Commit e872b440 authored by Hannes Roth's avatar Hannes Roth Committed by Viswanath Sivakumar

(Wangle) unorderedReduce

Use this if you don't need the order of the input, e.g. summing up
values. This constructs a separate Future chain to do the reducing,
because we don't want to add locking while reducing. The only lock
necessary is when adding a new Future to the chain, which should be
really quick.

Test Plan: Run all the tests.

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Subscribers: folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant

FB internal diff: D2015326

Tasks: 6025252

Signature: t1:2015326:1431557191:9ea2edccb0162dedf067b5b3300de2fe72a1a4c9
parent 0593c224
......@@ -800,6 +800,54 @@ Future<I> Future<T>::reduce(I&& initial, F&& func) {
template <class It, class T, class F, class ItT, class Arg>
Future<T> unorderedReduce(It first, It last, T initial, F func) {
if (first == last) {
return makeFuture(std::move(initial));
typedef isTry<Arg> IsTry;
struct UnorderedReduceContext {
UnorderedReduceContext(T&& memo, F&& fn, size_t n)
: lock_(), memo_(makeFuture<T>(std::move(memo))),
func_(std::move(fn)), numThens_(0), numFutures_(n), promise_()
folly::MicroSpinLock lock_; // protects memo_ and numThens_
Future<T> memo_;
F func_;
size_t numThens_; // how many Futures completed and called .then()
size_t numFutures_; // how many Futures in total
Promise<T> promise_;
auto ctx = std::make_shared<UnorderedReduceContext>(
std::move(initial), std::move(func), std::distance(first, last));
mapSetCallback<ItT>(first, last, [ctx](size_t i, Try<ItT>&& t) {
folly::MoveWrapper<Try<ItT>> mt(std::move(t));
// Futures can be completed in any order, simultaneously.
// To make this non-blocking, we create a new Future chain in
// the order of completion to reduce the values.
// The spinlock just protects chaining a new Future, not actually
// executing the reduce, which should be really fast.
folly::MSLGuard lock(ctx->lock_);
ctx->memo_ = ctx->memo_.then([ctx, mt](T&& v) mutable {
// Either return a ItT&& or a Try<ItT>&& depending
// on the type of the argument of func.
return ctx->func_(std::move(v), mt->template get<IsTry::value, Arg&&>());
if (++ctx->numThens_ == ctx->numFutures_) {
// After reducing the value of the last Future, fulfill the Promise
ctx->memo_.setCallback_([ctx](Try<T>&& t2) {
return ctx->promise_.getFuture();
template <class T>
Future<T> Future<T>::within(Duration dur, Timekeeper* tk) {
return within(dur, TimedOut(), tk);
......@@ -239,6 +239,9 @@ using isFutureResult = isFuture<typename std::result_of<F(T&&, Arg&&)>::type>;
The type of the final result is a Future of the type of the initial value.
Func can either return a T, or a Future<T>
func is called in order of the input, see unorderedReduce if that is not
a requirement
template <class It, class T, class F>
Future<T> reduce(It first, It last, T&& initial, F&& func);
......@@ -255,4 +258,24 @@ auto reduce(Collection&& c, T&& initial, F&& func)
/** like reduce, but calls func on finished futures as they complete
does NOT keep the order of the input
template <class It, class T, class F,
class ItT = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type::value_type,
class Arg = MaybeTryArg<F, T, ItT>>
Future<T> unorderedReduce(It first, It last, T initial, F func);
/// Sugar for the most common case
template <class Collection, class T, class F>
auto unorderedReduce(Collection&& c, T&& initial, F&& func)
-> decltype(unorderedReduce(c.begin(), c.end(), std::forward<T>(initial),
std::forward<F>(func))) {
return unorderedReduce(
} // namespace folly
......@@ -1807,6 +1807,60 @@ TEST(Reduce, Chain) {
TEST(Reduce, Streaming) {
std::vector<Future<int>> fs;
Future<double> f = unorderedReduce(fs.begin(), fs.end(), 0.0,
[](double a, int&& b){
return double(b);
EXPECT_EQ(3.0, f.get());
Promise<int> p1;
Promise<int> p2;
Promise<int> p3;
std::vector<Future<int>> fs;
Future<double> f = unorderedReduce(fs.begin(), fs.end(), 0.0,
[](double a, int&& b){
return double(b);
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, f.get());
TEST(Reduce, StreamingException) {
Promise<int> p1;
Promise<int> p2;
Promise<int> p3;
std::vector<Future<int>> fs;
Future<double> f = unorderedReduce(fs.begin(), fs.end(), 0.0,
[](double a, int&& b){
return b + 0.0;
EXPECT_THROW(f.get(), std::runtime_error);
TEST(Map, Basic) {
Promise<int> p1;
Promise<int> p2;
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