Commit c8cbdd5f authored by Bob Haarman's avatar Bob Haarman Committed by Sara Golemon

removed superfluous declarations from header files

Clang doesn't like the same member of a class being defined more than once,
or default argument values being defined more than once. This diff removes some


Test Plan: Compiled the code with Clang and GCC

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D913226
parent ca7e6f1b
......@@ -43,17 +43,6 @@ namespace folly {
template <class T> class Range;
* Finds the first occurrence of needle in haystack. The algorithm is on
* average faster than O(haystack.size() * needle.size()) but not as fast
* as Boyer-Moore. On the upside, it does not do any upfront
* preprocessing and does not allocate memory.
template <class T, class Comp = std::equal_to<typename Range<T>::value_type>>
inline size_t qfind(const Range<T> & haystack,
const Range<T> & needle,
Comp eq = Comp());
* Finds the first occurrence of needle in haystack. The result is the
* offset reported to the beginning of haystack, or string::npos if
......@@ -565,7 +554,10 @@ struct StringPieceHash {
* Finds substrings faster than brute force by borrowing from Boyer-Moore
* Finds the first occurrence of needle in haystack. The algorithm is on
* average faster than O(haystack.size() * needle.size()) but not as fast
* as Boyer-Moore. On the upside, it does not do any upfront
* preprocessing and does not allocate memory.
template <class T, class Comp>
size_t qfind(const Range<T>& haystack,
......@@ -443,7 +443,6 @@ public:
friend struct TypeError;
struct ObjectImpl;
struct ObjectMaker;
template<class T> struct TypeInfo;
template<class T> struct CompareOp;
template<class T> struct GetAddrImpl;
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