, so
// we cannot let this exception go unhandled.)
} // unnamed namespace
namespace folly {
struct IOBuf::HeapPrefix {
......@@ -160,6 +184,30 @@ void IOBuf::freeInternalBuf(void* buf, void* userData) {
releaseStorage(storage, kDataInUse);
IOBuf::IOBuf(CreateOp, uint32_t capacity)
: next_(this),
type_(kExtAllocated) {
allocExtBuffer(capacity, &buf_, &sharedInfo_, &capacity_);
data_ = buf_;
IOBuf::IOBuf(CopyBufferOp op, const void* buf, uint32_t size,
uint32_t headroom, uint32_t minTailroom)
: IOBuf(CREATE, headroom + size + minTailroom) {
memcpy(writableData(), buf, size);
IOBuf::IOBuf(CopyBufferOp op, ByteRange br,
uint32_t headroom, uint32_t minTailroom)
: IOBuf(op,, br.size(), headroom, minTailroom) {
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::create(uint32_t capacity) {
// For smaller-sized buffers, allocate the IOBuf, SharedInfo, and the buffer
// all with a single allocation.
......@@ -196,22 +244,7 @@ unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::createCombined(uint32_t capacity) {
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::createSeparate(uint32_t capacity) {
// Allocate an external buffer
uint8_t* buf;
SharedInfo* sharedInfo;
uint32_t actualCapacity;
allocExtBuffer(capacity, &buf, &sharedInfo, &actualCapacity);
// Allocate the IOBuf header
try {
return unique_ptr<IOBuf>(new IOBuf(kExtAllocated, 0,
buf, actualCapacity,
buf, 0,
} catch (...) {
return make_unique<IOBuf>(CREATE, capacity);
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::createChain(
......@@ -230,52 +263,71 @@ unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::createChain(
return out;
IOBuf::IOBuf(TakeOwnershipOp, void* buf, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t length,
FreeFunction freeFn, void* userData,
bool freeOnError)
: next_(this),
type_(kExtUserSupplied) {
try {
sharedInfo_ = new SharedInfo(freeFn, userData);
} catch (...) {
takeOwnershipError(freeOnError, buf, freeFn, userData);
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::takeOwnership(void* buf, uint32_t capacity,
uint32_t length,
FreeFunction freeFn,
void* userData,
bool freeOnError) {
SharedInfo* sharedInfo = NULL;
try {
// TODO: We could allocate the IOBuf object and SharedInfo all in a single
// memory allocation. We could use the existing HeapStorage class, and
// define a new kSharedInfoInUse flag. We could change our code to call
// releaseStorage(kFlagFreeSharedInfo) when this kFlagFreeSharedInfo,
// rather than directly calling delete.
sharedInfo = new SharedInfo(freeFn, userData);
uint8_t* bufPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(buf);
return unique_ptr<IOBuf>(new IOBuf(kExtUserSupplied, kFlagFreeSharedInfo,
bufPtr, capacity,
bufPtr, length,
// Note that we always pass freeOnError as false to the constructor.
// If the constructor throws we'll handle it below. (We have to handle
// allocation failures from make_unique too.)
return make_unique<IOBuf>(TAKE_OWNERSHIP, buf, capacity, length,
freeFn, userData, false);
} catch (...) {
delete sharedInfo;
if (freeOnError) {
if (freeFn) {
try {
freeFn(buf, userData);
} catch (...) {
// The user's free function is not allowed to throw.
} else {
takeOwnershipError(freeOnError, buf, freeFn, userData);
IOBuf::IOBuf(WrapBufferOp, const void* buf, uint32_t capacity)
: IOBuf(kExtUserOwned, kFlagUserOwned,
// We cast away the const-ness of the buffer here.
// This is okay since IOBuf users must use unshare() to create a copy
// of this buffer before writing to the buffer.
static_cast<uint8_t*>(const_cast<void*>(buf)), capacity,
static_cast<uint8_t*>(const_cast<void*>(buf)), capacity,
nullptr) {
IOBuf::IOBuf(WrapBufferOp op, ByteRange br)
: IOBuf(op,, folly::to<uint32_t>(br.size())) {
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::wrapBuffer(const void* buf, uint32_t capacity) {
// We cast away the const-ness of the buffer here.
// This is okay since IOBuf users must use unshare() to create a copy of
// this buffer before writing to the buffer.
uint8_t* bufPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(const_cast<void*>(buf));
return unique_ptr<IOBuf>(new IOBuf(kExtUserSupplied, kFlagUserOwned,
bufPtr, capacity,
bufPtr, capacity,
return make_unique<IOBuf>(WRAP_BUFFER, buf, capacity);
IOBuf::IOBuf() noexcept {
IOBuf::IOBuf(IOBuf&& other) noexcept {
*this = std::move(other);
IOBuf::IOBuf(ExtBufTypeEnum type,
......@@ -313,6 +365,54 @@ IOBuf::~IOBuf() {
IOBuf& IOBuf::operator=(IOBuf&& other) noexcept {
// If we are part of a chain, delete the rest of the chain.
while (next_ != this) {
// Since unlink() returns unique_ptr() and we don't store it,
// it will automatically delete the unlinked element.
// Decrement our refcount on the current buffer
// Take ownership of the other buffer's data
data_ = other.data_;
buf_ = other.buf_;
length_ = other.length_;
capacity_ = other.capacity_;
flags_ = other.flags_;
type_ = other.type_;
sharedInfo_ = other.sharedInfo_;
// Reset other so it is a clean state to be destroyed.
other.data_ = nullptr;
other.buf_ = nullptr;
other.length_ = 0;
other.capacity_ = 0;
other.flags_ = kFlagUserOwned;
other.type_ = kExtUserOwned;
other.sharedInfo_ = nullptr;
// If other was part of the chain, assume ownership of the rest of its chain.
// (It's only valid to perform move assignment on the head of a chain.)
if (other.next_ != &other) {
next_ = other.next_;
next_->prev_ = this;
other.next_ = &other;
prev_ = other.prev_;
prev_->next_ = this;
other.prev_ = &other;
// Sanity check to make sure that other is in a valid state to be destroyed.
DCHECK_EQ(other.prev_, &other);
DCHECK_EQ(other.next_, &other);
DCHECK(other.flags_ & kFlagUserOwned);
return *this;
bool IOBuf::empty() const {
const IOBuf* current = this;
do {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -142,7 +142,26 @@ TEST(IOBuf, TakeOwnership) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, deleteCount);
deleteCount = 0;
uint32_t size4 = 1234;
uint8_t *buf4 = new uint8_t[size4];
uint32_t length4 = 48;
IOBuf iobuf4(IOBuf::TAKE_OWNERSHIP, buf4, size4, length4,
deleteArrayBuffer, &deleteCount);
EXPECT_EQ(length4, iobuf4.length());
EXPECT_EQ(buf4, iobuf4.buffer());
EXPECT_EQ(size4, iobuf4.capacity());
IOBuf iobuf5 = std::move(iobuf4);
EXPECT_EQ(length4, iobuf5.length());
EXPECT_EQ(buf4, iobuf5.buffer());
EXPECT_EQ(size4, iobuf5.capacity());
EXPECT_EQ(0, deleteCount);
EXPECT_EQ(1, deleteCount);
TEST(IOBuf, WrapBuffer) {
......@@ -161,6 +180,14 @@ TEST(IOBuf, WrapBuffer) {
EXPECT_EQ(size2, iobuf2->length());
EXPECT_EQ(buf2.get(), iobuf2->buffer());
EXPECT_EQ(size2, iobuf2->capacity());
uint32_t size3 = 4321;
unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buf3(new uint8_t[size3]);
IOBuf iobuf3(IOBuf::WRAP_BUFFER, buf3.get(), size3);
EXPECT_EQ(size3, iobuf3.length());
EXPECT_EQ(buf3.get(), iobuf3.buffer());
EXPECT_EQ(size3, iobuf3.capacity());
TEST(IOBuf, CreateCombined) {
......@@ -660,6 +687,13 @@ TEST(IOBuf, copyBuffer) {
EXPECT_EQ(3, buf->headroom());
EXPECT_EQ(0, buf->length());
EXPECT_LE(6, buf->tailroom());
// A stack-allocated version
IOBuf stackBuf(IOBuf::COPY_BUFFER, s, 1, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(1, stackBuf.headroom());
EXPECT_EQ(s, std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
EXPECT_LE(2, stackBuf.tailroom());
TEST(IOBuf, maybeCopyBuffer) {
......@@ -931,6 +965,47 @@ TEST(IOBuf, getIov) {
EXPECT_EQ(count - 3, iov.size());
TEST(IOBuf, move) {
// Default allocate an IOBuf on the stack
IOBuf outerBuf;
char data[] = "foobar";
uint32_t length = sizeof(data);
uint32_t actualCapacity{0};
const void* ptr{nullptr};
// Create a small IOBuf on the stack.
// Note that IOBufs created on the stack always use an external buffer.
IOBuf b1(IOBuf::CREATE, 10);
actualCapacity = b1.capacity();
EXPECT_GE(actualCapacity, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(0, b1.length());
ptr =;
ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr);
memcpy(b1.writableTail(), data, length);
EXPECT_EQ(length, b1.length());
// Use the move constructor
IOBuf b2(std::move(b1));
EXPECT_EQ(length, b2.length());
EXPECT_EQ(actualCapacity, b2.capacity());
// Use the move assignment operator
outerBuf = std::move(b2);
// Close scope, destroying b1 and b2
// (which are both be invalid now anyway after moving out of them)
EXPECT_EQ(length, outerBuf.length());
EXPECT_EQ(actualCapacity, outerBuf.capacity());
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
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