Commit efdc6894 authored by Adam Simpkins's avatar Adam Simpkins Committed by Tudor Bosman

folly: print nice time suffixes in benchmark output

Summary: Print the times using "ms" for milliseconds, "us" for microseconds, etc.

Test Plan:
$ ./_bin/folly/test/benchmark_test
folly/test/BenchmarkTest.cpp              relative  time/iter  iters/s
bmFun                                                  3.36ns  298.01M
bmRepeatedFun                                          1.76ns  569.38M
gun                                                    1.70ns  589.82M
baselinevector                                         3.08us  324.87K
bmVector                                    13.64%    22.56us   44.32K
superslow                                               1.00s  999.82m

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D546209
parent c14f40fc
......@@ -247,68 +247,69 @@ static double runBenchmarkGetNSPerIteration(const BenchmarkFun& fun,
return max(0.0, estimateTime(epochResults, epochResults + actualEpochs));
static string humanReadable(double n, unsigned int decimals) {
auto a = fabs(n);
char suffix = ' ';
if (a >= 1E21) {
// Too big to be comprehended by the puny human brain
suffix = '!';
n /= 1E21;
} else if (a >= 1E18) {
// "EXA" written with suffix 'X' so as to not create confusion
// with scientific notation.
suffix = 'X';
n /= 1E18;
} else if (a >= 1E15) {
// "PETA"
suffix = 'P';
n /= 1E15;
} else if (a >= 1E12) {
// "TERA"
suffix = 'T';
n /= 1E12;
} else if (a >= 1E9) {
// "GIGA"
suffix = 'G';
n /= 1E9;
} else if (a >= 1E6) {
// "MEGA"
suffix = 'M';
n /= 1E6;
} else if (a >= 1E3) {
// "KILO"
suffix = 'K';
n /= 1E3;
} else if (a == 0.0) {
suffix = ' ';
} else if (a < 1E-15) {
// too small
suffix = '?';
n *= 1E18;
} else if (a < 1E-12) {
// "femto"
suffix = 'f';
n *= 1E15;
} else if (a < 1E-9) {
// "pico"
suffix = 'p';
n *= 1E12;
} else if (a < 1E-6) {
// "nano"
suffix = 'n';
n *= 1E9;
} else if (a < 1E-3) {
// "micro"
suffix = 'u';
n *= 1E6;
} else if (a < 1) {
// "mili"
suffix = 'm';
n *= 1E3;
struct ScaleInfo {
double boundary;
const char* suffix;
static const ScaleInfo kTimeSuffixes[] {
{ 365.25 * 24 * 3600, "years" },
{ 24 * 3600, "days" },
{ 3600, "hr" },
{ 60, "min" },
{ 1, "s" },
{ 1E-3, "ms" },
{ 1E-6, "us" },
{ 1E-9, "ns" },
{ 1E-12, "ps" },
{ 1E-15, "fs" },
{ 0, NULL },
static const ScaleInfo kMetricSuffixes[] {
{ 1E24, "Y" }, // yotta
{ 1E21, "Z" }, // zetta
{ 1E18, "X" }, // "exa" written with suffix 'X' so as to not create
// confusion with scientific notation
{ 1E15, "P" }, // peta
{ 1E12, "T" }, // terra
{ 1E9, "G" }, // giga
{ 1E6, "M" }, // mega
{ 1E3, "K" }, // kilo
{ 1, "" },
{ 1E-3, "m" }, // milli
{ 1E-6, "u" }, // micro
{ 1E-9, "n" }, // nano
{ 1E-12, "p" }, // pico
{ 1E-15, "f" }, // femto
{ 1E-18, "a" }, // atto
{ 1E-21, "z" }, // zepto
{ 1E-24, "y" }, // yocto
{ 0, NULL },
static string humanReadable(double n, unsigned int decimals,
const ScaleInfo* scales) {
if (std::isinf(n) || std::isnan(n)) {
return folly::to<string>(n);
return stringPrintf("%*.*f%c", decimals + 3 + 1, decimals, n, suffix);
const double absValue = fabs(n);
const ScaleInfo* scale = scales;
while (absValue < scale[0].boundary && scale[1].suffix != NULL) {
const double scaledValue = n / scale->boundary;
return stringPrintf("%.*f%s", decimals, scaledValue, scale->suffix);
static string readableTime(double n, unsigned int decimals) {
return humanReadable(n, decimals, kTimeSuffixes);
static string metricReadable(double n, unsigned int decimals) {
return humanReadable(n, decimals, kMetricSuffixes);
static void printBenchmarkResultsAsTable(
......@@ -330,8 +331,8 @@ static void printBenchmarkResultsAsTable(
// Print header for a file
auto header = [&](const char* file) {
printf("%-*srelative ns/iter iters/s\n",
columns - 26, file);
printf("%-*srelative time/iter iters/s\n",
columns - 28, file);
......@@ -359,23 +360,24 @@ static void printBenchmarkResultsAsTable(
baselineNsPerIter = get<2>(datum);
useBaseline = false;
s.resize(columns - 27, ' ');
s.resize(columns - 29, ' ');
auto nsPerIter = get<2>(datum);
auto itersPerSec = 1E9 / nsPerIter;
auto secPerIter = nsPerIter / 1E9;
auto itersPerSec = 1 / secPerIter;
if (!useBaseline) {
// Print without baseline
printf("%*s %s %s\n",
printf("%*s %9s %7s\n",
static_cast<int>(s.size()), s.c_str(),
humanReadable(nsPerIter, 2).c_str(),
humanReadable(itersPerSec, 2).c_str());
readableTime(secPerIter, 2).c_str(),
metricReadable(itersPerSec, 2).c_str());
} else {
// Print with baseline
auto rel = baselineNsPerIter / nsPerIter * 100.0;
printf("%*s %7.2f%% %s %s\n",
printf("%*s %7.2f%% %9s %7s\n",
static_cast<int>(s.size()), s.c_str(),
humanReadable(nsPerIter, 2).c_str(),
humanReadable(itersPerSec, 2).c_str());
readableTime(secPerIter, 2).c_str(),
metricReadable(itersPerSec, 2).c_str());
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