Commit a1f3fd04 authored by Marc Celani's avatar Marc Celani Committed by Sara Golemon

store ipaddresses in folly::IPAddress

Summary: Save space and avoid extra mallocs

Test Plan: fbconfig -r smc/zeus; fbmake runtests

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Subscribers: zeus-diffs@

FB internal diff: D1476688

Tasks: 4832974
parent a3b85e00
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class IPAddress : boost::totally_ordered<IPAddress> {
bool empty() const { return (family_ == AF_UNSPEC); }
// @return true if address is initialized
explicit operator bool() { return !empty(); }
explicit operator bool() const { return !empty(); }
// @return true if this is an IPAddressV4 instance
bool isV4() const { return (family_ == AF_INET); }
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